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Posts posted by ULTRAMIDI

  1. Great Auction of Celia'sul

    [!] This missive is sent out to all nations allied with Petra in the ongoing warclaim


    I, Sir Yrmshik Fiyem, wish to invite any willing citizens of Petra's allied nations to the Great Auction of Celia'sul.

    This Auction will be held in one stone year, on Sun's Smile.

    A missive will be sent out that same year on Snow's Maiden, with a list of items that will be Auctioned off.

    To put something up for auction, please bird Sir Yrmshik Fiyem or find me in Celia'sul or Kaethul.

    Entries can be registered until The Deep Cold, to make sure the missive can be made in time.

    An entry fee will be included with this: One can add in as much as they want, albeit for the first item entered, a fee of 15 Mina is to be payed.

    All earnings from items will go to those who put them up, unless specified by the person themselves.


    - Sir Y. Fiyem, High Smith of Celia'sul


    This auction will be held on Sunday December 24th, 2pm EST, entries can be made until Tuesday December 19th 3pm EST by contacting Yrmshik (Nusti75) or DMing ultramidi666


  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Sir Yrmshik


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Athri'annyer Tinuviel


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  3. Darklings - A dark halfling adventure

    Darklings, a dark adventure in the land of the wee. On the edge of the forest of Dúnwen, a cottage has suddenly been renovated, a light burning inside once more.

    What could this mean? Who is inside, or what is?



    Player event by Nusti75, 3pm EST on Saturday December 2nd


  4. A Call For Funds

    [!] This missive is sent out to residents of: Aaun, Petra, Haense, Urguan and Dunwen

    Friends, Allies and strangers. I am calling for a help for funding of the Viscounty of Celia'sul, a safe place for all in need of one.

    I, Ser Yrmshik, am opening up my forge in Celia'sul for all in need of a weapon, jewel or any other sort of forged or handcrafted object, no item shall cost more than 60 Mina. Hopefully this will make those in need of a weapon choose our smithy, and help us earn the Mina we are in need of.


    To order an item and contribute to our Viscounty, please send a bird to Yrmshik, or find me in Celia'sul, the castle south of Stran.


    - Signed: Ser Yrmshik, High Smith of Celia'sul


    OOC sidenote: the Viscounty of Celia'sul is a place for anyone to live in, wether one is a regular citizen or an outcast from another place looking to rebuild their life. We are picking up the payment needed to go from a singular building to a decent village too slowly, therefor this post. If you decide to send a bird, IGN: Nusti75. Thanks in advance! (We are a vassal of Petra)


  5. Yrmshik sat at his shrine, defeated, his eyes taken by battle and craft, one hole covered with a metal eyepatch, the other burnt close, marks of metal spread over the wound.


    He was a strong Orc, a master of his craft, yet without his eyes he had... nothing. His vision was the key to his life, battling, smithing, guarding even, nothing could be done without it. All he could see were flashes of his life, good days in the woods, enjoying the smell and look of melting iron in the forge, and the sparks of smithing. He had thought when he lost his eyes it wouldn't be bad, after all, he had done so many things in his life, he could just use muscle memory for them. Right? But after slamming and burning his hands in the forge and under his hammer a hundred times, walking into the wall more than properly being able to guide himself through the building, he was defeated. Finally it came to a point where he could handle the pain no more, he had lost his entire life to the blindness, and he had decided to go to Dungrimm, for his final effort.


    Hours, days he spent pleading to Dungrimm and Yemekar for help, as he finally fell unconscious on the shrine, no tears being able to be found, yet the hopelessness being readable over the Orc's face, as he layed there, wrecked by his loss, and fallen from a lack of sleep.



    Upon acceptance of the feat application



    would it be accepted, the following vision would appear before Yrmshik:

    As he fell into a dark sleep, before him appeared an endless void, in the middle a grand mask: Dungrimm's face, yet without any eyes. Yrmshik realised in confusion he was capable of seeing the mask, he did not know it was a dream, instead believed his prayers had finally been answered. Dungrimm called over another deity: Yemekar, who seemed to be blinded as well. Yemekar leaned forward "Grant me your scar" he spoke, as he took the eyepatch Yrmshik had crafted for his first wound, and took it to his anvil.


    At the mighty anvil, Yemekar took his hammer and chisel, and beat a rune into the patch. As he leaned back to Yrmshik, the deity put the eyepatch on himself, as the rune obtained a deep green glow, it became a beautiful emerald, in the shape of an eye.


