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Posts posted by __Stal27


    Iussed on this 8th of Owyn's Flame, 112







    It is with great honor and humility that I bring forth the employement of the one known as Baldric Vourkehardt into the offices of Balian foreign affairs. Having completed a successful interview on the matter of the duties which are beholden to this office, the newly appointed Ambassador Baldric Vourkehardt gratefully accepted the duties and responsibility, pledging to serve the kingdom with unwavering dedication and integrity. Thus it is with grace that the appointed Ambassador shall henceforth deal with matters pertaining to the Kingdom of Norland in place and with oversight of the Royal Legate, performing all matters of foreign affairs with a close ally.



    S I G N E D,


    His Excellency, August Benedict Temesch,

    Count of Martiel, Viscount of San Adriano, 

    Vice-Amiratus of Balian, Royal-Legate of Balian,  

    Militant & Watcher of the Order of Saint Lothar.

  2. "At least five years old?" The Viscount of San Adriano retorted as he read through the missive, humming in some thought as his eyes narrowed upon the parchment then to his children, murmuring under his breath. "In due time, more of the Temesch's will attend and they will be the smartest ones around! But for now.. I will have to do."


    Name of Prospective Scholar: August Benedict Temesch

    Year of Birth: SA 159

    Country of Origin: Balian

    Do you agree to abide by all rules of the Academy?


    Issued on the 2nd of Peter's Glory, 115








    Come one, Come all. With the ascension of His Royal Majesty, Alexander II And Her Royal Majesty, Lavanya I to the thrones of Balian and beginning their rule as King and Queen-Consort respectively, the House Temesch, in these times of celebration and joy, it is only fitting that such a mood is continued throughout the realm and thusly, to this end does the House Temesch, with the aid of the Vourkehardt family bring forth the celebration of San Adriano and thusly, an event to not simply the Kingdom of Balian, but to those of the cannonist realms and neighbouring realms alike,


     “The Races of San Adriano”


    Organized and celebrated respectively by the Viscount of San Adriano and the Patriarch of the Vourkehardt family, the two families have conjoined to bring forth a grand spectacle to the spectators of the realm. A set of races to take place, combined with various commodities such as drinks and foods, a feast for all those appearing to the races alongside the festivities and entertainment of the race itself.



    Saturday 29th of June, 6PM EST, Map to be released closer to the Event time.




    1. All competitors taking part in the Races will have 1 final attempt (15 minutes from the start of the allocated time) to register for the races.


    2. A Toast will be held by the Viscount of San Adriano, welcoming all the spectators and viewers alike to the Viscounty and speaking on the matter of the racecourse.


    3. Once the toast is concluded, the competitors who have registered will have the opportunity to introduce themselves.


    4. During this time, all will have the opportunity to place their bets upon any rider as they pick through a host of random horses.

    5. The first of the races will begin, with a track assembled for the riders alongside various stewards to ensure that there be no cheating.




    1. The Horses for the Race will be provided by the Viscounty of San Adriano & Vourkehardt family to ensure fairness, competitors will have the opportunity to pick at random when the time comes only after they have announced themselves to the spectators.


    2. There will be NO cutting corners, with various stewards posted around the course to ensure there is no cheating!

    3. Enjoy the races, may the best one win!




    1. FIRST PLACE, Will be rewarded with an intricately made saddle, marking them as the best rider of the realm alongside a 300 Mina Reward.


    2. SECOND PLACE, Will be rewarded with intricately woven gloves for riding, alongside a 100 Mina Reward.

    3. THIRD place, Will be rewarded with a 100 Mina Reward.



    His Royal Majesty, Alexandros II, King of Balian, and his royal pedigree.

    Her Royal Highness, Princess Ariadne Casimira, Baroness of Tuvia, and her royal pedigree.

    His Grace, Marcel Vuiller, Duke of Aquiliae, and his noble pedigree.

    Her Grace, Viktoria vas Ruthern, Duchess of Reutov, and her noble pedigree.

    The Right Honorable, Achillius d'Arkent, Count of Salia, and his noble pedigree.

