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    Carl Von Hansing
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  1. ungodlytoast


    Carl Von Evvrik was born in the farlands, in a small hovel with no affiliation to any kingdom of man. Unbeknownst to him, his father was an artisan craftsman born and raised in the capital city of Helena, making Carl half Renatian. His mother was an elven ex-patriot of the dominion of Malinor, where she spent much of her life before venturing off to find her soulmate. The Von Evvrik’s were a poor family of six, Carl having three older brothers and two older sisters, he grew up on the hand me downs of his family. The only thing that he ever owned first was his fishing rod that his father had carved of an ancient branch, from the long lost elven city of Luminaire. It was an heirloom sapling from his mother’s side. This gesture was of great significance to Carl, in a childhood where he felt otherwise ignored and unloved. It created a great longing in Carl to be accepted, and even revered for his talents (of which he had few). When his father had passed at the young age of 45, Carl was deeply saddened. He set off leaving his small home an adventure to catch the biggest Bass fish he could so that he could make his family proud. Although along his journeys he has told stories of the height of his career, a 42inch Bass, he has never actually caught a fish. This is a secret he guards closely as he is deeply ashamed of it. People wouldn’t understand how such a big burly man could not reel in even the smallest of trout. Carl Von Evvrik was recently told a whispering of a great lake plentiful in fish, but it is unfortunately closely guard by the high elves of Haelun’or. He has received a map, and although he isn’t sure how to gain the elves trust, he is determined to find his master fish. However, first he must find a new master rod, and so he is journeying across the land to find a master craftsman capable of upgrading his prized possession. His journey will lead him to the Oren capital of Helena, where he will hopefully find his craftsman, and perhaps even learn something of his lineage...
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