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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Antioch Ahren
  • Character Race
    High Elf
  1. Bassgolem


    Born on the outskirts of the Silver City to moderately well off parents, Antioch was coddled by his mother and treated very coldly by his father. His mother inflated his ego and confidence while his father denied him any praise and only spoke of where Antioch had failed when told of his achievements. Antioch had grown quickly to the height of 6’2” by the age of 12 and focused heavily on physical superiority over others, becoming a muscular beast of a man by the age of 16, weighing nearly 180 lbs. Pride and Privilege often got the best of Antioch, at 24 he was bested in a fistfight by a drunken half orc. After many excuses and accusations of cheating, Antioch relented and admitted he was beaten, but his pride would never have allowed him to call an orc his better, much less a befuddled half breed, though he knew it in his heart to be true. The Ahren family raised Antioch to worship Eshtael, believing that to keep balance and natural order the high elves must maintain dominance over other races, as well as display their feats and accomplishments with pride to ascend the hierarchy until they reach their rightful place in society. Antioch took this philosophy to a new extreme, searching for a higher being to worship who could give him the power to take what was his, and to subjugate all who he could. Antioch would find himself prostrated at the altar of Iblees, seeing necromancy as the ultimate conveyor of right. To Antioch, to take what is rightfully yours and bind a being into your servitude, is to achieve your penultimate place in the order of the world, second only to when your own corpse finds itself in the service of another necromancer. Though to his dismay, Antioch would never attain this power over others, and over life itself. It was not his lot in life to pursue the arcane. Unable to resurrect the dead into his employ, Antioch found that absolute physical domination was the only path to what he considered his. He would brawl, kill or even dismember those he found himself in opposition to, by hand or by blade, he would cleave through all he considered himself greater than, and humbly accept defeat by any worthy adversary until present day.
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