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Zero Sake

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  1. Zero Sake


    Born in a small village which has finished there long lasted war and being in peace has opened many opportunities for the land mages from across the land came by and magic was a huge study for the village. Amatatu was born during the time of peace and knowledge prospered he received a single name and never received his last name born with eyes of white he was looked upon as a curse others would assume he could see into other dimensions and could foresee the future. the mother was a well know warrior and teacher of the arcana knowing vast amount of knowledge in the arcana ways the father was a merchant well know along the lands many came to buy rarities from both of the parents. the mother loved sake and would nickname Amatatu it for his eyes reminded her of the silky smooth white sake. With no siblings and very little friends he was known as a trouble maker always entering ancient relic tombs taking archives and attempting many arcana spells his mother had stored. the mother would teach Sake the ways of Arcana and the benefits and the bad such spells can do of the world the father would teach Sake the way of the lands the history and the various races that roam the world and superstitions of others that live beyond this realm. growing up he learned much in school still being a trouble maker he got kicked out of school and so he studied on his own. He learned more and more of Arcana meet various mages across the world and tons of merchants and other races. When he turned 8 in the empty night where the taverns where filled and the stars shined bright a swift crusade came by and pillaged and murdered the entire town with tons of blood filling the land the leader of the crusade of death gathered all the children and told them that all those that can survive this night may forever live in peace and then they left. All the children in shock in the center of the village stunned and crying in disbelief seeing the dead bodies that surround them. With 2-3 hours of silence in the dark loud noises could be heard from the forest wolves emerged and went on the hunt for the few survivors with them on the run and many being left to die Sake had to run as far as he could. Finally running out of the words in the plains he sat down and tried to think of what he could do as he would slowly have flash back of his parents. He remembered a spell he saw his mother do that allowed her to transverse through the realm Vodial Shifting he attempted the spell for his first time and succeeded on opening a passage but as he entered he couldn't find a way out stuck in the void he screamed for help but nothing not knowing how long he has been gone he decided to study on his learning and get stronger he learned various magic mastered a few and could conjure weapons he could use to train while he was there with no recollection of time he slowly started to feel alone and abandoned after some time and meditating he could feel the voids ripping and noticed this was other spaces in the void being used by other arcana users attempting to open his to enter another space he tried many times and after succeeding he entered someone's space as they where shifting a female mage that looked like his mother. As she was started to she a child in the void and him in shock thinking his mother was alive he ran up to her and embraced her with a hug. She nudged him away and told him how he got there after he explained what he went through she seemed lost knowing that happened a few hundred years ago when a crusade to kill those with knowledge of arcana where murdered. She told him the truth and that he must have been trapped for years she told him he can come with her to visit the lands and see how much it changed. He accepted the offer and as they left the void the bright sun fell upon him feeling the warmth of the air and the sun he sighed in relief. Sake and her would travel across the land meeting races and he would attempt to learn more of what happened in the world he learned many magics have been made forbidden the ones he learned. when he became 15 and have traveled with his teacher and "mother" he learned to be compassionate and kind to others and have an open mind. He decided he wanted to join another group to understand more of the world she gave him a mark which will connect both of them so they can talk no matter how far they are. As he was on the search for a new group he would take on jobs across the lands many dangerous and many safe acquiring new rarities and upon learning new species and all he had a quest to slay a Arcane Revenants he found a group that consisted of a male Orc, female Highlander, a Sorvian and a male forest dwarf as he arrived he saw them fighting and struggling he steps into the fight to help he steps up and begins to use a spell one which he has mastered but has not used since he left the void the spell was Fi'hiiran'tanya the ability to shipon and take away ones magic as he did this spell the others where in awe to see Revenants fall to there knees drained of there mana and magic as they look back at Sake they see a dark magic being performed Naztherak as huge flames engulf the Revenants they disappear into dust and Sake walks over to the strangers to make sure they are well but as he approaches he feels the fear in there eyes and ask them what is wrong. They tell him of the Dark magic he used and of the spell they do not know the Sorvian invites him to come and submit the bounty for the revenants since he defeated them as they walk down they talk he tells them of what he has gone through and they tell him there's aswell they make it to a guild to turn the bounty in and he asks them if he can join them on there journey years go by he is now 50 he learned he must not use his knowledge of arcana so loosely and restrain himself to focus on his physical abilities. years continue to go by and he continues to get better at his skills learned how to summon and create creatures with arcana and learned to traverse the forest with guidance on how by the forest dwarf he learned more of his people and culture by the female highlander and created a strong bond with the orcs with help of the male orc. Sake become a neutral adversary for all the races and would tell his "mother" of his journey he returned back to her as she was soon to die. he attended her funeral and he continued on his voyage and as he went on his voyage across the sea he would sit and think and an idea came to him he wanted to be immortal so that he can seek out more knowldge and arcana that was lost beyond his time and more as a promise to not use magic he creates a seal that makes him unable to use magic anymore.
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