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  1. Windflame


    From a very young age Ephraim learned to take responsibility for his family and for himself. Born in Curon, Ephraim lived with his sister and his parents and lived for all intents and purposes a fairly simple life, he didn’t lose his parents and his sister grew to be just another average lass. Whenever anyone would have a problem with his family, they went to Ephraim. If they had a problem with his sister, they went to Ephraim. If they had a problem with him, they likely got thrown into an alleyway or their feelings crushed. Ensuring his family had nothing to worry about, he took on a job as a cook and eventually built a small name for himself until Curon began to undergo reconstruction. Afterwards he and his parents moved to Haense, during which his sister went missing during the move. Now he casually looks for her, taking care not to over exert himself and still trying to live his life so long as he is still putting in some effort into finding her. Assuring his mother and father that she is likely in Oren, it remains to be the last place he has not checked due to his strong distaste for them.
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