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    Jaffab The Flex God#7966
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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Alaeric Lycan
  • Character Race
    Heartlander; Human


    Alaeric Lycan was born with the name Aaron Gillies. But after a siege on his home village in the Heartlands, he was found and raised by the Highlanders. He learned a lot from the Highlanders, in fact it's where most of his skills come from. He is good with animals (especially canines), is very strong, knows how to do hard work and how to fight, and knows much about nature and the art of battle. Growing up he was told that Andunians were the cause of his family's early demise, and that they were not be trusted. At the age of 17, he decided to ship himself to the land he was truly from; The Holy Orenian Empire. He would pick up the local dialect, customs, street smarts, and sharpen his silver tongue. He also picked up a very mild riding ability, being able to ride a horse if need be. He worked as a blacksmith's apprentice for 4 years and did multiple bounties for locals and authorities/nobles. After his 4 years in the big city, he decided to become a roaming adventurer, relying on himself and taking with him no companions other than a wolf-dog named Havoc and an old work mule named Grey.
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