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Everything posted by Djo_Djo

  1. Djo_Djo


    I am an only child, born at a ranch and with few neighbours. My parents were farmers and didn’t need money because we would eat the animals and would wear any clothes we had or found. I didn’t have much of an education, i only really know how to count, write a bit and farm. I did have one friend though, and his name was Turon Ruinz. I just assumed we were cousins or something but we must’ve just had a similar name by chance. But when i was 19, those damn humans bust in the house and took my parents and his, while burning it to the ground. I took it upon myself to retake what was mine and set out with Turon to remake what we lost. I believe that some day I will find my parents. It may not be now, but It will happen. For now I just want to live a normal life, even though I’m believed to be dead, so I will do what I can to get what I want.
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