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About Aluc

  • Birthday February 3

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United Kingdom

Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Alucaz Stormbringer
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280 profile views
  1. Aluc


    Alucaz was born and raised in Morsgrad, where he formed a close bond with his parents at an early age. There was one thing, however, that caused a rift in their relations. Alucaz felt a desire to explore the forests and the wilds, and develop a connection with nature. Yet, to Alucaz's frustration, he was not allowed outside of the confines of the family's house. His parents were protective, and were very strict on this rule, despite their lone son feeling trapped. At 18, he left his parents behind, to finally fulfil the desires which had controlled him for nearly two decades. He intended to study wildlife hands-on, as well as medicine and herbalism. Because of his growing up in Morsgrad he is a very devout member of the red faith and follows it's rules with rigidity. He has a lot to learn, and understands this, yet is curious and passionate about furthering his learning.
  2. Aluc


    Alucaz was born and raised in Morsgrad, where he formed a close bond with his parents at an early age. There was one thing, however, that caused a rift in their relations. Alucaz felt a desire to explore the forests and the wilds, and develop a connection with nature. Yet, to Alucaz's frustration, he was not allowed outside of the confines of the family's house. His parents were protective, and were very strict on this rule, despite their lone son feeling trapped. At 18, he left his parents behind, to finally fulfil the desires which had controlled him for nearly two decades. He intended to study wildlife hands-on, as well as medicine and herbalism. Because of his growing up in Morsgrad he is a very devout member of the red faith and follows it's rules with rigidity. He has a lot to learn, and understands this, yet is curious and passionate about furthering his learning.
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