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Everything posted by Icano

  1. Icano


    37 years ago on a small farm just west of the kingdom of Haense, there was a boy born with white hair and two light blue eyes, his name was Icano Bloodstone, named after is great grandfather. He lived a mostly peaceful life, aside from dealing with loose animals and other sorts of that nature, however, he always dreamed of seeing what lied beyond the farm. One night however, his sleep was disturbed by the sound of thuds coming from his parents bedroom, when he went to go see he saw his mother and father have been killed in their sleep, unknowing to him that he was not the intended target and wasn't noticed. This was six years after his birth, and from then on he managed everything himself until his grandmother n grandfather arrived to take him to where they currently lived, which he never once been to since his birth. Now simply 10 years later, he is 16 and his grandfather shows him his forge, which his grandfather was really proud of and Icano immediately took a liking to. During this time however, there were many conflicts ravaging all over the continent, wars and strife, as well as some changes began rolling over everyone and everything within the many kingdoms. Icano didn't catch on to most of this as his grandparents wanted to keep him from all the corruption, and as such he kept to himself, only talking with the locals time to time, and learning blacksmithing and forging from his own studies and practice, and various tips from his grandfather. It is here now today, another 21 years later, Icano is currently 37 and is now living alone back within the Haense kingdom where he looks for work and currently is dealing with the troubles of his past.
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