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Posts posted by GrimBeard

  1. battle-of-the-somme-1916-pic-popperfoto-

    1915 (Early Months)


    The Royal Navy battleship HMS Formidable is sunk off Lyme Regis, Dorset, England, by an Imperial German Navy U-boat, with the loss of 547 crew.


    Houdini performs a straitjacket escape performance!


    A Locust outbreak in Palestine begins to damage crops


    Pluto is photographed for the first time


    The 1st International Soviet is established by Leon Trotsky. The Soviet councils and men of influence were conducting the Russian war. Trotsky was nominal leader of it all, with Lenin still in Germany. He however had more connections then the more Russia leaning Lenin. As a result the International Soviet though based in Vladivostok, will encompass the world! Socialist from every nation are encouraged to join. Many volunteers begin to arrive, and enter the civil war.




    The Great War continues as more and more men die. The battles are numerous, and across several fronts. Most still believe they can win, and more and more young men are thrown into the militaries arms.






    The Second Square Deal is a far cry from its original model. For one big business and magnates lobbied quite successfully for their cause. If the Government wanted to gear up for mobilization and arms trade, they would need the magnates. National Parks and increased colony development are passed. Uncle Sam Schools are passed, but funding is thread bare, little school actually starting. The GACA, women’s suffrage, and consumer protection also fail to make it.


    FBI department is founded somewhere in NYC. Their goals are unknown but it is clearly a specialized department.


    Though very opposed to integration and were already a free nation. However the U.S did retain some rights, and their economic plan carries on. Sentiment is still low, but the aid is appreciated.


    Great Britain


    Most Americans are too poor to go see motion films. However the propaganda and talkies do have some effect. U.S citizens were by and large split, and isolationist to boot. However some British and French immigrants find sentiment in it. Some even begin to travel to Europe, to enlist. Cinema on the home front is also growing. Several men armed with the new technology traveled to the Western front. For now censored by Haig, what comes back is videos of massed BEF troops marching to the front, artillery bombardments, men digging trenches, etc.


    The new Windsor house is greatly appreciated alongside the speech. Now was more a time then ever to rally behind Monarch and state.


    Volunteers come in hordes in the early months of 1915, 2 million are raised. Mostly all from the same towns, they enlisted together. These ‘Pal’ regiments begin rigorous training on what BEF vets are left. They could be deployed as soon as the early months, if rushed. India and ANZAC troops will muster some 2 million by the end of the year.


    Repairs and increased arms production begin on the navy, and land armies. It is slow, the British only really ever having to supply 250k standing troops. More and more women will be needed to fill enlisted men’s roles in the civilian life.


    British and French forces begin a desperate entrenchment of the western front.


    Research begins but for now is halting as so many other demands take precedence over new machine guns.






    Reactions are mixed to Brazilian intervention in the war. The Troops though greatly needed will take time to get across the front. The Brazilian economy takes a hit as more and more shipping space is dedicated to war over such products as coffee and sugar. Regardless the troops begin shipping off.


    Recruitment of the 150,000 proceeds and they enter training.


    Here the first opposition is shown. Many do not want to fight in what already seems a bloody European war. Many don’t volunteer, or dodge drafts. Republicans opposed to the Empire use this to begin their own recruitment drive.


    Investment to domestic industry and infrastructure goes better. The coast and cities begin to noticeably grow.


    The work to increase the shipyards and build new ones discounted. The government instead focuses on solely making shipyards good enough for production of modern ships for now.


    The call to denounce U.S interventionism is certainly a popular concept at the time. Many assembled to discuss it as talks begin. However many do not want to trade the U.S for Brazil. Regardless a unsteady conference begins. Outright signers are Argentina, Mexico, Chile.






    Though a violate man, many people see the need to have a young Regent. Many rally behind his rhetoric anyway. What were the Bulgarians but eternal enemies? As a result more troops feel emboldened to commit atrocities as the fight continues.


    Women’s suffrage for now is not fully passed. However their vital need in the industry does allow a slackening of current law.


