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Everything posted by Urban

  1. Godefroy d'Amaury would remark upon seeing the missive "May you find the sacred six pack in the seven skies my brother"
  2. "Pagans pretending to be canonists for our swords and our sympathy" Godefroy would remark drunkenly to a cadre of soldiers in the far north. "...name a more pitiful combination. Our holy God favors this war for pagans will slaughter pagans without a drop of blood from Sacred Canondom. Truly, nothing is more blessed."
  3. Today we had the quickest crusade in history. Truly there has never been a more efficient pontiff and if you disagree, you're just a hater. God bless the Church(unironically). 

  4. I always wanted to make a morally dubious character, but whenever I talked with other people, they wanted me to join their darkspawn group. It seems like every morally dubious group is either some degree of demon, darkspawn, or mage, never once seen a proper bandit group or criminal organization.
  5. "I don't particularly like Darkspawn, they're coarse, dark, irritating, and they're god damn everywhere" Godefroy D'Amaury would bluntly state
  6. Godefroy d'Amaury would count the coin in his hands as a reward for being the tiebreaking vote in the competition for the new Grandmaster of the Order of Saint Jude. "God bless Grandmaster Lug Macskull" he would remark upon seeing the announcement before counting the coins again.
  7. Godefroy D'Amaury would read the missive and muse to himself "Finally, the Holy Order of St Jude has been granted what we need the most, permission to beat tattoo artists to death with iron clubs."
  8. @Greehn Creates worst April Fools bait imaginable, asked to leave staff team immediately
  10. Ban Blah for it is discriminatory towards my ears as well please
  11. Reynard would read the lies that the men, just a little bit ago, was too cowardly to state Infront of the Pontiff "Next time, I won't slap the King's consort for when she speaks heresy. Free speech law in Lurin my arse, there is no place in Canonism to refer to the Pontiff as 'his horniness' amongst other things. Happens again and the tree in the town square gets a fresh new ornament." He threw the missive away.
  12. I volunteer to rp as Grommash's elven wife
  13. Reynard de la Roche would mumble to himself "******* finally, now I'll have a 50-foot stone wall for the next weekly Olog Riot after Minto forgets to feed them raw cow again"
  14. Urban


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) With little hesitation, Reynard would state to the old crone within the tent, "Why? You want to write my biography? It's a boring tale, not much to say," he pauses, whilst keeping one eye peered on the tent's entrance, "However, since you asked. My name is Reynard De La Roche. I was born in a forgotten hole of a village too similar to this one for my liking. In that hole, I was born to an adrian woman and a father whose name I don't remember." He yawns loudly whilst stating the following, "Idiot died in some war against a rebellious baron before I was even born, at least that's what my mother would always say. Although she was never able to remember the baron's name...probably a lie she told herself to comfort the pain of her man leaving her." he continued, " It matters little now, she died in that forgotten hole of a village when it burned to ash courtesy of an orc raiding party. But I had left that place long before that occurred, and I mostly traveled from place to place, poaching game and whatnot. Sometimes, I work as a courier, and carry items of good value whose buyers either wish to circumvent their kingdom's tariffs or value a little bit of discretion in their purchase of goods." He remembers a book requested by a canonist priest, whose writing could not be described as nothing less than heretical. After that thought, he continued "I have a contact near here, an old friend, whose name is not important. I have a partnership in mind, one that could be lucrative to all involved, if we are able to assemble the right crew." *He stands up from the cushion, before turning back from the crone, "And with that, I must go, the road beckons to me and I shall not disobey, farewell."
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