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The Unified Domain of Vortice

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    Leader: Lenora Jusmia
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    A Place For All

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  1. A missive is silently spread about ISSUED ON 10th of Malin’s Welcome, 186 S.A. BY THE ⋆˙˳ ───────────────⊱༺⠀𓊝⠀༻⊰─────────────── ˳˙⋆ With the war looming over the Southern East Coast of Aevos and the violence that comes with it, The Queendom of Vikela has offered The Unified Domain of Vortice the option to withdraw from conflict with no repercussions, and with this option, the council has deliberated for many months, and has decided to withdraw from combat and take a stance of neutrality between The Rexdom of Lurak and The Queendom of Vikela. We shall offer a home to any displaced, as well as offer aid to the restoration of the Jungles regardless of the outcome of the war with our withdrawal. Vortice wishes to become a state of refuge and allow civilians of either realm to find safety within our walls. It is our hope that the two parties will soon come to terms with one another and allow harmony to return to Aevos. Until then, however, Vortice will welcome citizens from both realms so long as neither party disturbs our peace. ⋆˙˳ ───────────────⊱༺⠀𓊝⠀༻⊰─────────────── ˳˙⋆ The 10th Sovereign of the Depths, Monarch of the United Domain of Vortice, Lenora Jusmia Monarch-Consort of Vortice, Gusiam Jusmia Department Head of Internal and Foreign Affairs, Aerith Maelstorm Minister of Defense, John O’Riley ⋆˙˳ ───────────────⊱༺⠀𓊝⠀༻⊰─────────────── ˳˙⋆
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