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Toren Neminis

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Posts posted by Toren Neminis

  1. Whilst Cataris is not an elf, I too would like to submit my support for him. I have known him for a long time, since the beginning of the Undead War, when we first met.

    Not only is his skill with the blade noteworthy, but he is loyal and good. I think he would make a fantastic addition to the Royal Guards of Malinor. It would be a shame and a folly to deny Cataris simply because he is human.

    These are my thoughts. Take them as you will.

    - Prince Toren.

  2. Good heavens, I saw the title and thought that you were quitting or something haha. Good thing you love the server too much to do that :D

    As others have said before me: stay safe. Enjoy your visit to Libya. I hope you have a good trip.

    The server, being left in Ariana's good hands, will very likely, probably not explode. Aegis will await your return.

  3. This very well written, Rathriel. I approve of this proposed constitution as it will provide structure and guidelines within the Elven Government that others may refer to.

    As for a High Prince or High Princess ruling for an indefinite amount of time? I have no problem with this.

    I feel as though it would be silly to remove a High Prince or Princess from their seat at the head of the government simply because they have governed for "too long". It is not as though the constitution is suggesting a dictatorship, where there would be no change of power if the people were unhappy with the High Prince or High Princess, only a change of power when there is rebellion and revolution. The sovereign of Malinor, according to the constitution, may either step down from their office (because they tire of their duties or for whatever other reason) or be impeached by the Council because they are not performing and fulfilling the functions of their station effectively and adequately.

    Of all the nations in Aegis, Malinor has been the most stable and its people are content. While other kingdoms have changed sovereigns as many as three times over, we have had the luxury of having a kind, attentive and more than satisfactory High Prince.

    Should we not be joyous that our Sovereign-Prince does this good of a job? Why seek to disrupt this tranquility by suggesting that he step down from his office so that another may take over; someone that may possibly even bear the heavy burden very poorly. Yes, many people seek the glory of being a monarch, thinking they are fit to rule, and of those, I feel few are truly competent and prepared for the laborious duties governing a nation demands of them.

    I, Prince Toren of Malinor, stand behind High Prince Native through and through. No other will have my loyalty as Native has had mine. But if Native steps down, for he will never be forcibly removed from his office, I shall support the new High Prince or High Princess if I see them as an acceptable replacement for Native because my duty is also to the Holy Princedom of Malinor.

  4. *As Toren reads this mysterious piece of parchment, he finds his lip curling with distaste and disgust at every word. Once he has finished, he tosses the vile thing into the fire and watches as the flames curl and lick at the edges, eating away at the paper until it is nothing more than hot ash.*

    Faugh! Ridiculous. I fear no poltroon of Iblees. You hide behind the skirt of your master's black name so that you may wreak havoc and wage war, but for what? You think Iblees shall give peace and amaranthine bliss to the demesne of Aegis? You truly are absurd. His is the peace of mute slavery and death...yours as soon as mine.

  5. *Reads the notice and pens a response in return*

    I am sorry to hear that you were threatened by Elves. Many of us would not seek to harm or kill you for attempting to build upon the demesne of the Elves. We would inform you kindly that you are not permitted to construct in that area.

    If a community is built within 200 meters ((blocks)) from a nation then it is within that nation's right to ask that it be expunged in its entirety. The High Prince was already forced once to exercise his right as the sovereign of the Elves to require the razing of a small community that had popped up just outside of Laurelin's walls. Fortunately it seemed that it was already abandoned by the people that had built it. Nature has since taken back the land.

    If you wish to build within Malinor, even if it is outside the walls of Laurelin or the various outposts that the High Prince is sovereign over, you must seek consent from High Prince Native.

    I would suggest you speak to the High Prince about your constructing Ranger Base within the Elven realm or simply move it farther away so that you do not need to destroy your base and rebuild it elsewhere unnecessarily as you would have to do if it was built without the permission of High Prince Native.

    I hope this answered your questions thoroughly.


    Toren, Prince of Malinor.

  6. Fare thee well, Bell. May you rest in peace, away from the troubles and evils that plague Aegis.

    Bell was a great ally and a very dear friend to me. I shall miss her greatly.

    I had heard of an Undead battle at their black keep...but, alas, I was far away and thought I would arrive after the battle, too late to aid anyone; so I did not gird or accouter myself with blade or armour to march off to battle.

    Perhaps if I had been there, if one more person had been there, things might have been different...I was told I should not blame myself; Bell had been a painful thorn in the side of the Undead for a long time and they sought her out, seeking to strike her down. Still, it is a guilt I shall not easily shed.

    Goodbye Bell. You will not be forgotten.

  7. Wandering Wizard, it is an honor that you have read my story and think so highly of me.

    And Bell, I must try to take care of myself, after all, you cannot always come to my aid. I do appreciate that you care enough for me that you would look out for me though. I shall try, reasonably hard, to stay out of trouble.

    As for you High Prince Native, thank you for commenting on my tale. I must say that I think there is little mystery behind me. I am, after all, a relatively simple Elf.

  8. t5fvon.png

    Name: Toren.

    Title: Elf-Prince Toren of Malinor.

