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  1. Hannz


    From birth Hannz was a curius Little folow. Hannz grew upp in a nice family home where he could explore his intrests in a safe enviorement. There was just one problem, Hannz would not get satesfied. Every new thing he tested he threw out only a week later for something new. This was not to the satesfaction off the parents altough becous the absurd amount off money they spent on new things for their litle child. When Hannz was only 15 years old he got thrown out with a bit off money to liv on his own. This was problem for Hannz, but not a unbeatable one. Hannz started in his home Town that layd near Haense. Hannz decided to travel to Haense to try and earn some Money to survive. When he started to travel he realized that hee actualy quite enjoyd roaming the world and experiencing new things. He entered the city with hope butsoon realized that it was not easy to live ass a street boy. But he absorbed and adapted to Everything around him to surviv and eventualy started to earn Money through street performances. After a time he ached to get on the road to explore and learn about the world. While traveling the realm he met manny new people that told him manny new stories. One such storie is about another realm past the great ice wall, a realm with new food, places and cultures. Ever since then Hannz have dreamt off going there and experiencing all of another realm. But to achive this Hannz need to grow stronger, make more money and get more information than just a storie. And thats what Hannz been during since then, roaming the world earning money in every way posible to have fun and eventualy maybe going to Another realm.
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