    The Most Honorable, Tristan de Lyons, Viscount of Enderoca, and his noble pedigree.

    The Most Honorable, Viviana Vilac, Viscountess of Valio, and her noble pedigree.

    The Honorable, John Galbraith, Baron of Cascanova, and his noble pedigree.

    The Right Honourable, Friedrich von Augusten, Count of Hohengarten, and his noble family.

    The Right Honourable, Emilio Varoche, Count of Ves, and his noble family.

    The Honourable, Fleur Halcourt, Baroness of Campagnon, and her noble family. 

    Her Ladyship, Katrin Stafyr, Baroness of Feldkirch, and her noble family.
    His Royal Highness, Prince Allerick Rostova, Prince of Ravenmire, and his noble pedigree.

    The Citizen’s of Balian

    Citizens of the Cannonist & Allied Lands



    S I G N E D,


    His Excellency, August Benedict Temesch,

    Count of Martiel, Viscount of San Adriano, 

    Vice-Amiratus of Balian, Royal-Legate of Balian,  

    Militant & Watcher of the Order of Saint Lothar.


    Her Royal Highness, Ophelia Johanna Temesch,

    Princess of Balian, Viscountess-Consort

    His Honurable, Baldric Vourkehardt,

    Senator of the Balian Senate, Chairman of the Via Avanza Party,

    Patriarch of House Vourkehardt


    Issued on this 13th of Peter's Glory, 114











    A Call is made to the denizens of Balian and all those who are privy to the contents of this missive, calling for those who read to come forth and experience the various goods and services that the newly established trading company, known to be as Temesch & Co. has to offer to all, from pieces of artworks to general goods, from dolls, both living and nonliving to dresses stitched and tailored by the House Temesch’s finest craftsmen and women alike. The House Temesch & Co. Trading companies have much to offer in both goods and services and call forth all interested to come and browse, to shop and to indulge in what it has to offer!



    • Arts Pieces and & Tools
    • Living Dolls
    • Clothing & Apparel
    • General Goods



    • An Art Section, For Art Related Products, ran by William Godfrey Temesch
      • Part of the Shop & Example of His Work,



    Part of the Shop,



    Example of His Work,



    • A Section for Housemagery & Book-Related products, ran by Cosima Victoria Temesch
      • Part of the Shop & Example of Her Work,



    Part of the Shop,

    Example of Her Work,



    • 1ST FLOOR
      • Delicately crafted dresses and clothing section, ran by Ophelia Johanna Temesch
      • Example of Her Work,



    Example of Her Work,

    AD_4nXdI8-GX2CVRDDEPQckcSrNAM4E-1mUqejlfVAZ3Ava8T9PVDTphw3uaj_QwF19G5FTOQgjTrVTi9u7XXBeBkcLx7PI2VyV8Ncbsv-gTDocky-ATURpMNdB1fPRQsifzoBSPWx-oYuQJ9cPiEPAx-9FXyP-i?key=HWJTbnuc3jEP-PE0QFBTEA  AD_4nXeXxlj1RexIC8PyIC6KFQ37gICjzp4_w9AVWQpCMv8VOr_2kfgt_qTyvJmuWe4v00ZD2D5nkxccZGL_tqYWLp45PIoUuUr-2Z1LhkJqP3h4k2T07_0pu_qzcWT-wa1S6VFom8D9opvhCtnzo9rC3VUUK2g?key=HWJTbnuc3jEP-PE0QFBTEA


    • 2ND FLOOR
      • Coming Soon
    • 3RD FLOOR
      • Coming Soon



    For Inquiries please send a letter to one of the aforementioned individuals within the shop or leave a not specifying your needs to either one of the trios or more. Discords are as following, Asoart, Lirinya & Comatoseprincess



    Currently, the Balian & Co. Trading company has decided to operately solely from Portoregne within Balian with interest in expanding after a lenghty time has passed.





    S I G N E D,


    His Excellency, August Benedict Temesch,

    Viscount of San Adriano, Royal-Legate of Balian, 

    Vice-Amiratus of Balian.


