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Posts posted by psychoknotz

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Jing-Zi Xiaokong


    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Hou-Zi are essentially a race of primates that have been given sentience by the Daemon Metztli, originating from the isle of Asul in the Aos continent.  In their early history, the Hou-Zi would go to wars with the Elven Empire of Malinor, desiring expansion. Though this did not pan out well as they failed and were left with the same bit of land as they always have. As leadership dwindled and civil wars spurred, Metztli saw failure and abandoned the Hou-Zi which put her in a bad light with the Hou-Zi who were now perpetually paranoid of her bringing ruin to their people. Parts of the Hou-Zi ventured to Eos and stopped at Ai-Zho, where they were revered as god-like entities by the locals for their flashy appearance (golden fur, colorful faces). Here, an empire was formed in the province Cathant. Though the empire swept the neighboring provinces east of them, the empire fell to rising rebellions and exchanged rule for peaceful living. In the present, the Hou live more comfortable lives compared to their previous ventures for conquest. Thus, many turned to philosophy to the point of the Hou being seen more as an ecclesiastical class. Since the Daemon Metztli perished, a weight's been lifted from the Hou's shoulders which spurred many to depart from Ai-Zho to see the world. 


    All Hou-Zi have just a strong enough grip to make it practically impossible to disarm them, similar to a clamp. They have an extraordinary sense of balance that would make knocking over by concussive attacks difficult. They also have the dexterity of your standard primate, manipulating objects with their tails and feet as if they were hands. Though this is useful in mundane, everyday tasks, it requires focus so it would be difficult in combat. There are three subraces of Hou-Zi. Laobai-Zhu, who are more chimp/monkey like in appearance, stand at 3-5 feet and are as friendly/social as they are versatile physically. Fei-Zhu are more baboon/mandrill like in appearance and stand at 5-6 feet, they are mostly stoic and are prideful for their legacy. Their furs are more flashy than their counterparts, varying in blue white or gold with contrasting face markings and have large fangs that pose no real advantage in combat. The Zihui-Zhu are the orangutan-like subrace of the Hou, and are the largest of them standing at 6-7 feet. They seem to be the wiser and smarter of the bunch, only really concerned with practices of philosophy. But when they're not doing that, they're usually eating. 


    Xiaokong, a gold-brown furred Fei-Zi, was born overseas back in the landmass of Ai-Zho. Born from nothing; orphaned and isolated in the wilds, a wandering family of Laobai-Zhu was luckily able to rescue him and raised him as if he were their own. As much of an unorthodox ordeal as a Fei-Zhi being raised by Laobai-Zhu, Xiaokong thrived in this environment, he spent his days playing with his brothers and sisters, whom looked up to him as a protective leader. Xiao grew up with the desire to fit in with the other Fei-Zhu, who seemed to ostracize him for his unusual upbringing and bouts of mischief. Xiao grew angry and ultimately decides to pave his own path, ironically becoming as prideful as any other Fei-Zhu. As Xiao matured, he was more interested in martial faire than anything else. He dismisses most of the growing philosophical ways of his people, and seems to embrace the more barbaric history of his sub-race, fixating on status. After an elderly member of the Jing-Zi had passed on, Xiaokong began to commit himself to becoming the strongest warrior, or in his terms "invincible under the heavens". In this, he decides to journey the world, embarking his first course towards Aevos. 



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Xiaokong is a 6'0'' Fei-Zi, coated in a gold-brown, white face and red markings. He packs pretty light as he never stays in one location, he could usually be seen wearing bright yellow garments akin to a jumpsuit, and white scarves. Though charismatic and playful, he's still a rugged Fei-Zi wandering the lands and so he keeps an unkempt, almost wild appearance that compliments nastily with his abrasive personality.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             First time applying.

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