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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by Gzomyndzor

  1. Sounds great, as long as we're given some sort of indication as towards when they'll be. Also, what's the official time zone of the guild? I'm assuming it isn't GMT.

  2. Yep, I'm a youtuber along with Isienmai :P We've done about 70 episodes of LoC so far...quality of videos has been dropping recently but the guild sure has given us great footage for interesting episodes :)!

  3. Out of Character Information MC Name: Gzomyndzor Age: 17 Time Zone: GMT Do you have TeamSpeak?: [http://www.teamspeak3.com/] Skype? [Leave skype name here] I will be getting ts in the near future. I would prefer not to leave my skype. In Character Information Why are you interested in joining the Guivrets? I have travelled here from a far land with my companion Maraeln, and have been captivated by it's beauty and lovely people - I wish to try my hardest in any way to protect and help this land. I'm sure my companion will surely follow me in this endeavour soon. Have you read and understood the rules of the Duchy? Yes Name: Iheiuh-Alor Race: Elf Age: 27 Are you 100% committed to the Guivrets? No other commitments made? I am committed with no other commitments made. What are your skills? [Give exact stats /stats in game] Swordsmanship: 75 - still in training! Blacksmithing: 65 Herbalism: 100 - I have a deep love of nature, and use my healing abilities for my comrades. Do you swear to abide by the oath? [Copy+Paste Here, but make sure you have read it.] I, Iheiuh-Alor, Swear upon my honor that I will uphold the peace and security of my lord, Balian Guivret and Helaine Guivret. To keep the Guivret family safe, to protect and support the Duchy, and to do my job to the best of my ability. I swear to protect the flag of The Guivrets, the Holy Oren Empire, and to remain loyal to the Guivrets.
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