    Yrmshik woke up from his sleep, finding himself laying on the shrine covered in sweat, as he slowly attempted to get up, he realised that his eyepatch had fallen out, as he began feeling around to find it back.


  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Seer - Feat Magic


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  7. Yrmshik's Cache Hunt #5

    Yrmshik's Cache hunt is a small questline funded by Yrmshik'Sul, where people are provided with a singular picture, nation name or riddle, and have to guess where a cache is, if they find it, they screenshot the cache with themselves next to it. The first person to send in a screenshot wins the password to the cache, and with that, everything within the cache!


    Rules of Yrmshik's Cache hunt:

    - In the cache hunt post either a screenshot, nation name or riddle is provided, sometimes multiple, asking for hints outside of this will lock you out of the competition (Unless it is a reminder of the 3 day hint)

    - You must provide yourself in the screenshot to prevent fakes

    - Only the first person gets the password, late with your message? Too bad!

    - The items within the Cache aren't revealed unless the finder wants it, but there shall always be some crp and some regular rp stuff in there

    - For every 3 days the Cache is unfound, the post is edited with an extra hint

    - Do not lockpick the cache, come on lads, how much of a griefer can you be

    - Those are the rules, have fun!


    Fifth Caches Riddle: Where the duchy of the slovenian page stands, I was hidden away by noble hands.



    May the best man or woman win, good luck and may the odds be immer in your favor!


    OOC note: send the screenshot to ultramidi666 over discord


  8. Yrmshik's Cache Hunt #4

    Yrmshik's Cache hunt is a small questline funded by Yrmshik'Sul, where people are provided with a singular picture, nation name or riddle, and have to guess where a cache is, if they find it, they screenshot the cache with themselves next to it. The first person to send in a screenshot wins the password to the cache, and with that, everything within the cache!


    Rules of Yrmshik's Cache hunt:

    - In the cache hunt post either a screenshot, nation name or riddle is provided, sometimes multiple, asking for hints outside of this will lock you out of the competition (Unless it is a reminder of the 3 day hint)

    - You must provide yourself in the screenshot to prevent fakes

    - Only the first person gets the password, late with your message? Too bad!

    - The items within the Cache aren't revealed unless the finder wants it, but there shall always be some crp and some regular rp stuff in there

    - For every 3 days the Cache is unfound, the post is edited with an extra hint

    - Do not lockpick the cache, come on lads, how much of a griefer can you be

    - Those are the rules, have fun!


    Fourth Caches Riddle: Where the magic of cold joins our side, below the ice, I reside


    May the best man or woman win, good luck and may the odds be immer in your favor!


    OOC note: send the screenshot to ultramidi666 over discord


  9. Yrmshik's Cache Hunt #3

    Yrmshik's Cache hunt is a small questline funded by Yrmshik'Sul, where people are provided with a singular picture, nation name or riddle, and have to guess where a cache is, if they find it, they screenshot the cache with themselves next to it. The first person to send in a screenshot wins the password to the cache, and with that, everything within the cache!


    Rules of Yrmshik's Cache hunt:

    - In the cache hunt post either a screenshot, nation name or riddle is provided, sometimes multiple, asking for hints outside of this will lock you out of the competition (Unless it is a reminder of the 3 day hint)

    - You must provide yourself in the screenshot to prevent fakes

    - Only the first person gets the password, late with your message? Too bad!

    - The items within the Cache aren't revealed unless the finder wants it, but there shall always be some crp and some regular rp stuff in there

    - For every 3 days the Cache is unfound, the post is edited with an extra hint

    - Do not lockpick the cache, come on lads, how much of a griefer can you be

    - Those are the rules, have fun!


    Third Caches location: near Whitespire!


    Found by Crevel!


    OOC note: send the screenshot to ultramidi666 on discord


  10. Yrmshik's Cache Hunt #2


    This is a mini eventline of repeating quests made by Nusti75 to give players a fun time hunting after screenshots, expect a lot of editing, for this is the test if it is fun

    Yrmshik's Cache hunt is a small questline funded by Yrmshik'Sul, where people are provided with a singular picture, nation name or riddle, and have to guess where a cache is, if they find it, they screenshot the cache with themselves next to it. The first person to send in a screenshot wins the password to the cache, and with that, everything within the cache!


