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Status Updates posted by shiftnative

  1. Three of the links in your signature don't work!

  2. Hey remember that time I made a villain app who would only steal when he didnt have money for food and you were super stubborn and never replied to the points a couple people made about it? Hahahha. Dalek, I hope you've become more lenient because declining mine alt accounts app was... something I still can't understand

  3. That comment, with that profile image.


  4. You had to log-out on me when I was still talking to you?

    Many players lost their things in Haven, and alot of them just continued on and gathered their things again, because technically it WAS RP.

    I gave you your belongings due to the bulk of items you lost... and you lost them again! I don't understand why you need to act as if i'm a jerk and out to get you. ...

  5. I apologize for what I said, I just didn't like how you never once mentioned to me your woe's and then you unleashed it on me in a very unbecoming manner.

  6. I have a life you know, sheesh...

  7. forgot to thank you for that hilarious image...

    oh my..

    too amazing ;p

  8. Please re-send it!

  9. Changing the signs at my mine, is not to be tolerated.


  10. It seems I didn't get it.. or lost it, again please?

  11. You haven't made an application yet!

  12. I skate aswell! Dylan Reider is my favorite on Alien Workshop ;D

  13. Excellent Tree !

    Loved it!

  14. Groovy Man~ Wicked

    London Blues - Canned Heat

  15. Your LARP picture is too good, i'm trying to find a way to get to the woods dressed up ;p

  16. Hey there, Alex ;p

  17. Anywhere from a day, to three days. We have an application team and I will be sure to get them focused on this new wave of players!

  18. Because I get ALOT of messages, i'm one of the most active GM's and its the weekend and im not at home! im on my laptop currently

  19. *pokes back*


  20. I need to talk to you about your biography and skin.

  21. Link me the application please

  22. I apologize for my absence, Yes you may build an Inn wherever you see fit; Some nations deal with their neighbors differently however.

    I'd gladly answer any questions you may have,

    (( especially on teamspeak! ))


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