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Robin Drake

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About Robin Drake

  • Rank
    That bearded guy
  • Birthday 08/22/1991

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Dungannon, Northern Ireland
  • Interests
    3d Character Design, 3d Modelling, Gaming, Photography, Cinematography, Anime, Manga and LOTC! :D

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  1. So I have discovered a second grey hair in my beard. #quiteinteresting

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    2. Space


      That is actually not how copyrights work. And, I think this marks a transitional time of your like Robin. Accept who you are. I wish you the best of luck my deartest friend


      PS :^>

    3. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      I shall embrace the beard, for it is me and I am it. We are one and shall remain as such. In sickness and in health, to love and to hold etc.

    4. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      Gray is the new black!

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