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  1. IronTemple


    My character was born in 1792 First Age. His mother was murdered when he was very young, and his father abandoned him. He joined the League of Assasins at the age of 8. He was trained to become a warrior since he could walk. He hasn't had much of a normal life, and has been threated many times throughout his teen years. His name is Al Sa-Her, which means The Magician. His family is The League, and he is the heir to the Demon. As a child, he was trained to become a warrior, and was taught the technics of the art of war. He became very intelligent, and very powerful. At age 14, he surpassed his teacher, and progressed to being taught by Ra's Al Ghul, the Demon's Head. The League was thought to have been destroyed, but hid in the shadows awaiting the right moment to emerge. During this time, he made friends away from the League, and fell in love with someone. PRESENT DAY
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