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  1. qtpetals


    Asterope was born in Fenn, and lived with his two parents for most of his life. Since he was an only child, his parents would constantly spoil him and give him all their attention. Asterope loved his parents, but was a little fed up with being constantly looked after. He longed for adventure and to go out by himself. Although he did go through the military training at age 15, that wasn’t enough adventure for him; and her longed for more. At age 30, he decided it was time for him to leave his parents and travel on his own. Asterope then packed his things and left a note on his parent’s table, and left early in the morning. He didn’t have a destination; he just wanted to explore Arcas and get wealthy. He travelled around for a few years, gaining power, resources and knowledge. He never settled down in a specific place, he was always traveling. One night, he stayed at a pub in a small town for the night. He had befriended a guard there, and they had spent the night laughing and drinking together. In the morning, when Asterope was leaving, he had been attacked by a group of orcs. They were a group of thieves, wanting to steal all of Asterope’s wealth. While he was trying to fight them off, he was hopelessly overpowered. Just as he was about to flee, he saw a group of guards consisting of the guard he had befriended the previous night. He called out to them for help, but instead they turned their backs on him, leaving him to be robbed. All of Asterope’s belongings were stolen, leaving him with nothing, back at square one. Now, Asterope still travels around, reclaiming his wealth, gaining power, trying to make everyone fear him so that nobody would try and rob him ever again. He wants to visit Helena the most because of its culture inspired by wealthy people. He is fascinated by Iblees, and wishes to be as powerful or as feared as he is one day, even though he knows deep down that it is impossible. He rarely befriends anyone anymore, terrified that they would betray him again. He is also secretly searching for that group of guards and the orcs, just to take revenge.
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