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  1. peachybrew


    Elryth was born on an early spring day in Elvenesse, to Nuovis and Lixiss Moritys. The first few years of their life were almost entirely uneventful - they were raised without incident by their mother and father, alongside twin brother Miryn. In fact, almost nothing of note happened until the twins were touching double digits. Not long before their tenth birthday, their parents disappeared, their fates unknown. Without someone to care for them, they finally found a living relative - their birth mother, Aulinn. As it had turned out, Lixiss had been Aulinn's midwife - Aulinn gave up her twins after her birth, after barely making it through the pregnancy alive. The twins had been entirely unaware of their birth mother, and after about a month, were put on a ship heading to the Holy Oren Empire, where their mother lived with her new human husband. The twins were separated not long after. Myrin couldn't stand their new home - within the year, he had run away, disappearing not unlike their parents. Left alone to face the abuse, Elryth learned to pacify their new family, smooth talking and using a gentle, submissive approach to calm them down when they were angry. When that didn't work, they used daydreaming as a coping mechanism, hiding away and pretending they were anywhere else. Finally, their eighteenth birthday came, the day they'd be considered an "adult" in a human's eyes. Almost immediately they were kicked out of their parents' home, left to fend for themself. And they happily did so. Over the next year or two, Elryth did what they could to survive - working in taverns, as an entertainer, and leaving whenever the money dried up. They haven't stayed anywhere long enough to put down roots since leaving Elvenesse. quick sketch of what elryth looks like! :]
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