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Everything posted by kendrickjames

  1. kendrickjames


    I was born into a small farming settlement south of Santegia. My family ran an inn as many people passed through on their way to Santegia. My brother and I ran the stables while my sisters cleaned the rooms, and I would often talk to many of the guests, hearing stories from far off lands. One of these men was a bard going off to play for a royal family, he left me with a reed flute and some music but I never really did learn to play it. I met many people but the most exciting had to be a man named Desere. He came quickly in the dead of night, owning a large a gash on his side the spewed blood onto the floor of the inn. I remember rushing down the stairs to see my mother leaning over his with my sister holding a sewing kit next to her. My father ushered me back upstairs and made me go to bed, we had never had this happen before so i tossed and turned in bed wondering who he was. When I woke I ran down to the kitchen and saw that man at the table, I sat next to him and asked him what happened. He wasn't quick to respond but eventually he told me that a group of bandits attacked him while he was on his way up to Santegia apparently he was a royal guard delivering special cargo from the south. He stayed with us for a couple months healing from the wound, in that time i believe that we became good friends. He gave me his sword when he left, it's beautiful longsword engraved with the symbol of Santegia. Everyday I practiced with the sword, i never really became that good as my training consisted of attacking a hay bail, but I still have the dream of becoming a great warrior one day. Now it is time that I go have my own adventures in the world so I may tell some boy one day.
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