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  1. AlphaAlex117


    Aaravos, a dark elf, was born and raised into a small clan in Renalia, Arcas, 1791. Unfortunately, such an awe-striking event was anything but short of being happy; internal disputes over the decided heir of their clan and tore a rift through the family's heart, creating outbursts of violence and giving birth to heinous schemes. His mother had sought to protect her children from the malice of others, and so after the migration, they sought temporary refuge in Sutica. Aaravos was raised in a warm and caring environment, and the world seemed at peace until the Third Coup when hell broke loose. Holding pride over the own well-being of his son, Aaravos's father had knocked him out and abandoned him to the ongoing discord before ushering his family to flee and return to the clan hidden in the North. Since his betrayal, Aaravos now wanders the lands of Almaris seeking vengeance against the ones who betrayed him and hopefully rise one day in power to mock his foolish father. [11:51 AM]
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