    Her Royal Highness, Ophelia Johanna Temesch,

    Princess of Balian, Viscountess-Consort of San Adriano.


    Her Ladyship, Cosima Victoria Temesch.


    His Lordship, William Godfrey Temesch.


    On this day, the 13th of Horens Calling, 114







    It is with great honour and joy that the House Temesch, blessed by recent matrimonies of its members, alongside the matrimony of the His Excellence August Benedict & Her Royal Highness, Princess Ophelia Johanna, the House found itself ushered into a newfound era, an era whose destiny and future is to be determined but has been ushered into a favourable term by the leadership of the pair. It is to this end that, with the newfound era of bestowed upon the lands of San Adriano, it is only right that the realm comes to know that the result of a marriage bestowed in love has led to the birth of a set of twins belonging to the House Temesch proper and destined to prosper under the house and bring the House to further heights.


    Thus let us welcome the newfound members of the House known to be as, 


    Augusta Eliana Temesch et Martiel

    Wilhelm Ezren Temesch et Martiel



    S I G N E D ,


    His Excellency, August Benedict Temesch,

    Viscount of San Adriano, Royal-Legate of Balian, 

    Vice-Amiratus of Balian.


    Her Royal Highness, Ophelia Johanna Temesch,

    Princess of Balian, Viscountess-Consort of San Adriano.


  6. "Another day where another sibling must leave the viscounty.. the tragedy.." Spoke the Viscount to none in particular but himself as the halls of San Adriano had released another member to matrimony, a soft sigh releasing from himself then as he set down the invitation, "Regardless, congratulations are a must and are in order, celebrations following such of course. To another Temesch union!"

  7. 1 hour ago, CharlestheDwarf said:

    GRAND KING THURGRIM SILVERBRAID squints at the invitation bound for Urguan, reading and re-reading its designated recipient. Then, looks to the dwarf courier at his side. 


    "... Are we receivin' letters from nearly three decades ago?"


    The courier shrugs.


    A hastily written letter, alongside the delievery of multiple old wines and drinks would be delievered to the Grand King, with the letter reading.

    "To the Grand King THURGRIM SILVERBRAID,


    I must pen you a deep apology out of embarrassment for the mistake carried out by the penning of the name upon letter and I must profusly apologise for such a mistake made. It is reassured to the Grand King that no such mistake should be made and he may enjoy the gifts of apology delievered to himself.


    The Office of the Legate."

  8. The Royal-Legate, much too stunned from the events that transpired before him had looked down to his shaking hands, the death of his father was surpressed far below yet the death of someone who had mentored him ever since his arrival into the southern lands had all but exposed the very emotions he bottled deep down. There was much he wished to learn from the now late Queen, much he wished to question, much he wished to witness with her as a figure yet it had all but dissipated in the blink of an eye and he was left standing, reeling from the loss he felt from a mentor who he knew for so little time, yet had taught him so very much. He legate who often had much to say could find no words for a moment like this, instead it was a time like there where he mourned for the loss of a true monarch and the loss of a mentor, much as the whole cannonist kingdom did the young, August find himself in mourning, lightning a candle each night for the loss of a true Queen and whispering the words, "Gott save the Queen.. Ave Balian.."



    Can't even begin to say how much you've done for me and the chances you have given to I, truly a great rper but first and foremost a great person, thank you so much for the things you've done to Balian! Hope to see you around as a character!




    Iussed By the,


    On this 8th of Owyn's Flame, 112






    It is with great honor and humility that I the emplyment of the one known as Solebron into the offices of Balian foreign affairs. Having completed a successful interview on the matter of the duties which are beholden to this office, the newly appointed Ambassador Pater Ivan var Ruthern gratefully accepted the duties and responsibility, pledging to serve the kingdom with unwavering dedication and integrity. Thus it is with grace that the appointed Ambassador shall henceforth deal with matters pertaining to the Heartlander Confederation in place and with oversight of the Royal Legate, performing all matters of foreign affairs with a close ally.




