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    Zephyr #1255
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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Liam Oridi Zephrali
  • Character Race
    Wood Elf
  1. Zephyryl


    Born into a stable family in Elvenesse, Liam quickly made friends from a young age starting from 7 Liam developed a passion for archery. Liam's love of nature helped his archery tremendously loving the feel of the wind the smell of the breeze, The shadows cast between the leaves. Paying such acute detail helped Liam track animals throughout the forest. Except Liam just couldn't hit his mark for a long time from the age of 7 to 13 Liam was not permitted to hunt. This stemmed from being born into an average family, they just couldn't afford to shoulder the lost arrows constantly, by the age of 14 Liam had become proficient enough to be allowed to hunt though not skilled enough to provide for the Family Liam got lucky at times and could provide a meal every once in a while which took some burden from the family. At 15 Liam had grown to 5'9 and being smaller only 140 lbs. Liam found his first Girlfriend at 15 also. Liam and [Redacted] spent much time together during their days. Although Liam spent much time in the forests Liam also devoted a lot to social interactions and relationship building. Although [Redacted] eventually broke up with him because of this, Liam was disheartened for a while and entertained thoughts of staying out of committed relationships and has ever since though Liam has been open to trying new things and has promised himself that eventually he'll move out of superficial conversations and into deeper relations further in life. At the age of 16 Liam had grown to 5'11 150 lbs in his later teenage years Liam became more proficient in archery having the skill to provide for his family. Though he believed hunting should be done in moderation and chose not to use hunting as a way to provide fully for his family. Liam was very active during his late teenage years becoming lean and muscular coming to a fair 165 lbs and a fairly developed archery skill. At 18 Liam has gone away from home hoping to see the world in different view and learn more about the people's of this vast land hoping to meet new acquaintances and learn new skills. At current day Liam is 19 and living a boisterous life adventuring into vast lands meeting all walks of life and doing his best to learn more about nature and how this land came to be.
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