    Plane industry continues, Serbia even now has an early model recon plane ready for production. Thanks to the Italians!


    For now Montenegro retains its independence, content to have a strong neighbor to be allied to.


    The Logistics Corp continues it’s training, however by the coming offensive they would not be fully ready. It was a marked improvement over the past state though.


    Polish Unionist


    Pilsudski indeed would have his work cut out for him. Plenty of Polish splinter groups remained opposed. However he and his Warsaw government retained the most legitimacy. They were opposed by Poles who saw the concessions to Russia as a betrayal. They wanted full independence, not a union with a nationalist Russia. The fighting continues, mainly small skirmishes. No outright battles are conducted. Just small ambushes and guerilla strikes. 


    With the ex Russian army officers inclined to remain loyal to the Polish supported by Russia, things look up. A small and relatively under-equipped main army is formed in Warsaw. Polish industry was underdeveloped, and many arms were in rebels hands. These men begint raining, as various Warsaw pact loyalist fight to buy time in the country.






    The Imperial Navy is still busy preparing the first order, the second one this year is discounted.


    Training of the new army units continues. However an increasing need for bodies on the front sweeps many away. They simply did not have the time, and had to deploy. Merely to match Beiyang Pact numbers. Marine training haphazardly continues.


    Arms Industry expansion begins, factories churning out the weapons of war. As more and more of Japan is dedicated to military, the civilian economy begins to sag. Preparations are well financed, but debt will soon compound.


    The Japanese struggle to find the time, resources, and knowledge to make a new LMG. Instead they resort to begging the Entente, who were also struggling in that field.


    Believing the lies, many see the Chinese as inferior. However on the actual front Japanese are committing horrible atrocities, some not even bothering to kill Chinese of Manchus.The fighting is stagnant, and bloody.


    The Factions take the money.


    More and more Korean reserves fill the forts.


    The training is a farce, many confused and not sure what to do. Add in a few injuries and little is learned. Few even took the marines seriously, as distinctly separate.






    Plans continue in fits and starts, not much happening besides gradual improvement.


    The recruitment drive begins as more and more Greeks are conscripted. Almost 150k men begin training. However to “[modernize] every aspect of Military commanding and tactics were modernized.” was a far from easy task. The Greeks had learnt much from the past wars but still had much to learn. No progress on modernization is made.






    And so Russia begins a very new and terrifying phase. The Nationalist Duma had managed to secure a quick peace in the west. Finns, Poles, and Ukrainians all were entities in their own right. In each respective state there were plenty of opinionated politicians. They were in an awkward state, now bound by union with a nation they had been fighting. But they all supported the union, and sent representatives off to the Grand Assembly. 


    The elections in Russia themselves were a hotly debated issue. Many still supported the Tsar, who saved face alongside the peace. He was still the ceremonial head of state, and had many followers in the new government. He could even vote, making it clear he voted for Russia’s future. It was an odd and reluctant truce between Tsar and Duma. The entirety of the Union was comprised of men and passion and ambition, allying in their groups, and participating in bigger ones.


    The Duma itself was full of various men with agendas of their own. But they were bound together by the war and peril. The Duma elite in most Oblast had strong nationalist support bases in the factory workers, city citizens, and common folk. Tsarist running against them got more from the Royalist, Industrialist elite who did not want unions barging into their land, and average Russians who loved the Romanovs. 


    The Oblast were hotly contested, but the Russian Duma was by and large voted back in. 70 seats go towards the Duma, with 30 to the Tsarist supporters. The 150 seats up for grabs based on population were more leaning the other way however. Conservatives, rich landowners, and others against all the treaties with lesser states and loss of land were angry at the Duma. The more rugged base of Russia’s population wanted a return to the status quo of the Romanovs. As a result 80 seats go to the Tsarist. The Duma holding 40, and a Democratic party holding 30.

    Private foreign investment is almost zero as the brutal civil war rages on. 




    Ottoman Empire


    With help of German advisors, the arms factory begins construction. The Ottomans begin to hire skilled workers, and bring in supplies. The factory will even be rolling out arms in small quantities by  1916.


