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Toren Neminis

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Posts posted by Toren Neminis

  1. *As he passes the notice board the parchment catches his eye, being different from the usual crinkled, dirtied notices*

    "Ah! A wedding. I shall be sure to attend if I can," he says softly to himself. "Nothing gladdens my heart more than the sight of two lovers on their wedding day. A light in these dark times."

  2. Mhmm, I am surprised that LoTC has dropped so low.

    I've voted everyday on Minestatus/Minecraftservers and minecraftoplist, only missing out once or twice a week because the way Minestatus runs things. I wish time between votes were on a new day basis rather than 24 hours.

    In any case, I do hope we get number 1 and hold it for awhile. LoTC certainly deserves it.

  3. Hello,

    I am selling many items, please peruse the list and see if there is anything you like.

    All trades will be in Laurelin. Minas only please. Unless you offer diamonds, I do not want to barter, as I wish to get rid of items not gain them. We can set up a meet time here on this notice I've posted ((I live in EST and can usually be on after 5 pm EST; so please state the time you can be on and don't forget to post your timezone.)) or if I happen to be around ((online)), you may send me a pigeon. ((my username is RubberStamp))

    Prices are negotiable, but not by much. ((Prices are based on the raw material prices and what I think they're worth. I'm trying to be fair to both myself and the buyer so if prices are a bit high, please say so and I'll lower them a bit.))

    As I stated before, I want to be rid of these items I have amassed over my time in Aegis and I wish to do so as quickly as possible. So, if you order in bulk, you will get a discount.


    ((Images shown are taken from screen shots of the actual items so you can assess the damage yourself))

    1 slightly used iron shovel - 15 minas


    1 slightly used iron pick - 60 minas.


    1 diamond shovel - 250 minas

    1 barely used iron axe - 60 minas


    4 iron picks - 75 minas for one.

    6 iron shovels - 25 minas for one


    1 very slightly used gold sword - 120 minas



    3 stacks and 25 of smoothstone - 2170 for all (10 minas each)

    3 soulsand - 1 for 20 minas

    4 netherrack - 1 for 25 minas

    34 mossy cobble - 510 (15 minas each)

    49 individual bricks - all for 147 (3 minas each)

    4 stacks of blocks and 24 blocks of clay - 10 minas for each block. 2800 for all the stacks+the 24 blocks.

    5 stacks of gravel - Sold.

    8 stacks of cobblestone - 1024 for all (2 minas each block)


    3 pink - 25 minas each

    5 green - 10 minas each

    7 red - 15 minas each

    10 grey - 25 minas each

    11 black - 10 minas each

    12 blue - 15 minas each

    25 brown - 20 minas each


    2 cocoa beans - 30 for all (15 minas each)

    7 saddles - 1 for 150

    6 enderpearls - 1 for 250

    1 gold music disc (plays the song 13) - 2000 minas (Reserved for Ebs)

    58 slimeballs - 1 for 225

    2 stacks and 33 ink sacs - 1610 for all (10 minas each)

    4 stacks of coal - 1 stack for 128 minas (2 minas each)

    6 stacks and 51 of redstone - 2175 for all (5 minas each)

    1 stick piston for 300 minas

    Thank you for your patronage.


    Toren of Malinor.

    ((After each transaction, I shall edit this page to reflect the current stock))

  4. Agreed. Make an app for the heck of it ;) Then you can be on the team. Haha Post screenies so you wont be kicked of when it coems time for judgement day for who helps build :D

    I don't intend to build, I shall aid in the construction by donating materials and perhaps with helping to refine the overall look with input and my thoughts about how it looks but my character does not consider himself a competent builder nor do I personally enjoy building community projects as sometimes visions differ between people and, admittedly, I am a control freak haha.

    The two trees incorporated into the gate design is merely a suggestion as to what I think might look good. I've played on the server practically since its public release and spend a majority of my time in Laurelin. Not to mention as the Caretaker of Laurelin and a Prince of Malinor I think I have a pretty good idea as to what is in keeping with the theme of the capital city. And it does seem that Native is in agreement with me about the idea.