    Gender: Male.

    Age: By the count of man, he is some 300 years old. Still, he considered young by the standards of Elves.

    Race: Elf.

    Occupation: Farmer, Prince.

    Hobbies: Reading, tending to the fields of his farm.

    History: Toren's past is wholly uninteresting and completely ordinary. No bandit-thug butchered his beloved parents and no Orc war party ravaged his resplendent home. In fact, as a young elf-child, no heinous wrongs were committed against him that would cause him to seek out bitter revenge later in life. His was a childhood of relative peace and quiet, save for the typical bumps and scrapes one might expect any being, be they Orc; Human or Dwarf, to experience during that age.

    As with all of the beings that walk the demesne of Aegis, he was born in the Cloud Temple. But the elf did not stay close. His parents, whatever their reasons, bore him away across land and sea to some distant home and there Toren grew up within green, verdant forests not unlike those of Malinor, his youthful days spent beneath the golden sun and the mothering canopy of the lofty trees.

    His parents were a truly simple people. His father was no gallant knight and his mother no noble Lady, though Toren sometimes wished them so, enamored as he was by the fairytales his mother used to read to him from thick, dusty leather-bound books.

    His father, an unassuming farmer, taught him how to till the rich soil and nuture the seedlings so that crops could be culled from the fertile earth. Deep within the lush woodlands Toren was instructed how to wield and hunt with a bow, the preferred weapon of the Elves, his father used to say. And from his mother, Toren gained the gift of language and literacy. Under her stern tutelage, he learned how to read and write. Like his mother, he found particular joy and comfort in reading.

    And for nearly 300 years Toren spent his life tending the fields beside his father beneath the cerulean sky, his days just the same as always - quiet, simple within his serene forest home. It was not until recently that he deemed his curiosity too great to continue this tranquil life; the tales from his mother's books instilled some sense of great adventure and stubborn valor into him. And thus, he traveled far to the Princedom of Malinor.

    When he arrived at its capital, Laurelin, Toren took a job as a farmhand. And it was then that he first wielded a blade, to defend against the black spiders that crawled up and over the fences. Harkening back to the fairytales of brazen knights and fair princesses, fierce creatures and fell evils, the Elf desired to better himself in swordcraft. Donning the heavy iron armor of the Dwarves, he went out each night to battle the dark monsters that roamed the earth beneath the watchful gaze of the moon as its gossamer rays trailed across the landscape.

    During these days, he met many Elves, including High Prince Native. And after a time of quiet, dutiful labor on the farm, the sovereign-prince gave Toren a position the Elven Council. The Prince Regnant intimated to Toren his reasons for doing so and the young Elf felt truly honored! When first offered the title, Toren had thought to shy away from it, favoring the quiet life of cultivating the land instead, but he saw that the High Prince was often so busy that Toren sought to relieve some of that burden.

    Toren very much still considers himself a farmer and despite his title as Prince, he prefers to be addressed by his forename.

    As for Toren himself; he is tall, lean with flaxen hair and of fair complexion. His pleasant countenance has yet to be marred by any true sorrow or great suffering in his life. Upon his brow is a modest circlet of wrought silver. The Elf trusts few and has even fewer friends, yet that is not to say he is unfriendly. Toren is also a humble and honest Elf, traits deeply ingrained within him, and, some might even say, he is naive. Toren is often times foolishly courageous and repeatedly disregards the advice of his close friend, Bell, who has seemingly taken it upon herself to watch over him. He does not consider himself very clever nor does he think he is particularly well-suited for the legislative work as a Prince of Malinor. Still, he is fiercely loyal to all he holds dear and this includes his friends, Malinor and High Prince Native.

    He now spends his days farming still, tending the land he co-owns in Laurelin. It is what he enjoys most, after all. When he is not wandering about Malinor's capital, making sure that all in the city is well and beautiful, Toren journeys often to Al'Khazar. Things of import that he hears or sees during his travels, he brings back to the High Prince so that the sovereign of the Elves may know of the happenings that occur throughout Aegis.

  9. Hello! You have my utmost condolences for the attack on Elvindale by the Undead.

    It is a pity that I could not make it. ((I was offline bleh)) But I hope that Elvindale has been able to recover from the battle.

    I shall have to come visit one day soon, if I am welcome.

  10. I do enjoy this idea and I will be downloading it to use. I don't have any mods except for optifog+optimine.

    As for custom capes, I hope we will be able to have our own designs.

    I had a cape mod but had to stop using it because, however awesome and amazing it was for the atmosphere of the server, it made the MC client crash whilst I was playing multiplayer and of course I couldn't have that happening.

    I'll probably be downloading it.

  11. I wouldn't mind being able to visit a library that has a large selection of books to read. I support this idea, my character and I both have a love of books.

    One thing I'd like to suggest is that each floor has architecture or decorations that corresponds with each race. For example, Elves would obviously be woodsy and nature-y. I think that'd be interesting.

    Though I think a single theme that carries throughout the whole library would be fine too.

    Chairs, lounge and study areas would be nice, with the desks made from hatches and fences like so: (two designs I came up with on my test world)

    I'm very partial to the corner desk myself.



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