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  1. ThatBestWaifu


    For most of her early life, Amelia lived on her parents humble farm in the lands of the Holy Orenian Empire. While she had fond memories of these times, they were never easy. Farming was an uncertain business, and as the only child, she was expected to help out everywhere possible. Her less than average physicality never helped, and she was scolded for her father, who cursed and swore for a son to aid him. She was considerably closer to her mother, who took her to the nearby town. From here grew her love for academic studies. From this point, every month, they'd go into the town to visit the traveling merchants, in hopes of finding new books At the age of 12, a fire struck her family's farm in the middle of the night. The blaze tore through the building as if it was a matchstick house. While trying to save her from the fire, she was engulfed by he flames. Her father was not home that night, she had to watch her mother die alone. After this, she grew increasingly distant with her father. As he fell into to drunken habits, she buried her head in books for the next 4 years of her life At 16, as soon as she could, she left her father in search of a new home. With little to her name, she pawned off what little belongings she had to merchants in a bid to make just enough money to pay a merchant ship to smuggle her to Talon's Port. Now she currently resides there, doing odd jobs to make ends meet
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