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  1. JhoyJhonn


    Arborg was one of the greatest combat killers, a gigantic being with a lot of strength who was capable of destroying most of the army before his allies even arrived... But in one of those battles the Arborg was hit by a stone and fell unconscious to the floor, he had already given up everything and accepted his death, but when he woke up he found a dwarf covering him, and waiting for him to wake up... As soon as he got up he swore never to leave a stricken wounded ally in battle, from that day on. Coming from a family of guerrillas, he trained as a combatant since childhood. When he was a teenager he was already a brutal mercenary who, unlike the others, had the target's head as proof that he completed the mission... As an adult, he was hired by a king for the purpose of destroying army... For every soldier killed in battle he would receive 4 gold pieces. However, when he went to receive the gold, the king denied it... So the Arborg cut off the king's head, and threw it at the feet of his people, and left the kingdom, vowing never to fight for ideals again. His hands and legs are slightly green due to his half-orc heritage, although the rest of his body is tanned. He has scars in both of his arms, where he was burnt with chains, and as any soldier he has a collection of battle scars to prove his worth. He rarely wears a top and just as rarely wears a smile.
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