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  1. Malir_Bromtor


    Was born to her parents Carol and Reed Castion in the year 1680 in the land of Haense. She was raised in a middle class household by her two parents growing up with an older Brother Richard and a younger sister named Felicia who she doted on being very protective of the younger sibling. Growing up she took heavily after her mother and loved doing anything that Carol did. In this manner the young Beryl would learn things from sewing to cooking. Her hobbies include singing and painting and she love animals. At around the age of eight or so she got an injury when a tree fell on her while she was playing leaving the girl needing crutches to walk properly, however she can walk without them just not very well or far. She wouldn’t let the injury keep her down though growing up to be a follower of The Church of the True Faith. Growing up she would have a bit of a hard time due to her disability but she would make true friends who supported the young girl. As she became a young woman she would spread her wings and become a servant who also did sewing work on the side for coin. She now works honest days for honest coin happy with her friends she has and her life in general.
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