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Vivo Et Vincam

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Everything posted by Vivo Et Vincam

  1. Vivo Et Vincam


    Axel Rubrum, or Marcellus Rubrus Axel in his hometongue (think Roman naming customs), grew up in a large family with some 7 siblings, 83 cousins, 12 uncles and aunts plus their wives and spouses, and many other members of the family. This massive house filled a large village on it's own within the Holy Oren Empire, annexed and well kept by the nobility. The village grew into a larger town known as Jericho, and Jericho prospered for decades, until it was soon attacked by a horde of Undead. His family was fine, fighting it off with the aid of the local nobles and other townsfolk, yet it left most of the town scarred and in ruins. His family picked up the ruins, nigh all of them surviving bar a spare 4-5 fighters and 2-3 civilians in their midst, the luckiest of the batch. Axel took charge of his family, growing and rebuilding Jericho in the midst of the assault, vowing revenge against whoever had done this. He soon married, and had a young daughter name Amia, before his wife was caught in infidelity, enjoying the pleasures of a nearby elf companion. This caused her to try and kill him, as he fought back against her and ended up accidentally causing the deaths of both his wife and young daughter, the wife with her own knife and the infant daughter by.. unknown means, assumedly falling during the fight (though it was later confirmed that the elf man killed her). Vowing once more revenge against this figure, he left originally to find and murder the killer of his daughter, before turning to whatever means necessary to survive on his quest for redemption, and the power to make sure none of this, ever, happens, again.
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