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  1. ToastedFlakes


    Dragomir was born in Sutica. He lived with his brother, and his parents. They lived in a decently sized cabin. When he was 3, he started getting homeschooled. When he was 6, he started to practice his fighting skills and studied creatures. When he turned 10, he found his first friend. His friends name was Guiscard. When he was 14, he got his first sword. When he was 15, he encountered a Golem. He successfully defeated the vicious Golem. When he was 16, his friend sailed away to Axios. When he was 17, his mother passed away. His father passed away when Dragomir turned 20. Dragomir was heartbroken, he wanted to get more happy. When he was 22, he found a new creature he never saw before, it was a Ent. It looked like a tree with a human face. He wrote it down in his book of studies he had. He studied way more things and built his own cabin in the woods and planned to stay there for the rest of his life. The end.
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