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    Elaraine hails from the ancient elven city of Elarion, nestled deep within the enchanted Forest of Lythoria. As the daughter of a revered elven elder, she was trained in the arts of magic, healing, and combat from a young age. Her village was attacked by dark forces, and she was forced to flee, vowing to one day return and reclaim her homeland. Elaraine has since roamed the realms, seeking allies and knowledge to defeat the darkness that plagues her people. Her journey has made her both a formidable warrior and a compassionate healer, ever guided by the wisdom of her ancestors. Elaraine: Elaraine takes a deep breath, her violet eyes meeting the old hag’s gaze. "My name is Elaraine," she begins, her voice steadying as she speaks. "I come from the Forest of Lythoria, a place now shrouded in darkness. I seek allies to reclaim my homeland from the evil that has overtaken it." She pauses, her expression a mix of determination and sorrow. "I have traveled far, learning much, but I still need help. Perhaps you have the knowledge or the means to aid me in my quest."
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