    Oil Industry continues on pace. However all the money spent to find more oil is halted. Instead the Ottomans focus on improving what they already have. It had been doing this for some time now. They were actually producing oil, supplying their own navy. Several key Ottoman Generals and politicians urge the Sultan to take the Baku oil fields. They were what they needed, and perhaps the rich industry in magnates in the Empire were pressuring them. Paramilitary groups were even amassing in Armenia, under a Pasha. It would seem without state sanction they might even potentially march.


    Training of the amassed armies throughout the Empire continues. It seems desperate, as men hear tales from the fights in Egypt and the Balkans. 

    Work on the gun will coincide with the arms factory.




    Germany was amassing her full complement of reserves. Many restrictions were loosened. For instance men who needed glasses, or lower level government jobs, or nobility. As a result over the next year she could expect 3 million more men. The army had always maintained a large pool of conscripts in times of war. The issue now was getting enough officers, supplying them, and training them properly for trench warfare.


    Work begins into the Zeppelin project. It certainly would take a while, and had an uncertain fate. But Germany certainly had the money at the moment to spare.


    U-Boats become the key component of naval production lines. Over the next two years fifty-seventy boats will be added to the current forty or so.






    Conscription begins as hundreds of thousands of men are impressed into service. Many protest to this, drawn away from their lives to serve Spain. Many didn’t exactly agree to the government’s ideas either. Paired with the now massive need for experienced officers, training facilities, equipment, and shipping, and the mobilization would indeed take quite some time. Many Conservatives and opposition actually join the army, using it to gain postion there.


    And so the new army looks smartly dressed in it’s new drab colors. Officers protested, but they all heard what had happened to the French.

  2. coat_of_arms_of_the_separatist_remnant_b

    Separatist State (The Final Holdout)


    Jan Muller marched through his Providence class destroyer, with purpose. He ignored the scars she had, the electric sparks shooting out every few minutes. Very few Droids opted to spend their time here. Only engineers and human support remained. As Jan strolled past, they would all stop what they were doing. Clicking boot heels, they salute. Jan however ignores them, as he approaches the command bridge. His loyal companion T-R3x awaited. He was not the only one however. Within the bridge was the last of the true Power within the state. Galactic Bankers (The very one’s who employed Jan), CIS lords stuck planet side, and the senior Command droids. All dropped to their knees, affirming Jan as leader. A Genosian nick named Flaps spread his arms wide.


    “Ah, master Muller! We have been waiting for you.” Flaps moves to activate the hologram. “As you predicted, we are rather stranded here.”


    Jan crosses his arms, and surveys the scene. He knew how desperate their situation was, but formality called. He begins in his nasally tone;


    “Flaps, T-R3x, Lords of the State, I thank you for meeting me here.” He purposely strides to the hologram, stabbing his finger at a particular city. “We have spent too long already wasting away here. The facilities are running dry, and my quotas go un met.” Several of the lords begin to stutter, but Jan silences them with a upheld hand. “I do not blame any, merely our position is unfavorable. Iv’e come to suggest we march on the southernly island. The city there surely can’t be fully defended.”


    At thus several of the CIS lords applaud the notion. They too have felt the burning need for more resources. However one man raised his voice. Ernst Junger, Admiral of the CIS ‘navy’. “My Lord, I feel you neglect me so.” Jan raises an eyebrow as Ernst continues. “Allow me to utilize the fleet. We have relatively stable intel alluding to a inner asteroid belt. Let me go there in search of minerals. If one fails, the other may work.” Jan nods, and prompts Ernst and T-R3x to make their respective plans. Jan would take to the field.



    Mr. Muller looked as the last star faded from the sky. It was his navy, already underway to complete their own task. Admiral Junger and half the star-fighters left the planet’s orbit. They would scout the Inner asteroid belt, and hopefully harvest much needed minerals. It was Jan who had the larger task ahead of him. While the navy collected rocks, he would conquer a city.


