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Everything posted by Ravensheart

  1. Dear Void Walker As much as i have eaten an orange i have learnt about the void. I wish to learn the secrets that this world beholds. And The void is one of those many things i wish to uncover and which your teaching if you so accept me i would love to go down this path with you. - Kaelyn of C'nor
  2. Ravensheart


    Begin born in a far off village Kaelyn had really bad eyesight though besides that been a cheerful young lady who loved to play with her brothers, all 3 of them and her mother and father though begin the smallest and youngest of her family she herself couldn’t do anything wildly amazing. Though she did help her mother do everything around the small home. She had also been quite religious although her family wasn’t they had supported her dream of becoming a well know priestess. This small relaxing life had held her focus for all of her childhood, Doing nothing important. At the age of 10 kaelyn’s eyesight had became so bad that she was mostly blind as well as her brothers where now at the age of 16,17 and 20 and they had been training as knights to try and join the Holy Orenian Empire’s army. Knowing that it was a 2 day horse ride to get there from there small village Kaelyn had begged her brothers not to go mostly because she would miss them as well as it begin a long ride to get there to visit them. Her youngest brother had smiled at the young female before giving her a kiss on the cheek saying he wouldn’t go. As she held onto his hands tightly she listened to the loud galloping of horses as around 5 boys from there village went off to serve the Holy Empire and later that very night her brother had left his sword by Kaelyn’s bedside before sneaking out to also join. Though when she woke up she had been informed and was very upset she had realised how selfish she was and had asked for the sword to be melted down and made into a metal blindfold for her. Though she did continue to practise her worshipping. Now at the age of 19 she had decided to finally try and devote herself further into religion she had heard about a church called The Church of the Canon in which she had decided to try and join up to so she had set out to try and join said church.
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