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  • Character Name
    Aldrin Oshlaf
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  1. Perevl123


    Aldrin Oshlaf was born in the year 1778. His mother and father thought he was cursed from his pitch black hair, which is unusual in the highlanders. He learned how to dye his hair to look more natural from the highlanders. He comes from a family of monster hunters up from up north. He is well trained in many form’s of martial arts and is well trained with a sword and duel-wielding said swords. He was given a wolf as a pet at the age of 5, he loved his pitch-black Direwolve he called Kiyoi. Aldrin does not know any magic what so ever. He is hoping to learn any kind of Magic from his elders in Arcas. Aldrin is an excellent hunter, was equal to his older brother Derek, but for some reason, their dad always loved Derek better. He hated them for that, he always thought he was better. He hated it, so when his father died when he was 16, he was nothing but happy. His father had left him nothing. His older brother Derek was his friend and his best friend growing up, even though he hated his father for loving him more, he kind of understood it. His brother was amazing. Often sparing/training with his older brother, the fights would often end in ties. Even though Derek was some-what holding back against him. Aldrin does not have any sort of religion that he believes in. He is now currently wandering the realm of Arcas looking for his brother Derek, which they had been separated from for almost 2 years now. Aldrin has many confirmed kills, his most brutal kills have been; 1 Minotaur and often Gremlins. He was now traveling from around town-to-town, village-to-village. Looking for monsters to slay and save people from creatures, however. Aldrin isn’t the nicest person around, due to his years of hunting monsters he kind of had a hatred to all things, if he deemed you to be a bad person, he’d simply not talk to you or try and kill you if your actions/motives were not good enough. Aldrin now at the age of 23 he’d continue to look for his brother in hopes of reuniting with him once again.
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