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Everything posted by JustJibbles

  1. JustJibbles


    Early Years: Born to a poor family somewhere in the continent of Axios, Alfred rarely saw his father who was almost always out trying to earn money to keep his family alive. At the age of 12 his family moved to the Eastern Lands of Almaris and by the age of 13 Alfred started to commit petty crimes in order to earn additional money to keep his ill mother in relatively good health. Alfred always aspired to one day become a noble man and perhaps even join the elite of the Holy Orenian Empire, but now he was nothing but a petty criminal and hence was ashamed beyond belief. After his mother eventually died when he was only 16, Alfred blamed his fathers inability to earn a decent wage on his mothers untimely death, as a result of which Alfred fled home and lived on the streets. Climbing the Social Ladder: At the age of 17 after living a tough few months on the streets, Alfred had finally earnt enough to purchase some reasonably expensive attire. He had been learning the lingo of the more upper class people of the area and used all of this to land himself a job at a well-known and well paying establishment. In just 2 months he bought himself a small flat and by the age of 18 he had become completely self sufficient and no longer required help from others. Alfred used his position in his workplace to mingle with the social elite, becoming a well known face and getting multiple promotions due to his ability to manipulate people into making purchases. By the age of 20, Alfred had opened his own shop and was raking in more money than ever before, leading him to purchase a new house, in which he throw parties in order to get the attention of other wealthy citizens. Alfred legally changed his second name to "Wellesley" at the age of 21 and with that all traces of his former life vanished. Obscurity: After more and more shops opened up in the area, Alfred's business suffered. He could no longer rely on the sly manipulation of customers to sell his subpar products and as a result he had to close up shop. Although with enough money to live a reasonably good life, Alfred couldn't bare to see the "hard earnt" fruits of his labour simply rot away and leave him a nobody. He needed to get back into the limelight and make sure everybody, EVERYBODY knows his name. However, by the age of 25 Alfred has still had no success in garnering the attention he once did. He decided it was time to test his luck in the capital of Providence, where Alfred wishes to rekindle the success he once had.
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