    Don August Benedit Temesch,

    Royal-Legate of Balian, Militant of the Regiment of Saint Lothar and Watcher of the Order of Saint Lothar


    Issued on this 5th of Oweth's Flame, 111






    The esteemed House Temesch of San Adriano and the royal House Novellen of Balian celebrate the marriage of its members, His Excellency August Benedict Temesch and the beautiful Princess Ophelia Johanna, with hearts bursting with delight and spirits full of anticipation. Their path to this point was intertwined with elements of serendipity and fate; both individually perceived a gentle tug from fate, which brought them to this particular time and this particular union.


    Thus, In a ceremony steeped in tradition do they invite the following to the to the Basilica la Holy Supernals in the capital city of Portoregne where they will be wedded under the cannonist faith, the following are also thusly invited to partake in the festivities that shall proceed past the wedding ceremony and take place within the square, promising to hold a dance and feast within the Royal Palace of Portoregne thereafter.



    Saturday 1st of June, 4PM EST, Basilica within Portoregne




    His Royal Majesty, Ivan VIII, King of Hanseti-Ruska, and his royal pedigree.

    His Apostolic Majesty, John I, King of Aaun, and his royal pedigree.

    Her Royal Majesty, Catherine I, Queen of the Petra, and her royal pedigree.

    Her Royal Majesty, Ramona de Pelear, Soberana of Hyspia, and her royal pedigree.

    Her Royal Highness, Ariadne, Princess of Balian & Baroness of Tuvia, and her royal pedigree.

    Her Grace, Ashwýn Sythaèrin, and her noble pedigree.

    His Grace, Demetrius var Ruthern, Duke of Reutov, and his noble pedigree.

    His Grace, Johan Vuiller, Duke of Aquiliae, and his noble pedigree.

    The Right Honorable, Achillius d'Arkent, Count of Salia, and his noble pedigree.

    The Most Honorable, Robert de Lyons, Viscount of Enderoca, and his noble pedigree.

    The Most Honorable, Casimir Vilac, Viscount of Valio, and his noble pedigree.

    The Honorable, John Galbraith, Baron of Cascanova, and his noble pedigree.

    All citizens and allies of the Kingdom of Balian.



    Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I, Queen of Balian, and her royal pedigree.

    His Royal Highness, Alexandros, Prince of Monterosa, and his royal pedigree.

    Her Royal Highness, Santana Leya Ramona de Pelear, Crown-Princess of Hyspia.

    His Royal Highness, Renata Alba Francisca de Pelear, Princess-Royal of Hyspia.

    His Royal Highness, Rafael Arsenico Diego de Pelear, Infante of Hyspia.

    Her Royal Highness, Kareena Isabel, Princess of Nasrid.

    His Royal Excellency, Kristoff var Ruthern, Amiratus of Balian, and his royal pedigree.

    His Grace, Olivier Sebastian Ashford de Savoie.

    The Right Honourable, Friedrich von Augusten, Count of Hohengarten, and his noble family.

    The Most Honourable, Cosima Victoria Temesch, Viscountess of San Adriano.

    Her Ladyship, Esfir Artemesia Amador, Baroness of Mondstadt.

    His Lordship, Charles Temesch-Stafyr, Baron-consort of Feldkirch, and his noble family.

    Her Ladyship, Feliska Sarkozic, and her noble family.

    Her Ladyship, Maria Giavana Vilac

    Sir Solebron

    All members of the order of St. Lothar’s Hold.



    S I G N E D,


    His Excellency, August Benedict Temesch,

    Royal-Legate of Balian, Vice-Amiratus of Balian, 

    Militant & Watcher of the Order of Saint Lothar.


    Her Royal Highness, Ophelia Johanna Novellen,

    Princess of Balian.

  11. The Temesch who looked so alike his father had been silent for days preceding such an announcement, he hadn’t been isolated, there was far too much taking place for a proper bout of mourning, days preceded and he continued on, withholding his emotions inside until the day came where he finally cracked, but such a day would not be close, not until much of what were taking place had all but been a figment of the past, “Not now.. Not now.” Was all he spoke, his attempts to put on a facade and continue as normality would dictate was all in vein to the many who would recognize the subtle shifts in the legate, his mannerisms, his silence, his continued trances, it all betrayed his facade of being fine, it was undeniable that he was affected by such a sudden loss, after-all how could one not be, despite this however, he knew a time for mourning was not current. Yet a candle was lit each passing night within San Adriano, a silent prayer uttered for the former Viscount who led the house as he had.

