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Everything posted by nebsV2

  1. nebsV2


    Waking up on the back alleyways of New Reza, the capital of Haense, Occam retains very little info on how he got himself there. He very clearly remembers strolling through the forests to the southeast of Oren, as he was on a personal mission of self discovery. He had set out to find a Cerridwen's Charm, a hotspot for druidic activity. Ever since he was young boy in the farmlands of Curon, he took a liking to tales he had heard from strangers passing through. He didn’t want to live the mundane and repetitive life that his parents had set out in front of him of harvesting the yearly crop in hopes of sufficiently feeding his family. Near his eighteenth birthday a very unusual traveler passed through his village, he went by Mortarth and claimed to be a Lost Druid. Mortarth told incredible stories of his time in many of the forests of Arcas, talking in slight detail about the Druidic Order. Upon finally reaching adulthood, Occam left his family home abruptly in the middle of the night with a single packed satchel. He was out to see the world and investigate more on the stories of Mortarth. He spent the next two years meandering west, meeting new faces and discovering equally new places. He had fallen in love with his vagabond lifestyle and was deep in a forest wandering around before he lost consciousness. The last thing he remembered was getting a taste of the plant he long sought after, Psilocybin Schnibea.
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