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Everything posted by vr20

  1. vr20


    Tulvirn was born within the sprawling streets of Ver, a proud nationalist who would not hesitate to defend his country – seeing his people as the strongest, hence where his ideologies manifested from. Born into a Canonist family – the Irandur family – he was raised as an extremely strict Canonist and nationalist. Living most of his life within the protected city, his education thriving due to his ability to quickly learn things, although he had a tendency to accidentally work past what had been set for him, and get penalised for it. Moving into the more adult years of his lifes, Ver ws besieged and burnt down by Renatus for their actions. Saddened by the sight of seeing his beloved home set aflame, the man quickly devised a plan in his head while he was fleeing from the burning city. As he began to travel along the roads, moving toward the goal he had decided for – he gathered some of the equipment that he uses to this day, not hesitating to loot corpses or any other free items that he found along the road, accumulating the small collection of identifying clothing he wears. Eventually, he arrived at the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska (Haense). His plan was to leech off of the free government food, the donation area. As he did not have a real job, he had to rely on this resource to keep himself afloat. However, growing sick of the complacent and poor life, he picked up a few more items and moved out to the roads of Sutica, temporarily – moving between Haense and Sutica. He began to bandit upon the roads of Sutica, taking wealth and possessions from the people who travelled down the roads, his hardened and borderline-sociopath personality developing more and more due to this. Since then – Tulvirn has developed his combat and banditting skills, and remains banditting on the roads of Sutica, though he does routinely move around and switch roads so that the armies of a nation do not raise against him, to try and capture him. A smart man with little in life, he aims to elevate his position in society eventually, and hopes to find new and powerful allies – potentially friends – throughout the world. Hence, the story of Tulvirn now (hopefully) continues into Lord of the Craft.
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