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Posts posted by __Stal27

  1. Adhemar Dusek would have visited his father and his sister frequently, though tending to his squierly duties, the oldest son would find himself frequently to his own thoughts and worries about both his father and sister, thinking to himself, he would nevertheless pray for his sister's condition to improve.

  2. In front of him a scorched battlefield littered with the dead and dying. Hundreds of tangled bodies strewn across the field. Horses among them. So thick and twisted they carpet the sodden earth. A deformed mass. Bloody, black and brown. Eugen Barclay walks along the field. Broad shouldered. A cape of fur over leather and chain mail. He walks laboured. "Ist Providence next?" The Barclay would inquire, to no one in particular as he wiped blood away from his cheek.

  3. Eugen Barclay would recount the day they saw the unprovoked attack on Her Abraham, the boy simply sighing as he burnt away the letters from Oren onto his candle, his eyes intently watching the ashes form before the boy spoke in New Marian, his practice showing, "Tamort eo nie antijvahr iv ain world filled tiz ve anathema's" He would state, his eyes then shifting onto his armour and weapons thereafter.

  4. Eugen Barclay would've read through another piece of the Hearsay's work, "Well.. this Ist a surprise, but Danke for the compliments nontheless." The boy would murmur to himself as his eyes narrowed onto the piece, his face plagued with surprise, he would soon emit a thin grin, folding the parchment neatly before setting off on his journey to find Lukas and show him. @Mio

  5. Eugen Barclay would have let out a sigh of relief at the news of his father's safe return, the boy retaining his emotions as he was informed, "It Ist Gutt to see that there Ist honour that remains." The boy would mutter to his quickly mounting his steed once more before making his return home, hopeful to see his father.

  6. Eugen Barclay would have casted a glance back from the retreating ferry as he thought of the events that had played out throughout the day, having fought alongside the defenders and having retreated, "A brave defender." The boy would state as he leaned down against the railing and sat down, watching as the old Capital lit up the night's skies whilst it burnt.

  7. Eugen Barclay would read through the missive, blinking at it's contents as he looked visibly confused by such a declaration, "What Ist going on.." He would murmur to himself, putting the missive to the side as he collected his thoughts before he commented, "Best Ich say goodbye then.." Shrugging, he would then return to his spar.

  8. Adhemar Dusek would have watched the scene unfold ahead of him as he grimaced. The boy would have chewed the inside of his cheeks as the execution unfolded, the attempts of one man to stop the event from happening would have drawn a quiet chuckle from him. "Another evil departs this world, Dobry for us." He would have murmured under his breath, bringing a cigarette to his lips as he lit it alight, though he would feel a sense of relief, having the benefit of no longer worrying about the man who had attempted to ruin a family that he had learnt to care for. 



    Issued by the

    Prince of Sootica and Count of Sootica
    On this 10th of Vzmey and Hyff of 64 SA




    In this time of strife and conflicts, loyalty is thin and rare, family is stretched to the brink, each fighting for their own self interests and hunger. History repeats itself, mistrust sown into relationships by words and actions alike, such actions perceived at events that had taken place only a few Saint's days prior. However through this, a light is shone at the end of the road, for through the destruction and collapse of relationships between liege and vassal, builds other bonds that strengthen ones position and this is no different, for the bond of His Highness Konstanz Barclay and His Excellency Eugen Barclay. 


    Actions would be taken by his Highness Konstanz Barclay to reprimand the false Kingdom of Hoonse by declaring independence from the their rule and by founding the Principality of Sootica, His Excellency Eugen Barclay would find himself making a decision, however after sharing a meeting between himself and his brother, his loyalties would be stated.


    Thus, the following is declared;


    I. Lord Eugen Barclay hereby pledges his undying loyalty to the Principality of Sootica.

    II. For his uppermost loyalty shown to the Principality of Sootica and for pledging his alliance to the Principality, Lord Eugen Barclay therefore will be landed the County of Krootzem.




    His Highness, Konstanz Barclay, Prince of Sootica, Duke of Roonmar

    His Excellency, Eugen Barclay, Count of Krootzem

  10. Weeks after the battle, A young Eugen would remain within his room of Reinmar as he pondered about the events of that day, the lives that had been lost and the families left to wonder if their loved ones would ever return, the boy quickly dismissed his thoughts, instead he would observe another moment of silence like he had done so previously for those who never returned.

  11. Eugen Barclay would look back and watch as his nation's retinue retreated from Sedan, a grimace forming as he carried his injured frame home. The boy would shut his eyes for a moment, simply casting a prayer in silence for those lost at the gory battle.



  12. Eugen Barclay, the boy that had recently returned home would have accompanied the retinue that had embarked on such an assignment, helping to bring home the Orenian's, he would have simply watched as the events took place in front of him, though reserving his own thoughts, he would finally murmur, "War is bloody and soulless... but what was done here today was right.. Ich hope there is more mercy to be shown." Deep down the boy knew that more battles were to come and the loss of those dear to him would be apparent. The boy would glance out to the peaceful lake as he reminisced of his childhood, born into the war, knowing that he would partake in many more fights to come. He simply gripped his pommel as he stated, "Blue and Green Ich Dress. "KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM!"

  13. Adhemar Dusek would walk through the halls of Ghaestenwald, the boy would grow accustomed to the feeling of sorrow and despair from the events that were taking place around him, the feeling of helplessness as he witnessed the deaths of those closest materialize around him, pausing at a window as he looked out to the sun that would rise as he raised his arm to shade his eyes, "It would be dishonour to Niet." He would recall his uncles words, repeating them.

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