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Posts posted by gurlpirate

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Sprite (Dayward)


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    In the Eternal Forest, sprites live very happy lives in the form of a Flora Echo. During a full moon, these small creatures can happen upon a Fae Ring that will transport their essence to the mortal realm, leaving behind a corpse. Upon their arrival, the sprite will attract items that are nearby to create a humanoid shape around their now-exposed core. Sometimes it will be bits of plants, other times it will be insects, sometimes a combination. The small creatures will have wings protruding from their upper backs made of nearby materials, as well. These do allow the sprites flight,  but not above 5 blocks high as the weight of gravity here would cause them to fall. After they have fallen, they are exhausted and must recover, without movement, for 1 IRL hour.  Although intelligent, the sprite will believe they have been cast out from their home by the Aspects and will do whatever they can to redeem themselves, hoping to earn their way back to the Eternal Forest. There are 3 different types of sprites, and this will determine their way of seeking redemption. Each type of sprite is able to produce a specific reagent that is valuable to those that work in alchemy. These reagents can only be given of a sprites free-will, and they often do so in exchange for something they want. If a sprite is killed, their reagent cannot be harvested from their form. These reagents can only be harvested once in an IRL week. 


    Nightfall Sprite: These creatures enjoy wreaking havoc on anyone and anything. They believe their path to redemption is through killing others.

    Dayward Sprite: Dayward sprites enjoy assisting other animals and plant-life. Helping a pregnant creature to give birth would be a way the spite believes it could redeem itself. They could also try to 'free' animals kept by farmers, or plants that seem to be mistreated in someone's home.

    Twilight Sprite: The Twilight Sprites are somewhere in the middle of the previously mentioned versions. They will duel anyone they can in hopes of earning valor through these types of actions. 


    Sprites are very small creatures and therefore vulnerable to many dangers, however, they are especially affected by Blight. Within 1 hour of exposure, the Sprite will begin to wither and at 3 hours the creature will die. The sprite will not truly die, however. A sprite will reincarnate, eventually, and will even retain most of it's memories. Those memories related to, and near the time of it's death will not be remembered. Nevertheless, these fae are not utterly defenseless. Under stress, they are able to release a disorienting, dizzying toxin to those within a 3 block radius. This action requires 2 emotes. The first as the Sprite prepares itself by gathering the toxin within its core, causing visible strain. The second emote is when the toxin, produced as a mist, will be released to those around it and effects will present themselves; this mist will remain for one further emote before dissipating. 


    As far as language for Sprites, they have a special way to 'speak' with Descendants. In order to converse with Descendants, a Sprite must be in physical contact with them. The Descendant can then only hear what the Sprite is conveying to them, though it will cause them some discomfort. After 5 emotes, the Descendant will have a headache or migraine. Despite making physical contact with the person, the Sprite will not be speaking in clear sentences, as we do. Instead, the Sprite can only convey a simple message,  emotion and/or images. This process takes 2 emotes from the Sprite; one for making the physical contact, and the second to convey their desired message.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Daisy is a 6 inch tall Dayward Sprite that arrived from the Eternal Forest in a garden filled with daisies and other flowers; Her body is therefore created from the flowers that were around her at that time. Her legs would be made of flower stems, her body and arms look to be wrapped in the white petals of a daisy. Her wings came from a Carpenter ant that had died on some nearby moss, which make up Daisy's feet. The sprite's head came from an acai berry that had been dropped from the nearby orchard grove when a young woman had been picking them, but as she walked through the daisies, a handful of them fell to the ground. The stamen of pink azaleas make up her hair.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I Understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  2. NAME: Ryuu Nova
    AGE: 30
    GENDER: Female
    POSITION/S SOUGHT: Dean of the Imperial Faculty
    EXPERIENCE: Keeping things (and people) organized is very important to me. I feel comfortable being in a leadership role, 
    as well as taking criticism. I enjoy collaborating with other people when making decisions. 
    I love Helena, and I am thrilled with the opening of this academy. I believe that I can be a positive and encouraging member of 
    this institution and would be honored to assist in any way I can.
    ((DISCORD: Bethany.bookworm#1816))
  3. 3 hours ago, Urara said:



    We roleplayed last night! Your character was super sweet and I’m looking forward to seeing her more around Helena! Welcome to the server!

    YES! Thank you for being so awesome! I loved learning about your character! I look forward to meeting up again! :)

    1 hour ago, Nozoa said:

    omgggg hiiii

    OMG HELLO!! :)

    1 hour ago, frill said:

    hey buddy

    Oh, hey there!

    1 hour ago, Kuila said:

    Welcome to the server! Our short interaction the other day was very fun. Can’t wait to see you around more! 🙂 

    Yes! Thanks for hanging out with me! I look forward to seeing you again! 

    2 hours ago, Gusano said:

    Hello and welcome new friend.

    I love new friends. Hi!

  4. Hello! My name is Bethany. I’m an American- from Indiana, specifically. I’ve been working from home for 16 weeks now (I work in the pharmacy-world) and discovered this lovely server by accident. I have only been playing MC for a few months, actually. And the only RP I’ve ever done was back in high school on a forum very much like this. So, this is a whole new world for me and I love it. 


    My character is a regular Adunian woman that is just looking to make friends and a decent living. She’s very trusting (often to a fault), forgetful, kind and curious about the world. 


    I’m pretty similar to my character, honestly. I’m looking forward to making new friends and learning about others! I am very excited to meet everyone and get creative here!

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