    T-R3x stayed behind, too useful for a assault. But he was the mastermind of this attack. The Droid armies would be utilized to their full potential. The only problem was the channel between the two islands. It wasn’t too much of a barrier, but prevented the land army rolling over. Landing an army would take time and risk. And so Jan and sixty-nine BX Commando Droids will wait until a stormy night. As the army mobilizes on the shores, these seventy Droids will make a [stealthy] insertion into the hostile island on their seventy STAP’s. If it works, Jan and his coterie of commandos will work their way along the shore, and inland. One by one they hopefully ambush, neutralize, or subdue listening post, guard post, patrols etc etc.


    As dawn comes, the Droid army will hopefully have a safe beach head, and the Island will be none the wiser. The remaining Star-Fighters will escort the C-9979 Landing craft, to begin landing the main army. With every passing wave, the army is sent to the “front lines”. For if the Edichi gain wind, they will most likely try to push them off the island. So with every wave, the Droid’s solidify their beach head more.


    If/When the full army is transported across, the army will march on the city. Either after a protracted fight to hold the beachhead, or in complete surprise, the commandos and Jan doing their work. Either way the city will be asked to integrate into the Confederacy, becoming a power within the State in their own right. Failure to do so will mean a siege of the city. CIS forces will surround it, and slowly squeeze it dry.


    The entire offensive is conducted in a way to minimize losses.




    With little resources to do much, expansion is needed.


    The CIS fleet is dispatched to the Inner asteroid belt, to harvest materials needed to build and repair droids/ships.


    The CIS army is dispatched under Jan Muller to conquer or integrate the neighboring Edichi island city.


  3. Discord: You Have IT


    Faction of Choice: CIS Holdout

    Faction Name: Separatist State 

    Brief Faction History: Almost too long ago to remember, wars had been fought against clones on this planet. The Separatist had been stronger than. But now they were a husk of their former self. Droids rusted, as more and more strongholds are lost. Now all that remains is one last holdout. On some fragmented islands, they exist in a feeble state.


    Hero Name: Jan Udenhosencrien

    Brief Hero backstory: Formally a apprentice to the CIS sponsored Knights of the Force. Neither Jedi nor Sith, he was more a blade for hire. When the situation had become desperate, the Galactic Banking Clan had bought him into this conflict. Promised the world, Jan now is a refugee just like the Droids. He aspired to rebuild the former CIS glory, and claim what was rightfully his.

    Hero Point Acquisition: Force Sensitive (8) Force Combat (2)

    Any specific items/equipment request: Two lightsabers for Mr. Udenhosencrien, one Blue, one Red.



  4. 135145-004-6DCEA4A7.jpg

    1914 (Later Months)


    War, war, and more war! What is already being called a European conflict has exploded. Tens of thousands are already dead. Most nations firmly believed they could win, in one master stroke. The German’s almost did, to be frank. 3 million men slammed into Belgium, violating it’s neutrality. The French did as well, both sides violating Belgian rights.




    “An excerpt from the fighting that has ensued.” 


    And so, lines in the sand are drawn! With a French failure to meet German demands, war seems possible. The German, Austro-Hungarians, Italians, Ottomans, and Serbians all begin mobilization. As a direct result France, Bulgaria, Japan, and Great Britain do the same. This just makes matter worse, everyone pointing fingers. It's all settled however by June 20th. Germany officially declares war on France. Spirits are high. EVERY nation believes it will be a short, quick war. Many hope it to be over by christmas. Officers lead their large column of men, music playing giddy tunes. People begin to volunteer by the hundreds. And so as mobilization ends, we reach the month of July. War plans begin, who knows how the fighting will go?




    Mobilization begins, the first combatants ready being Germany, France, and Italy. Amidst all this chaos many simply don't believe a war will actually happen. That hope is SMASHED, as the first battle of the war takes place! A single Italian scout high up in the alps encounters a French probe. Single handedly, he holds them off. With just a rifle and three extra clips, he kills four. He is later blasted to bits by field artillery. This is perhaps an ominous foreshadowing of mountain warfare. It is now August 2nd, when the war well and truly begins.


