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About MiladyRose

  • Birthday 10/20/1999

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  • Character Name
    Rosalyn "Rose"
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  1. MiladyRose


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” "Uhhh...hello?" Rose greets a bit nervously, sitting on the cushion as she looks at the old woman. "My story? Well..." she taps her chin in thought for a few moments, before cracking an unnerving grin at the hag, who just stares unflinchingly at the Elf, "I guess it all started with me Papa~" Rose says with an odd accent, leaning back a bit, as she looked at the top of the tent curiously. "My Dad's family is a pretty sucky one, to be frank. They kept going on and ooooonnn about how they are supposedly better then most High Elves, that they don't Discriminate others--pfft, yeah, right..." she cackles, throwing an apple in the air--that the hag didn't notice she brought out somehow--and catching it before chewing on the fruit. Seeing the hag's surprised expression, she points the bitten part of the apple towards her, "Want me snackie?" the hag politely refuses, backing up a bit, causing Rose to shrug her shoulders. "Eh, more for me then~" Chewing on the fruit, she resumed: "So--*crunch*--despite all of their supposed non-discriminatory ways, apparently, there is ONE expection to that--*crunch*--and apparently, it's Wood Elves. Who'd have thought?" drinking a pint of water--to the surprise of the hag, who once again, didnt see her grab said pint--before placing it on the ground with a soft thud. "Apparently, the reason for it is because all of the "Unworthy" members of the oh so small, peasant and yet AMAZING House of Fae'Run end up being part Wood Elf. So, when my dearest Papa met my Mother whilst protecting some ambassadors on their way to secure some documents for the Silver Peace--*crunch*--it was a weeeeee bit awkward for them." She explained, using her thumb and pointer finger to express the size in an exaggerating manner. Crunching on the finished apple, Rose tossed it behind her, not caring about the following thud and shout coming from outside the tent as she went down memory lane. "No matter what they did after, they just kept meeting each other somehow! They met so often, my Ma thought my Dad was a stalker at some point...which made things even MORE awkward for them." Leaning forward until her elbows were against her knees, Rose placed her hands underneath her chin as she kept talking. "But, eventually, they realized that they just...clicked, somehow. Long story short: they fell for each other HARD, and Daddy Dearest's House no like that fact. But, there wasn't anything for them to do really." She moved her head back and forth from one hand to another, as if playing a little ball game with her head as the ball. "They didn't like it, but my Dad was the second born son, he wasn't the successor. So, they just left him to go live with my Mom in a little cottage somewhere until they had me. We were pretty happy for a while..." Rose's eyes glazed over, as if reliving those memories firsthand once more. The tent was silent for a while, until Rose abruptly shook her head with an angered grin on her face, "But then, my oh so valuable Uncle got himself killed. Like a moron. They say he died in the line of duty, but I dunno...he always seemed the suspicious sort. So, I reckon he may have angered someone or did a bet he should'nt have done--but besides those theories, the thing is: HE DIED. Ya know what that means?" Leaning forward some more, Rose's dual-colored eyes seemed to glow in the low light of the tent as she growled out, " My Dad needed to go back." Clenching her fists with barely restrained anger, her frown became a demented smile as she continued, "So, Grandpapa decided he needed to go back no matter what. By any means necessary. So, he sent some mercs down to our place to bring him back; but there was a storm, and nature--...well...it can be cruel. There was a landslide of all things, it decided to off the mercs and also my own parents, how I'm alive I still dunno!" she shrugged, her anger seemingly fading away despite the opposite emotion shining brightly through her eyes. "But, my Mom's Clan took me in, raised me, blahblah blah....and now I'm here--OH! Nearly forgot! See, now that my Dad is dead, I'm now the successor of House Fae'Run! They even gave me a nickname! Know what it is?" The hag hesitantly shook her head negatively, causing Rose to cackle wildly. "The Mad Rose of Fae'Run! Kinda catchy, don't you think?"
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