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About ValleyOfLavender

  • Birthday 11/22/2002

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  • Character Name
    Floria Kaeronin
  • Character Race
    High elf

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  1. While sipping tea Karuna Amal hummed as her companion Aya brought over the missive, reading over it the ame smiled gently "I only hope I can do a good job in supporting the Lubba and the people of Lurin"
  2. Karuna read through the missive and smiled gently "I only hope people can find a home in Caledonia, I just want people comfortable" The ame hummed and gently set the missive down.
  3. A certain Ame stared at the missive and hummed her chin resting in her palm while thinking of the right words before nodding to herself "They going the right way for a slap" And with that Karuna scrunched up the missive and threw it into the fire "no one is touching Lurin Gundy is working too hard"
  4. Upon recieving the missive, a certain Ame hummed and read through it "i wonder..." Karunas golden gaze panned over the writing and pushed up her glasses a small grin spreading across her expression "if they'll let me study the dark spawn they capture before they kill them, the reasearch i could gather!" the ame exclaimed before tapping on the side of her head "oh right... yes... thats right.." The crazy scientist turned putting the missive down and went to conduct her research.
  5. Sitting in her home drinking tea as she so often did while idly reading mizzives that wondered into her hands Karuna picked up the missive her mother in law wote, the small ame panned over the writing and a small hummed excaped her silent for a few moment letting the new kick in before a bright smile spread and she jumped up "way to go you green mean fighting machine!" the small ame exclaimed to herself, overjoy for her dear friend "i look forward to annoying him when i see him" Karuna hummed sitting back down grinning to herself.
  6. A Certain Ame stared at the missive and hummed quietly, during these recent times she had seen a lot of these missives and was starting to grow tired and made no sense of them and this missive fell into her hands during one of her not so steady minded moments "cake..." murmured Karuna "i think i will go get some cake" and wit that the tiny ame set down the parment and wondered of to her kitchen to make some cake
  7. A certain golden-eyed ame stared at the missive and shrank back into her seat her golden gaze drifting across the parchment in her hands "While I understand not wanting to fight, are we setting ourselves up for worse?... who will help us if we are ever attacked, I can't see anyone would, we lose our face within these dark times... but that being said" Karuna looked over to her armour hung up and ready "I promised to fight for Vikela, and I intend to keep that promise..." Karuna spoke to no one in particular, she took some fresh parchment and a quill and wrote a letter.
  8. Matrimony of Phoenix and Dragon You are hereby invited to the union of Amal and Uialben! with hearts filled with warmth and minds filled with memories of a very lengthy courtship after a chance encounter, we are excited to announce that the couple Lady Amal and Lord Uialben will finally take their vows and be united as one! We cordially extend our invitations to you, dear family, precious friends, and funny acquaintances, in order to witness this joyous event. Bring your families and friends to this momentous occasion happening in Caledonia, a Vassal of Lurin, surrounded by music, nature and celebration. This will take place in the great hall beneath Caledonia, built by Lady Karuna Amal herself. The Celebration will happen at 6 pm est 23rd of June [!] A portrait of Lord Narithen Uialben and Lady Karuna amal. List of Invites Family Groom’s Mother, Miss Lumia Uialben and her Pedigree @Snow1770 Groom's mother, Miss Apollyon and her Pedigree @Apollonous Groom's Grandfather Sir Mika Anarion and his Pedigree @mika1278 Bride’s brother, Sir Kyro and his Pedigree @MockingbirdArt The Amal Household Uialben household Children of bride and groom @Aw_0ken@JTMedea@Koraito@Salvius Friends Lady Evelyn and her Pedigree @Poppycon Miss Elliewyn and the Va’eylul household @Qn2 Lord Gundanat and his Pedigree @hairy sonic Sir Azra Kaeronin and his Pedigree @MockingbirdArt Sir Timothy and Kervallan and his pedigree @TysCreations Lady Ember Mah’nel and her Pedigree @TeawithFrisket Sir Edvard Kervallan, Scarlet Kagura-Hope, and their Pedigree @ECS1999 All of Miss Karunas students @SirB0ng0@Alfdemar@DizzyGrey@hairy sonic Sir Spuds and his Pedigree @Turbo_Dog Those of less personal closeness All Citizens of Dunwen @Turbo_Dog All citizens of Lurin All citizens of Caledonia All citizens of the former realm of Nor-Velyth All Kharajyr of Ettitica @Periphonics The Druids of the Vale (don’t worry, there’s no expectation) @AmericanSniper52 All citizens of Vortice @Bethinwonderland Narithen Uialben, Baron of Caledonia Karuna Amal, Baroness of Caledonia
  9. "war... is pointless, Violence is pointless, when will all these people learn that this will come to nothing but chaos and distruction in the end" Karuna Amal murmured to herself as she jently knelt and put her hands together "Ahura'ma hear my please... and please end this tyranny.. from both sides"
  10. not free but please for the love god, i use anvils a lot in my decorating and for as far as i know lotc dont use them for anything, but lc doesnt allow you to place them so could we get anvils placed simply for decorative purposes?. i used 2-3 stack of iron yesterday for 8 anvils just to hold up some leaves. what should be free, flowers, stone varients, and honestly anything that is in resorce island, i think it silly that things we can get from resorce island is paid for. such as wood, moss, and other basic materials.
  11. "i can not seem to figure out if this might be a joke? a bath house? in Lurin? my, ive been here for centuries now and not once have seen one of these so called bath house here" Karuna Amal hummed while rocking back and fouth in a rocking chair and would set the paper down "but this does remind me to get back to my duty so i shall give them that, time to go hunting"
  12. oh well thats just the vassal name, which we didn't come up with we inherited the place but wanted to keep the name the same in respect of the last owner
  13. where on earth did that come from? they dont need to be Scottish at all the family isnt even Scottish? did i make a type or something now i need to check
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