    A Belgian NCO shares a cigarette with a comrade, looking to the skies. He sees what appears to be three dots moving high up. Pigeoning it back to command, he gets out some field glasses. Panning up the first thing he sees is massive Black Iron Crosses. Germans. Planes fly lower, guiding the zeppelins in. Over a hill, he sees hundreds of spikes come into view, Then faces, then grey torsos. Germans, in all their glory, marching by the million, invade Belgium. The Zeppelins drop bombs on Belgium troops as the German group smashes them out of the town of Liege. The same day French troops turn up on Belgium soil, with NO permission. However King Leopold knew he could not fight both of them, and reluctantly sides with France. The French and German plans both called for marching into Belgium swiftly. But that is not where the first major battle takes place.......




    The first real battle takes place on the German/French border. The French enact PLAN 17, a righteous, bold, sexy, sleek, cunning, smart, and overall top notch offensive plan. Officers on horse back waving sabers lead large troops of men, all brightly clad in a blazing Blue and Red. Military bands play cheery music, as the French troops attack on the German right. They encounter German army group 7, mainly comprised of eastern Prussians, freed up from Russia not being in the war. France led the attack on German positions. Most French officers did not account for machine guns and modern artillery. And they lead their men into slaughter. Waves of men assault German positions in forest and hill tops. Maxims begin to chatter, rifles pop, and artillery rounds THUMP. French are killed by the dozen, though German casualties are also high. The French are decimated, and sent retreating back to their side of the border. However now shows a major German problem. Their field Generals were notoriously independent. And with Italian divisions arriving daily, a counter assault is launched against orders. Now a German army is advancing en masse against French positions. Chauchats and rifles mow them down, as they charge in waves. The Germans are sent reeling back, and a MAJOR French counter to the counter begins. France troops advance on a soon to be notorious hilltop in Alsace Lorraine. On august 22nd, in a single day, France has 27,000 men killed in action.  As the battles die down, elsewhere other battles are just starting








    The movement of factories was one that was one of those fatal choices. France bent a lot of her effort to moving industry. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers are charged to assist. The ones not going and dying in the bloody front that is. As a result France manages to salvage a good amount of her mobile industry and stockpiled resources. However more permanent fixtures such as the valuable coal mines and equipment are seized by Germans.


    Conscription though getting 8 million under arms at once is not possible. Many millions however are pouring from the 1st layer of reserves. They were the ones now being thrown into the front, the new ones to die.


    For now Joffre is still kept as commander of the French forces. He was beloved of the people, and thought to have a valuable mindset. Many still believe in the offense, though admit it was an embarrassing defeat.

    Taxes and Food are grumbled about but accepted.


    Research goes well, as the French scramble to match the German’s heavy artillery.




    Though small the army of the U.S is relatively modern. The vast sum of their numbers are still sitting on the Mexican border, sweltering. However as reserves are called up morale grows. They see the brotherhood growing. However the army and congress is vastly unprepared for anything resembling actual build up.


    Great debates begin on the proposed Second Square Deal. For now nothing is agreed upon. But for once it seems the damn parties are debating, not arguing. It was likely it would get passed through next year in one form or another. The hotly contested issues are the GACA, Women’s Vote, and overall meddling with the big business. Who could guess the rich to stay rich?




    Mr Aleski’s speech is well received, many young Serbs aspiring to be him. Though he and his regiment become angered at their Speech being edited. They cared not what the Austrians think. As a result the regiment post the full speech, certainly not helping with tension.


    The new recruits reworked training system will take longer, but help increase life expectancy. Many recently wounded Serb veterans begin to train the next generation.


    The Serbs indeed had learned a lot of the power of logistics. They were vital keys to both their offensives. The new Corp while mainly full of old men and women, will grow fast. However they will need training, and time.


    As more Serbs join the army, more Montenegrins with the expanded act move in to work.


