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Posts posted by Ailey_xx

  1. Character's Name:

             Ailey Erdelen


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:





    She grew up with her Father near a big City, always busy and never coming to a stop. Her Father - a very kindhearted soul, wanted the best for his daughter, so he took a soul consuming job to provide for his little family. Ailey was a child, she didn't understand what her Father has taken upon his shoulders, but she knew he loved her. As time passed, and she grew up to a young adult, having a hard time to fit in, always "the weird one" and that only because of her elf like ears. She never understood how people could be like that. The hard work of her father has taken a droll on his health and he got ill. Ailey decided that it would be the best to quit his job and use the time he still has to travel into the woods he loved so much, where butterflies would have colorful wings as the rainbow, the clearest air anyone has breathed in and trees so big like skyscrapers, he even told her about glowing mushrooms as a child, but the reason why she wanted to go there - it was where her father has met her Mother.

    After weeks of traveling, they reached the Woods, and Ailey Immediately felt the warmth and the feeling of home as she stepped into the woods. After they built up their tent, the illness of his Father has taken the last bit of energy he has left, and he passed away in his beloved woods. " Find the big tree and the glowing mushrooms, you will love it." his ever last words to his beloved daughter. She mourned in silence, and time passed till she managed it to bury him at the biggest tree she could find, and cover it with the greatest leafs, hoping it would make his way onto the other side as pleasant it could be.

    She grabbed all of her belongings and started her search for the big tree with the mushrooms, to fulfill his father's last wish.



     How they look


    She has red hair long till the hips, she isn't pale but not brown either, a very normal skin tone. Her checks are never not red/pink.

    Freckles and moles cover most of her body.

    She takes good care of her nails, even tough she loves plants (a lot of dirt).

    Not only that, but she loves to wear a combination of Green and Golden or beige and green. It goes well with her red hair.

    She mostly walks around barefoot.



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