    Rules of Yrmshik's Cache hunt:

    - In the cache hunt post either a screenshot, nation name or riddle is provided, sometimes multiple, asking for hints outside of this will lock you out of the competition (Unless it is a reminder of the 3 day hint)

    - You must provide yourself in the screenshot to prevent fakes

    - Only the first person gets the password, late with your message? Too bad!

    - The items within the Cache aren't revealed unless the finder wants it, but there shall always be some crp and some regular rp stuff in there

    - For every 3 days the Cache is unfound, the post is edited with an extra hint

    - Do not lockpick the cache, come on lads, how much of a griefer can you be

    - Those are the rules, have fun!


    Second Caches Riddle: There where a heart pounds in the land of the wee, I lay below what man can see


    Found by Bird5k


    OOC sidenote: send the screenshot to ultramidi666 on discord


  11. Yrmshik's Cache hunt #1 - Found


    This is a mini eventline of repeating quests made by Nusti75 to give players a fun time hunting after screenshots, expect a lot of editing, for this is the test if it is fun

    Welcome to the first try and test of Yrmshik's Cache hunt! Read further for an explanation what this is and what the rules are.


    Yrmshik's Cache hunt is a small questline funded by Yrmshik'Sul, where people are provided with a singular picture of a location's view, and have to guess where a cache is, if they find it, they screenshot the cache with themselves next to it. The first person to send in a screenshot wins the password to the cache, and with that, everything within the cache!


    Rules of Yrmshik's Cache hunt:

    - In the cache hunt post either a screenshot, nation name or riddle is provided, sometimes multiple, asking for hints outside of this will lock you out of the competition (Unless it is a reminder of the 3 day hint)

    - You must provide yourself in the screenshot to prevent fakes

    - Only the first person gets the password, late with your message? Too bad!

    - The items within the Cache aren't revealed unless the finder wants it, but there shall always be some crp and some regular rp stuff in there

    - For every 3 days the Cache is unfound, the post is edited with an extra hint

    - Do not lockpick the cache, come on lads, how much of a griefer can you be

    - Those are the rules, have fun!


    Placement of the first cache: Urguan!


    Riddle: There where the road curves to the stout, our treasure lays in the grout.


    No longer valid, found by Zanael



    OOC sidenote: send the screenshot to ultramidi666 on discord


  12. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Phantom | Specter


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Phantoms in general are souls not accepted into the afterlife, they get stuck in the soulstream and sent back to the mortal plane.


    All types of Phantoms are weak to Aurum, it being one of the few things capable of actively hurting them. It feels like a burning blade almost, being stabbed into them. If one makes a line of pure Aurum, a phantom won't be able to cross it, or on a higher tier will have to scream in pain in #s.


    The revenant is the state every phantom starts at, it lingers in misery and confusion, not understanding or willing to cope with what they are. They have short fuses, becoming sad and angry quickly, as their mind isn't used to this. They usually aren't even sure who they used to be.
    A revenant will react heavily to anything harming them, being very dramatic, somewhat like harming a kid.
    Revenants are capable of becoming invisible, they can have a light grasp on objects, no more than 3 pounds and barely any effect.
    Apart from this, they're able to curse mortals with mental disorders, this takes time growing closer to the victim, and can be purged by holy magic in time.


    A poltergeist is a spirit that has denied and refused the nature of how they died, they've been taken over by the pain and trauma. A poltergeist is the most unstable type of phantom, their mind taken by the disorder that started in their first part of unlife. They are horrors unrecognizable as the person they once were, their mind wretched and reacting to everything with instinct and emotion. They tend to go to violence quite fast, some of them being actually just evil, but not all. They will not run away from pain as easy as other phantoms, instead, pain will make them more angry, causing violent and aggressive responses. Yet, enough pain is still a way to make them flee.
    Poltergeists are capable of becoming more 'present' in the mortal realm, allowing them to punch someone, but also get hit themselves. Like all phantoms, they can turn invisible. Any poltergeist can seem like a wild animal, or make themselves a more scary version of themselves.
    They're capable of controlling objects with ectoplasm, controlling corpses, and bind a location of haunting, which makes them stronger. All poltergeists have an aura of negative feelings around themselves, which mortals can feel.


