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    Mr Umi#2652
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    Umi Ergon
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  1. BreatheUMI


    Umi Ergon was born from an extremely poor family, they wanted him to succeed so they put him in the best schools they could afford. Umi has never been the school and learning type so he got into crime at a young age and would teach himself things that often got him in trouble. Umi's mother died giving birth to his second sibling Leilani. The Father and brother were drafted and pulled into the Eighteen Years War, They are presumed dead but unknown. Ever since that Moment Umi has been providing for himself and his sister Leilani. Umi and Leilani often train themselves to defend themselves in hiding in hopes to find the rest of their family. In present day Umi wants to open up his own blacksmithing shop to try and legally provide for Leilani.
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