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  1. KitsuneMatrix


    Was Raised in a small village on the outskirts of the crown of Elvenesse 10 years ago. The village was full of human that lived peacefully who were one with nature and no modern technology nor weapons. Kit was only a young child who went to play near the border of the Elvenesse land with their friend and a couple of wood elves scouts spotted them and went to go tell their Leader. Later at night Kit herd people screaming and looked outside to see that her people where being captured and enslaved. When elves broke in her house she grabbed her fox doll and jumped out the window and ran into the woods. She hid in a cave for a time being .She wander near a shack where in talon's port where seeing a dwarf run towards her and she tells them to hide in the shack and a bunch of humans came later and they told her have she seen a dwarf and she said no. The dwarf left not so long after and she's been living in the shack for the past 10 years only going to a near by village to sell herbs and grab some food and supplies.
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