    Serbian treatment is still rough of the Bulgarians. Many had been fighting them in three wars, and all had lost comrades. As a result atrocity is common place, Bulgarians fleeing into the mountains to escape the Serbs. It becomes hard to locally supply, meaning a massive strain on the new logistics corp.






    The increased family plan kicks off well. Many already meet the requirements and enjoy the extra benefits. The population and industry plan continues at a small rate, it will take time.


    Farming reforms go quicker, as the relatively infertile Greek land is improved.


    The Greek occupation of Thrace causes quite the stir. Many agreed with it however, weary of the Ottomans, Serbs, and Austrians. 




    The Netherlands


    Depillarization is a failure, it is far too early to be a method of Dutch thinking.


    Weary of a possible war cutting off trade, the interest into home industry is well placed. The Government is actually praised as they begin to grow business.

    The Refugees in growing numbers are flooding the Netherlands. Almost all of Belgium is occupied by the end of the year. As a result quaint Dutch cities and farms are the place for refugee camps. It angers the conservatives, and Centralist. However most take them in and feed them, improving local relations. 


    Full mobilization is enacted as the army moves into defensive postures.


    However assuming the improvement of the armed forces is ‘unimpeded’ is an exaggeration. Just taking experience from foreign advisors does not mean the men improve. Almost all the men are conscripts, and little concerned with being a standing army. However the standing army is learning their lessons well, modernizing and restructuring. 




    Army reorganization goes as planned! 100k new men are recruited in.


    Trying to make Spain a railway system that extensive however is not as smoothly implemented. It will take time and vast sums of money to make such an extensive line. Foreign investment or smaller ambitions will be needed. For now Madrid and it’s neighboring towns are the start.




    No phosphorescent shells or night time equipment is really salvaged. However they did notice the Germans used massive searchlights to pinpoint enemy ships. A lesson learned hard. The German ship pulled out is found to have wonderfully engineered well everything. Their armor is thick, and compartments in their hull allow water in without the ship sinking. Reverse Engineering is not possible yet.


    Ship production goes as planned.


    Defensive measures also go as planned.


    Mobilization goes as planned.


    The Korean acts help solidify the imagery of Japan caring for it’s slav- citizens in Korea. Many indeed do enlist, almost all wanting to join the all Korean brigade. Garrisons begin to be freed up.


    Marines are recruited however training for them has to start all over again.


    The government military spending act is passed.


    Propaganda has little effect known yet.




    The German army begins to entrench as the French do the same. 


    “Combat” is a relative term for airplanes. Instead a premier recon plane is put forth, to be ready for production by the end of the year. It is the precursor to the Albatros.






    The new constitution has mixed reviews. Socialist of course despised it. But by and large most if not all of the articles are supported. Plenty of Duma statesmen want to rush in a new government. They saw a drawn out civil war killing them all. Not too mention the massive war erupting to the west. It passes with a resounding vote to aye!


    Though not disagreeing, the Tsarist also don’t openly agree. Nicholas and his cabinet, advisors, and generals are concerned of being purged. Instead they dig their heels in, and entrench key areas. As the fighting draws out, the broach the possibility of a less radical change. Tsar Nicholas admits he would be inclined to sing it. But wants his family, generals, and politicians to have a new part in this government, even if he must relinquish autocratic power. It would seem the Tsarist were prolonging the war to at least get in on the growing government.


    Ukraine agrees and is discussed elsewhere. Poland disagrees for now. (Also mentioned elsewhere)




    Shipping was a major problem from the start. Ottoman merchant marines could not exactly travel through the suez or Gibraltar freely. Instead it had to be landed in places like Iran, and then shipped by land over. However the


    Janissaries receive the beginnings of an American stockpile.


    With little else to do the mobilized army begins the training regimen.


    Oil production continues as stated before.



