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Turgon Curufinwe

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  1. He looked at the old woman, carefully observing what was around... a saturated and nauseating environment, similar to those he was used to in the last period of wandering between and beyond the borders of his homeland. His search had taken him far from his home, but a more voracious and alive fire consumed him, in search of his new destination... a new future of peace "If you were waiting for me, it means you also know what my story is... or am I wrong?" He took a deep breath, while he relaxed for a moment on a bench made of recycled wood, while he continued to observe the witch. After a while he leaned forward for a moment and, in a calm and deep tone, began to narrate anyway "Most of what I will tell you will surely be of your own knowledge, so I will try to bore you as little as possible in the process... well... where to begin... 22 years ago, in one of those cities that seem to be covered with a mystical aura, I was born... Turgon... and my eyes saw the beauty of the White City of Númenost... Númenost the Fair. Its towers seem like silver spearheads, its smooth walls towering over the city, and life that flows in the streets. It was there that I lived my youth, amidst culture and military discipline... but I do not think I can hold back much longer. I have long dreamed, of a white tower, similar in beauty to that of Númenost, and beside it a dome of unimaginable beauty, while red and blue banners they shuffle through the streets, with strong and mighty walls against the enemies. This is what I see in my dreams every single night, you see? But what do you know about dreams... I only seek that place, the place to create it, in the name of my queen, this is my greatest desire" He paused in my speech to look into her eyes again, as he tried to see what her thoughts were, searching for answers.
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