    You may or may not take my idea into consideration, but as this shall act as the main gate of the capital, you should keep in mind that it should first and foremost reflect the Elven architecture precedence set by High Prince Native and the sensibilities of Elves. The Elves are of nature and thus the building style should include elements of this, which I'm sure you're aware of already.

    In any case, I'm sure whatever is decided upon, the end product will look wonderful. I look forward to watching its construction and wish everyone the best of luck.


  5. Hello. I do enjoy this idea. I have felt in the past that the gates to Laurelin were not very fitting of Elven nature.

    I would like to make a suggestion. Perhaps two great trees would lie astride the gate itself. The trees themselves could act as look out towers of sorts and there could be an arching bridge between the tree trunks, above the gate.

    If it doesn't make sense, I shall attempt to clarify myself. Just my input though.

  6. I must say that I think the ruins in The Verge were very well built. I liked the atmosphere a lot. Just finished having a great RP session there where I and friend decided to explore a bit. My character is trying to decide whether he wants a summer home there haha. Nights are a bit too long for him XD

  7. Greetings.

    I'm afraid I have not seen Prince Tailion for at least a fortnight ((he hasn't been online for like 10 days)). I am unsure of whether he shall see this notice any time soon.

    You may want to contact High Prince Native ((shiftnative)), Princess Ariana ((NekoDanie)), or Prince Gischigu ((jmesserschmidt)). They have the authority to grant you and those that wish to live there as well the proper permissions and such. ((Try pming them.))

    If they cannot be found, you may seek me out ((and /modreq for another GM to grant permissions)) and give me the minas, which I shall then pass over to the High Prince next time I see him.


    Prince Toren of Malinor.

  8. In the case that we lose everything:


    I begrudgingly agree with the kits idea since it seems we are at an impasse concerning what gets transferred over to the new map, if anything. Kits are better than getting nothing.

    I don't agree with the idea of only minas transferring, as this will most likely cause people to just sell everything they own to hoard their funds and bide their time until the 1.9 wipe. Almost no one would buy anything because much of the population would be selling. The economy would collapse. As I said before "if minas transfer then items should as well and if one or the other won't be transferred over to the new map then neither should be."

  9. Personally, I think if minas transfer then items should as well and if one or the other won't be transferred over to the new map then neither should be and everyone should start over from scratch, which is an idea that I dislike myself.

    I have to agree with Trazier.

    I wouldn't quit the server but I think a lot of my enjoyment would certainly be lost and I've been playing almost every day since the public release of the server back in the summer. Yes, it's an RP server and as such, items shouldn't be central. But through RP and hard work, I managed to amass myself a moderate wealth. All of my minas are invested in items because I didn't feel like losing 3k+ of my money every time I died and there are no banks in Aegis. And I'm sure a lot of other people did the same -- invest their money in items.

    I think we should be able to carry over an inventory full of items. If everyone started over with nothing I do not think this would be conducive for RPing as much of the server's population, if not everyone, would be scrambling for materials, be it iron, diamonds, wood, the first few days and perhaps even for the first week to establish themselves. I think few people would be fussed about RPing when trying to gather essential items for their character's survival.

    Addendum: Don't get me wrong, I am ridiculously excited for the new land, to explore and to see the new cities/nations and the spaces between them, which I'm sure will be absolutely beautiful and wonderful to travel. 1.8+ generation is pretty awesome. But I invested a lot of time into the server and to lose everything but my character himself would just be a massive blow to my morale. I mean, if we started over for 1.9, who's to say we won't have to start over for the final release of the game and after every large expansion Notch may release for Minecraft?

    Once the precedence is set it is easier to do the same each time thereafter and I'm certainly not going to play on the server with the same enjoyment if every time a major update of Minecraft happens that causes us to move to a new map I lose everything.