  12. rjAofx4_Gh48XivsuM_Y1LttrI4Aa45Q5sRMLQyk4ob5Y8qGz2-vVcpP54iA_B29aLsnGjFtUhP7eKxucTvFd4BS8M9MTIqrDeqduWy9o9QBrvwOBKxHonaIkB7V3PzaRQY6-uJjUpWkVS50noqw3X8






    Issued by the


    On this 5th of Lothar's Gift, Year 110




    P R E A M B L E

    The Kingdom of Balian has been experiencing a surge in attacks by malevolent and supernatural entities, necessitating the issuance of this comprehensive travel advisory to safeguard our citizens and visitors. Recent reports have detailed a concerning rise in assaults by creatures such as darkspawn, and Azdrazi. The origins of this increase remain shrouded in mystery, yet our commitment to the safety and well-being of our populace remains unwavering. These vile entities have been indiscriminate in their targeting of the populace, thus all are advised to remain vigilant. The severity of these incidents has prompted immediate action to ensure that our communities remain vigilant and well-prepared.


    In response to these threats, the Office of the Legate has issued a set of guidelines and recommendations aimed at enhancing the safety and security of all individuals within the borders of Balian. This advisory extends to domestic and foreign travel, urging everyone to take necessary precautions to avoid harm. The following measures are designed to mitigate risks and provide essential protection against the malevolent forces that seek to disrupt our peace. Residents are advised to carry aurum weapons, avoid isolated areas, and report any suspicious activities to the appropriate authorities without delay. Additionally, increased patrols by the Royal military will focus on less trafficked areas to ensure rapid response to any incidents.


    Moreover, for those traveling beyond our borders, it is crucial to remain informed about local laws and customs, travel in groups, and know the locations of Balian embassies or ambassadors in foreign lands. By adhering to these guidelines, both residents and travelers can contribute to the collective security and resilience of our kingdom. The Office of the Legate remains committed to working tirelessly to protect our people and uphold the integrity of our nation in these challenging times. May Gott protect and preserve us all.



    • Supervision of Children:
      • Children are not permitted to travel outside the city walls without the accompaniment of a soldier or knight. Parents and guardians must remain vigilant at all times to ensure the safety of their children.
    • Aurum Weaponry:
      • Residents and travelers within Balian are strongly advised to carry an aurum weapon. These weapons are particularly effective against dark entities and can provide essential protection.
    • Travel Precautions:
      • Avoid traversing dimly lit or isolated areas alone. It is safer to travel in groups and remain in well-lit, populated areas. Always carry a lit torch or lantern to deter nocturnal threats.
    • Reporting Suspicious Activity:
      • Report any suspicious behavior to an officer, soldier of the Kingdom's military or a high ranking members of Balian. Do not confront suspicious individuals on your own, as they may pose significant danger to both mental and physical health.
    • Increased Patrols:
      • Soldiers of the Regiment of St. Lothar will increase patrols in less trafficked parts of the city and surrounding areas. Their presence aims to deter potential threats and respond swiftly to any incidents.



    As threats may extend beyond our borders, the following precautions are advised for Balian citizens traveling abroad:

    • Travel in Groups:
      • Always travel with companions to ensure mutual safety and support.
    • Equip Properly:
      • Carry weapons, particularly those made of aurum, and adequate illumination devices such as torches or lanterns.
    • Stay Informed:
      • Keep abreast of the latest advisories and reports from the Office of the Legate regarding safe and unsafe travel routes and regions.
    • Local Laws and Customs:
      • Respect and adhere to the laws and customs of the regions you visit. Cooperation with local authorities can provide additional safety and assistance.
    • Emergency Contacts:
      • Know the locations of Balian embassies or ambassadors in foreign lands, and have emergency contact readily available.