  5. 5 hours ago, Sovereign_of_Solaris said:



    Discord Name; u have it


    Nation of Choice (and why?); German Empire, because Imperial Germans much nicer than 3rd Reich Germans


    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers); The German Empire, a once disunified people now formed the greatest Germanic Imperial Power it is today. Having defeated France in the Franco-German War in 1871 the Empire was officially formed. It’s constitution eventually led to the ruling of Emperor Wilhelm II and Otto Von Bismark as its chancellor. In the 1850’s the German Empire went through a state of Rapid Industrialization. The Empires population had nearly doubled in size from 1871 to 1913. It is by all means a World Power, similar to Britain and France in their colonial empires, but that is where familiarities end.


    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party; Empire, Ruled by Emperor Wilhelm II and its Chancellor Otto Von Bismark


    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?; Eckart Glöckner, Engineer and Pilot. Originally apart of Deutsche Luftschiffahrts-AG, also known as DELAG for short the primary builder of Zeppelins in the German Empire. However he found himself brought to service in the German Army.


    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me); 4,500,000 Soldiers,


    Did you read all the information?; Yes, yes i did...so much to read.


    Suggestions or feedback?; Heil dah Kaiserreich


  6. a4602b4c2738d08226836c6667f103722205c0f6

    1914 (Early Months)

    And so, the world shakes to it’s core. Globalization was akin to modern times. Life was getting better, bigger, and fuller. But but but. It seems the world has brought itself to the brink. Tensions are razor sharp, and all it takes is one little push............


    Nationalism is at an almost all time high! Across the world these parties are starting to grow the quickest. Men who believed in the honor of their state, and it’s rightful means to expand.


    The St. Petersburg–Tampa Airboat Line in the United States starts services between St. Petersburg and Tampa, Florida, becoming the first airline to provide scheduled regular commercial passenger services


    Suffragette Mary Richardson damages Velázquez' painting Rokeby Venus in London's National Gallery, with a meat chopper.


    The Brazilian Football Confederation is founded, with Álvaro Zamith as its first president. The Brazilian Olympic Committee is founded on the same day.


    Greek genocide: Ottoman Greeks in Phocaea are massacred by Turkish irregular troops.


    China debuts as the first Nation to officially have it’s “excrement” hit the fan. Up until an unofficial Japanese blockade in July (Soon to be a very tense month for all) aid has been sent. The Beiyang warlord pact was ruthless in it’s crackdowns. All in the name of President Yuan, still in a secluded hospital recovering from his wounds.


    Kill teams roamed the countryside, hunting down alleged enemies to the Republic. The Provincial system is kept. But many representatives are accused (and duly executed) of being enemies of the state. Everyone was terrified, an enraged President Yuan bullying his Republic. It was astounding for how long people meekly let this all happen, still hoping for a Republic.


    Chinese troops in pickelhaubes marched through Beiyang, toting maxims and rifles. They marched in lock step, and were the Beiyang Pacts elite troops. Massive ‘Republic’ armies began mobilization on the Manchurian border, after a years worth of preparation.


    And then China explodes because of one nurse!


    Having escaped from the hospital Yuan was at in the Tibetan mountains, she flees to her uncle. A local warlord, and provincial representative opposed to the Republic. In bits she recounted the past few months. It soon became apparent to the world President Yuan had never ordered these crackdowns. He had died only minutes after the Assassin shot him, his body stored somewhere remote. The Beiyang had been consolidating their power in his name, while the Germans focused on seizing Chinese naval assets.


    And now they stood strong, focused around their capital of Beijing. The Provincial Republic died as hundreds began to bicker and enforce their power in their local areas. With no President or power holding them together, they fractured. Warlords and politicians began carving out their own little slices of Empire. Thanks to the crackdowns, German aid, and consolidation though, the Beiyang pact had a formidable sphere of influence around Beijing. An unknown number of seized Republic ships and German ones pre blockade remain safe in docks.


    Regardless China explodes into several states, most of them at war with each other. China’s efforts to train it’s populace many years ago now came back to haunt them.




    Car factories begin in Serbia, soon to be converted to military factories!


    The SIA becomes more competent as it plays cat and mouse with Russian officials, hunting them down.


    Army reforms continue, Serbia is now ironically the world’s most experienced and modern army.


    Montenegrins pour into Serbia, giving their economy a temporary boost. In a few years time they will return home with their skills. Ties between both nations grow.






