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  1. anuradumeril


    Anura Dumeril was born to a sickly mother and a worried father on a cold winter's eve. Her mother managed a kiss to her small, pale forehead, before dying from the stressful birth. While her father did pick her up, he silently swore that he would hold it against his tiny dark haired daughter that his wife was dead. The girl was raised on the outskirts of a village, raised by her aunt at all times besides archery practice; as much as her father hated her he wanted her to help him hunt. Anura's life was poor in many ways, from the small shack she lived in to the dirty scraps she wore, and the slightly more wealthy children in the main village judged her for it. She was ruthlessly bullied for most of her time growing up, trying to ignore it until the fateful day by the well. Anura had been trying to read, leg draped over the stone and eyebrows furrowed with focus. She hadn't heard the group of kids approach and she paid for it when her book was knocked out of her hands. She was taunted, but she tried to ignore it until one child asked if her mother died from seeing her ugly daughter's face. Anura snapped, and lunged at the kid, only to be shoved backwards. She stumbled, the back of her leg hitting the well's stone wall. She lost balance, then fell- deep down into the dark, cold water. She stayed there for hours, left alone with her thoughts until she finally managed to grab the rope usually attached to a bucket. When Anura climbed out and walked, soaking wet, home, she came to the realization she preferred to be alone. So, as the years went by, she paid an elderly man in the village to teach her the things only reserved for men to learn, and by the time she was 16 she had become a fierce young archer. Anura knew it was time, and on a cold winters night similar to the one her mother died on, the girl dressed in her best garments, grabbed a cloak and a travel bag, and walked into the woods. She never looked back. After a couple days of traveling and nights spent alone amongst the trees, she came across a group of traveling merchants in a makeshift market. She befriended a small child from one of the families, and the parents let her tag along if she taught the child to read. Anura traveled with them for two years, parting ways when she turned 18. Now seen by human society as the adult she had seen herself as for years, she began a life for herself as an archer for hire, moving from town to town. She's been doing it for a year now, and turned 19 just recently.
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