    Be observant of individuals exhibiting the following suspicious characteristics:

    • Suspicion
      • Individuals who speak suspiciously, those who attempt to lure into areas with minimal sighting, those who act nervous or oddly around guards and light.
    • Physical Appearance:
      • Individuals who appear gaunt, sickly, or have discolored fingernails, eyes, or skin.
    • Cloaked Figures:
      • Individuals who are tall, cloaked, and conceal their faces.
    • Unnatural Features:
      • Individuals with horns or other strange appendages.




    S I G N E D,


    His Excellency, August Benedict Temesch

    Vice-Amiratus of Balian, Royal-Legate of Balian, Militant & Watcher of the Order of Saint Lothar.

  13. "Mamej did more! She is the best!" Did young Grigori Gudnov proclaim in the face of his tutor as he was presented with the document he could barely read.. soon through the barony did the young boy sprint and yell, through each window and door ensuring he missed none, thus making sure everyone in the barony and surrounding areas knew of the his mother's work until he returned home with a hoarse voice.

  14. rjAofx4_Gh48XivsuM_Y1LttrI4Aa45Q5sRMLQyk4ob5Y8qGz2-vVcpP54iA_B29aLsnGjFtUhP7eKxucTvFd4BS8M9MTIqrDeqduWy9o9QBrvwOBKxHonaIkB7V3PzaRQY6-uJjUpWkVS50noqw3X8






    Issued by the


    on Behalf of


    On this 2nd day of Snow's Maiden, 181





    P R E A M B L E

    In honour of the conclusion of the senatorial elections having take place upon [-], the vice-amiratus, with the consent of the Crown and the Amiratus shall issue the calling and convention of the Senate proper upon [Saturday 18th], to formally appoint the Lord-Speaker amongst many other matters which concern the democratically elected Senate. It is upon this very day that the Senators will have the ability to propose their own Bills and Issues to the senate proper once the conclusion of the official agenda proposed by the High-Offices of Balian and the Crown.


    Citizens are encouraged to attend the senatorial proceedings and watch what is taking place or discussed, it is also informed that citizens are able to put forth bills and proposals for senatorial debate through a senator before the beginning of a session that may then be proposed to the senate's floor. All citizens however are encouraged to stand and watch from the balcony of the senate as opposed to the floor, where much of the debate shall take place.


    T H E  A P P OI N T M E N T  O F  T H E  S E N A T O R I A L - S P E A K E R
    The Senatorial-Speaker is defined as the speaker of the Senate who shall be charged with leading the Senate during the session, elected from among the sitting senators. They shall preside over the senate, organizing when to meet, and the agenda for each meeting.


    • The Speaker of the Senate is trusted with the following,
      • Shall act as the chief representative and voice of the Senate to the Crown.
      • The right to request an audience with the Duana and the Crown. 
      • The right to preside over and call the Senate into a meeting, setting forward the agenda for each meeting. 
      • To call for a vote on bills.


    Note: If the speaker is presented with a bill and refuses to allow a vote. A senator can motion for a vote if the motion is approved by a majority vote.


    The Agenda of the 1st Senatorial Convention shall be,

    The Appointment of the Lord-Speaker

    The Confirmation of Don Niklaus Ashford d’Savoie into the position of Procurator

    Any Further Bills placed forth by the Senators to be voted upon.



    The Senate Will convene on Saturday the 18th at 6PM EST within Ledicourt's Hall



    S I G N E D,


    Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I,

    by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia and Barçevina, Viscountess of Renduzzo, Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera.


    His Royal Excellency, Kristoff var Ruthern,

    Amiratus of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Royal Duana


    His Excellency, August Benedict Temesch, 

    Royal-Legate of Balian, Vice-Amiratus of Balian,  Militant & Watcher of the Order of Saint Lothar.