  10. *Toren continues watching the gravedigger work for a few more moments before speaking* Farewell Cataris. I often forget how short lived humans can be...but perhaps it is this short life that allows humans to be so remarkable and clever. And you were particularly remarkable Cataris, at least from what I knew of you. A pity that we had lost touch in your last years.

    I remember when we first met though...*a soft chuckle passes from his lips and his face lights up at the memory but the mirth fades just as quickly as it came.*

    Now you may have your peace, away from the troubles of Aegis.

    *Shaking his head, the Elf turns away to resume his journey with one more sorrow to weigh upon his heart.*

  11. Greetings fellow Aegians!

    I am selling many items, please peruse the list and see if there is anything you like.

    All trades will be in Laurelin. Minas only please. Unless you offer diamonds, I do not want to barter, as I wish to get rid of items not gain them. We can set up a meet time here on this notice I've posted ((I live in EST and can usually be on after 5 pm EST; so please state the time you can be on and don't forget to post your timezone.)) or if I happen to be around ((online)), you may send me a pigeon. ((my username is RubberStamp))

    Prices are negotiable, but not by much. ((Prices are based on the raw material prices and what I think they're worth. I'm trying to be fair to both myself and the buyer so if prices are a bit high, please say so and I'll lower them a bit.))

    As I stated before, I want to be rid of these items I have amassed over my time in Aegis and I wish to do so as quickly as possible. So, if you order in bulk, you will get a discount.


    ((Images shown are taken from screen shots of the actual items so you can assess the damage yourself))

    1 slightly used iron shovel - 15 minas


    1 slightly used iron pick - 60 minas.


    1 diamond shovel - 200 minas

    1 barely used iron axe - 60 minas


    4 iron picks - 75 minas for one.

    6 iron shovels - 25 minas for one


    1 very slightly used gold sword - 120 minas


    2 barely used diamond swords - Both sold.



    3 stacks and 25 of smoothstone - 2170 for all (10 minas each)

    4 soulsand - 1 for 20 minas

    4 netherrack - 1 for 25 minas

    34 mossy cobble - 510 (15 minas each)

    49 individual bricks - all for 147 (3 minas each)

    4 stacks of blocks and 24 blocks of clay - 10 minas for each block. 2800 for all the stacks+the 24 blocks.

    5 stacks of gravel - 320 (1 mina for each block)

    8 stacks of cobblestone - 1024 for all (2 minas each block)


    3 pink - 25 minas each

    5 green - 10 minas each

    7 red - 15 minas each

    10 grey - 25 minas each

    11 black - 10 minas each

    12 blue - 15 minas each

    25 brown - 20 minas each

    3 stacks of white wool - 3 mina each (192 for one stack or 576 for all)


    2 cocoa beans - 30 for all (15 minas each)

    4 cakes - 1 for 100 minas

    7 saddles - 1 for 150

    18 buckets - 1 for 60

    1 stack of bones - 320 (5 minas each)

    2 stacks and 33 ink sacs - 1610 for all (10 minas each)

    6 stacks of coal - 1 stack for 128 minas (2 minas each)

    6 stacks of arrows - Sold.

    6 stacks and 51 of redstone - 2175 for all (5 minas each)

    Thank you for your patronage.


    Toren of Malinor.

    ((After each transaction, I shall edit this page to reflect the current stock))

  12. [[A good short story, I think. Of course, the characters could have been developed a bit more, especially the love between Cataris and Jessica, which is only really hinted at. But then again, you're not writing a book :P

    Wish you could have broke up some of the longer paragraphs into more manageable pieces, it's hard on the eyes. I write a little as well and had gotten into the habit of writing really long paragraphs but I forced myself to remedy that a few years back. Just find natural breaks in the "scene".

    Also I would have liked to see more description of the land and surroundings and such. That's al I have to say for now, feel free to disregard the advice/feedback I gave :)]]

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