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  1. damp_dave


    Dicken has lived in Providence his entire life. His father worked in a lumber yard and died in an accident when Dicken was 2 years old. His mother worked hard to keep food on the table for Dicken and his brother David ever since then. Dicken and David began working on a port in Providence when they were 15, performing manual labor for the sailors that frequented the city. One night when they were both on shift, a small ship with a flag of a greyhound entered the port. 2 men and 1 woman stepped off, looked directly at David, drew their weapons, and gave chase. The other workers on the port yelled "Ferrymen!" and all ran. David didn't seem surprised - he walked up to them, said "seems like the time has come", and allowed himself to be stabbed by one of the men. The 3 quickly fled on their ship after that. Dicken swore to his mother he would find the murderers of this brother and bring them to justice.
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