    Iussed By the,


    On this 1st of The Deep Cold






    It is with great honor and humility that I the emplyment of the one known as Solebron into the offices of Balian foreign affairs. Having completed a successful interview on the matter of the duties which are beholden to this office, the newly appointed Ambassador Solebron gratefully accepted the duties and responsibility, pledging to serve the kingdom with unwavering dedication and integrity. Thus it is with grace that the appointed Ambassador shall henceforth deal with matters pertaining to the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska in place and with oversight of the Royal Legate, performing all matters of foreign affairs with a close ally.




    Don August Benedit Temesch,

    Royal-Legate of Balian, Militant of the Regiment of Saint Lothar and Watcher of the Order of Saint Lothar



    Iussed By the,


    On this 4th of The Amber Cold





    It is with great honor and humility that I accept the role of the Royal Legate for the Kingdom. I am deeply grateful for the trust and confidence placed in me by our leadership, and I pledge to serve our kingdom with unwavering dedication and integrity. I am eager to begin working to further the diplomatic goals of this realm and strengthen relationships with our allies and partners. Together, the office holds the opportunity to shape the future of Balian's place in the world and ensure that our kingdom's voice is heard and respected across the continent. Thus, let this be the first of many decrees from this esteemed office.



    I. TO THE END OF, 

    Gathering a committed host of individuals who seek to resolve and strenghten the ties of the kingdom with other realms through diplomatic means. Thus, the office of the legate will initiate a recruiting campaign for ambassadors and diplomats to promote Balian's interests across the continent and within other realms. By assembling a retinute of committed individuals who seek to further the position of the Kingdom overseen meticulously by the legate, it is believed the office will retain it's importance to the kingdom and will allow the office to enter a far better phase since it's conception.


    Any and all current diplomats are hereby recalled by the office of the legate to make their presences known to the legate and discuss their tasks in-depth.



    • Ambassadors are appointed and expected to represent the Kingdom of Balian in foreign nations. They are tasked with promoting Balian's interests and values while fostering positive relationships with host countries.
    • Ambassadors are expected negotiate treaties, agreements, and diplomatic arrangements on behalf of Balian. This includes trade agreements, defense pacts, and cultural exchanges, each facet as important as the other in terms of pushing the relam forwards.
    • Ambassadors are expected to provide regular reports and analysis to the Legate's office on political, economic, and social developments in their host countries. This information is crucial for informing Balian's foreign policy decisions.
    • In times of crisis, such as natural disasters or diplomatic disputes, ambassadors represent Balian's interests and ensure the safety of Balian citizens in the host country.
    • Ambassadors are expected to promote cultural exchange and public diplomacy initiatives to enhance understanding between the Kingdom of Balian and host countries. This may include organizing cultural events and educational programs.
    • They are expected to provide consular services to Balian citizens traveling or residing in the host country. This includes assistance with passport and visa issues, and support during emergencies.
    • Ambassadors are expected to maintain regular contact with host government officials to discuss bilateral issues and coordinate policies. They also facilitate meetings between Balian and host country officials.
    • Ambassadors are expected to promote trade and investment opportunities between Balian and host countries, facilitating business meetings and economic agreements.



    • Royal Legate
      • The Royal Legate or informally known as the Secretary of Foreign Affairs oversees all diplomatic efforts of the Kingdom of Balian. They are responsible for appointing ambassadors, setting diplomatic policy and strategy, and representing Balian's interests within the context of the wider continent. They are responsible for each Ambassador, with Ambassadors expected to report to the Royal Legate first and foremost with progress reports, other important and revelant information.
    • Ambassadors
      • Ambassadors are appointed by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs to represent Balian in specific nations. They are responsible for maintaining positive relations with the host country, negotiating treaties and agreements on behalf of Balian, and reporting to the Legate's office on developments in the host country.
    • Deputy Ambassadors
      • Deputy Ambassadors assist the ambassador in their duties and act as the ambassador in their absence. They support the ambassador in negotiations and meetings, ensuring the smooth operation of diplomatic efforts. Deputy Ambassadors are appointed by recommendation of Ambassadors to the Royal Legate, who will then approve of deny the request of the deputy ambassadors.
    • Apprentice Attachés
      • Apprentice Attachés are entry-level positions within the office of the legate, assisting with various tasks to gain hands-on experience in diplomacy. They support senior staff members, handle administrative duties, and participate in embassy activities under supervision. This role serves as a training ground for future diplomats, allowing them to develop essential skills and knowledge in international relations. This role is explicity for the benefit of those who seek higher offices within the office of the legate, allowing them to foster and develop their skills with time.