    The specter is the more stable variant of the Phantom, having accepted their fate, yet still experiencing sorrow. They tend to be more friendly and caring, or playfully bad. They do not like fighting, avoiding it, and tend to be a shadow of their old selves. Specters don't stay in the mortal world for too long, as they tend to travel to the soulstream soon after becoming a white spirit. Some stay around if they feel they are still required, or if they don't want to go.
    Specters handle pain like mortals, not instantly being violent or overreactive. How long they can handle pain depends on how desperate they wish to stay in the threat. They are just as tempted to stay with danger on their lives as a person would be.
    They're capable of manifesting their being more, to be able to harm and get harmed more easily, they can become invisible and change their form to that of an animal, often a friendly species. Like poltergeists they can lightly control objects with ectoplasm and create a sanctuary. Unlike poltergeists, they cannot possess corpses, instead, they possess objects, just like they don't give off negativity, but positive feelings.


    Phantoms do not possess a body, instead they are composed of ectoplasm: a mix between mana and lifeforce, which causes them to be unable to interact with the mortal world, apart from some abilities. This also causes the mortal world to be unable to interact with them.


    Ectoplasm is the substance all phantoms and spectral creatures are made of, they usually look like goo, gas or flame. The ectoplasm allows them to change shape to a certain limit (Spectral animals) and going invisible. Ectoplasm is unable to interact with mundane items, as almost all things will just pass through them as if they were air. Due to the ectoplasm they simply "exist" not needing what mortals require, yet they can still get hurt, while the response is different for every phantom.


    Weakness/Art interaction:
    Aurum hurts phantoms heavily, feeling like a strong burn on their being.
    Holy magic is strongly harmful to phantoms, being capable of fastly "killing" them, forcing them back into reformation, as well as curing curses made my phantoms.
    Shamans are capable of "eating" phantoms, or contacting them, sending them to other planes with shamanic rituals.
    Voidal magic is a power drained from a different realm, and can therefor hurt phantoms, pausing or disabling abilities.
    Mystics can bind phantoms to objects, summon phantoms and control them, being capable of turning a phantom into a forced servant, by taking control over their existance.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    A man in a leather outfit, seethrough and not touchable, his body white-grayish and only the general lines visible.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  13. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             69 (Yes funny)


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?




  14. Minecraft IGN(s):








    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason


    Gore, Cannibalism (Screenshots result in pictures of minecrafts main loading screen)


    What circumstances led to this ban?


    I was part of a necromantic and bloodmagic community, as Nimrod/Vamir I was known as the "hunter" of the settlement: I used to hunt lone people to give their bodies to necromancers. One of these times I decided to make some tools out of the bones, now even though I had permission from the involved parties, I turned out to have crossed the line LOTC has for gore and such. Now I have been banned for this, I know where the line is drawn, and I know I should stick with how far magic lore goes, for that is usually the line, thus I know when to stop the gore and make sure it doesn't go further.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    I agree with the fact I went too far on the gore, looking back at it, this was too detailed and I took too much out of the rp in general, I know I need to turn this down.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    I've spent a long time, at least 3/4th of a year on LOTC, and I have many friends within the community. I've made LOTC part of my daily life out of work and school, and I'd hate to give this up. Another reason is because the lore and coding is really good, I've tried a lot of servers but LOTC was the first one to truly stand out with detailed lore and fantastic command- and chat implements in the game itself.


    Attach other relevant information.



  15. Image


    Within the duchy of Stran, a man sits down, his body covered in leather clothing made of elven skin, covered in blood stains. Taking off his bone mask he takes a final look at the house of Volkov “Farewell, my family” he speaks, before returning to the lake he spent so many dark nights at. He draws a dagger from his cloak, covering it in salt, stepping into the lake. With the dagger in his hands, he takes a last sigh, and jabs it in his heart, his blood cooking from the salt, before silence fills the night once more.



  16. Council of Altor

    Assassins reformed to spies


    The Council of Altor is a guild of spies, working for anyone that pays, they pick up lone kids to give them a purpose, help people out of the gutter, and work for those that have the money to pay off their prices


    Our members are professionals in gathering intel and information, both those that are legal and hard to find, and those that are less legal. We can get you names, locations, you call it!


    Interested in hiring the council? drop a note in one of our commission boxes at information signs to give a job, including payment.


    Current locations of boxes: Urguan, Hefrumm, Vaska



    Interested in joining the council? contact ULTRAMIDI666 on discord or Nusti75 on minecraft


  17. As me old man used to say, “Those with the biggest opinion, are usually those with the least knowledge” so if you’re going to be stumbling over a thing used IRP that most people haven’t heard in use IRL, then either get every single color reference banned or go scream into a pillow.

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