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  1. Sandstream1


    His name is Boris Wheeler and he was one of 5 siblings, he lived with his father since his parents were divorced. He has been brought up with no exercise and no parental love whatsoever. He however is smart and cunning in the way that his strongest ability is manipulation. He can handle a bow relatively well but his strongest ability is his sword usage. His father fought with Imperium Renatum at the Battle of Helena. And so he aspired to be a great fighter, he wondered far and eventually found the County of Pestilles, where he found his new family. He was born in Helena but his mother was Haenseti. In the county of Pestilles he now serves as a member of the order. He found a friend in the order called Solomon de Alence. Despite his torn background and unsupported childhood, he is determined to go on and become a great warrior with his allies and friends together. Before arriving in Pestilles, he ran into his long lost mother and had an emotionally tough but necessary conversation with her about why she abandoned them, she had been cheating on his father. In a burst of rage, he struck her with his sword and decapitated her quickly and painlessly, this however was never discovered by anybody since the incident and he lives on with the regret and burden of his mother’s death!
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