    If Interested in Joining the Office of the Legate, find me in-game or send a DM on discord to __Stal27!




    Don August Benedit Temesch,

    Legate of Balian, Watcher & Militant of the Order of St. Lothar

  17. "An announcement has been made already?" August spoke as he made his way around to his sister, looking down and upon the missive as he read through it, his brows raised up and a pleased smile appeared upon his expression, yet before he could react, he was dragged away and instead shared a bottle of wine instead.

  18. The loss of his closest family was all but too familiar for the ageing Eugen Barclay, however the loss of his mother was something else entirely, the memories created with her and the times he spent in her care was something that he would never forget, the death of his mother was sure to draw the most emotions from him. However he would continue to live in her memory, "Ich will miss Du.. Ich will see Du and all of them once more Mutter.. Ich have some time left here." He would mutter then as he returned to polishing his dented armour.

  19. Eugen Barclay would read through the missive as he let out a quiet chuckle, putting down his ciagrette before he spoke as he looked up to his armour, "Krusae Zwy Kongzem.." The Barclay would murmur as he began to prepare his armour!

  20. Eugen continued on his travels with saoirse, though promptly pausing on their track whilst he received yet another bird from reinmar. He promptly opened the letter, grimacing at its contents whilst he shook his head then, a shaky sigh leaving his being as he took a moment to himself, whispering to himself signing the hussarian cross whilst he mourned for his father’s passing.

  21. The warmth of the lands gradually disappeared with the appearance of a cooler and calmer temperature and weather alike as darkness came, revealing the stars that it had hidden with the passing of the fluffed, white clouds. Eugen would have set up the camp for the two of them before the approaching night. The faint sounds of rushing water a few steps away from where they had set up camp for the night had offered a basic but utterly gorgeous view on the areas they now crossed.


    Saoirse had aided Eugen in preparing their supper for the night as the stream with many fish traveled south, and with the cool weather lightly brushing their skins, their feast would further improve their surroundings. "I shall be at the waterfall," Eugen stated as they finished their meal and moved off one of the two fallen tree barks they were sitting on. "Certainly, you are welcome to join." That was all the Barclay said, dusting off the fallen leaves and branches that had accumulated on him while sat and leading the pair to a tiny overhang of boulders that had been positioned just far enough away from the splashing water to avoid hitting any of them.


    The timing of their leaving could not have been worse for him, but he felt at rest, a calm that he had finally found, albeit his thoughts heavy with the premature loss of his brother. Eugen looked out over the shallow waters of the pond that would be produced by the waterfall, the night sky shining and the stars reflected off the clean water, illuminating their surrounds. Eugen clenched his teeth as he envisioned his family all there, a rare sight for all of them to be present and together, he would only let out a deep yet shallow sigh knowing that he had done wrong by them all. Yet it felt right, it felt natural to him, where he was and who he was with, traveling across the continent in freedom, he simply reminded himself with his thoughts that there was no one else this world could provide for him to join in that moment, only shifting his hand to take hers whilst they sat in silence.

  22. Eugen Barclay would grit his jaws tightly, his eyes lined with faint tears while none fell as he inhaled sharply, he thought little about the letter in his hand presently, having expected wholly separate, upon reading the content of the letter the man would grit his jaws firmly, his eyes lined with subtle tears while none fell as he inhaled sharply, picking a tree by him, the Barclay would subject it to his punches, birds retreated whilst wild animals ran at the mere sight. The Barclay would soon rest his forehead against the bark of the tree, panting whilst his hands bled.


     "Ich am sure Du will be happy with my choice Konstanz, Ich am sure. Ich await the day that Ich can see Du again.. one day." would be all the man said dragging himself to sit in solitude whilst he gazed at the brightly lit campfire, quickly pocketing the letter among his most valued possessions.

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