    Nationalism and patriotic fervor rise, as more people begin to value the monarchy.


    Mining and Foundry Plans continued as planned.


    Grain Silos however will take longer, they start in the major towns.


    With a little counseling and family time the royal couple begins to mend.




    Chaos rips through the country! In a [semi] successful coup as people regard it, the Russian Duma and it’s key members storm the palace. However they did not get to walk right in. Though the Tsar was unpopular, there was no massive mistakes made in  rapid succession or overtly stupid move recently to motivate this response. And so many still supported the rightful Romanov’s centuries long rule, not the 3 year old Duma. However many nationalist, radicals, and ironically worker unions supported them.


    The palace escapade becomes bloody immediately. Guards loyal to the Tsar ambush Duma force’s as they approach the palace. After an hour of fighting however, they lose. But in all the confusion the Royal Family had escaped, with a palace guard contingent. Rasputin is found hiding under a bed in the Royal families nursery, and is apprehended. Other dissidents either flee or are mostly rounded up in the capital.


    Crackdowns begin as the laws are passed through the Duma. Many had caught wind of it, but were still too slow. Riots erupt in Moscow, St Petersburg, and elsewhere at the banning of these parties. The Duma being stormed added fuel to the fire. Now people saw this as a hostile takeover, not a rightful step to power. Fleeing Socialist run through the country, playing cat and mouse with Duma hunters. The Labour Group ceases to exist as many join other parties or flee.


    Work on the rifle does not happen with all this political upheaval.


    Support for the Duma is hotly contested. Their promises of nationalism, a progressive Russia, the Societal Front, and constitution seem promising. As a result Duma control in the main Russian cities is the strongest. They control most of the industry and cities. However if they thought this would be a bloodless takeover, they were very far from being right.


    The outlawed parties, royalist, and opponents of the Duma were large. While the Duma controlled cities, more backwards areas and rural lands stuck to the Tsar. After a month or two Tsar Nicholas makes his presence known. He had fled to Finland, and was raising an army. He calls for every ‘True’ Russian to resist the Duma. After this the countryside becomes teeming with rebels. Cossacks, loyal Regiments, Royalist, they all took up arms. There was no fronts, merely raids and skirmishes popping up across the entire Empire. Exactly four other Russian provisional governments are set up alongside the Duma. Mostly in the center and east, they are the exiled Socialist/Democrat enclaves. They were whipping up the locals, establishing their own states.


    The Russian army enters immobility as the chaos ensues. They were torn on whether to support the Tsar or Duma. Many began to argue, debate, and fight (with fist). Others were already packing their bags, heading to either the Tsar in Finland or the Duma to enlist (Or the Socialist enclaves to the east). The Official Russian army begins to slowly disintegrate. However with the Military Front and several Duma leaning generals, they had command over large portions of available military garrisons in the cities, and all the industry (in the west). Over 1 million men under arms, recent recruitments aside.


    Support for the Duma is mixed. However with strong nationalist fervor and reforms, they have avoided what could have possibly been their immediate deaths. Now who knew which faction would take the Russian throne. The Tsar controlled the ports, navy, and army groups of western Russia.






    The propaganda has some effect, but the government was paining a very rosy picture. Dutch society is split, and the current government help a minority of the power in parliament. As a result their actions were sluggish, as it met much opposition. As such the army only sees a slight increase to recruits. The Conscript army wasn’t really a thing unless in emergency. As a result there was no true steps to a modern army that way.


    As said, they were struggling for  money. As a result most blatantly ignored the equality acts. They made profit where they could, and moved on. The same for infrastructure, many being brutally used up and discarded. However as a result the VOK more or less begins to consolidate power.


    The same for their new african colonies. On paper it sounded good, but in execution it was sloppy and imprecise. The population still seethes, mainly out of Dutch public eye. The Dutch see this lessening as good, assuming it’s working.


    These ideas for armies like that simply didn’t exist in a large enough way to grasp. Modern armies like the British even would struggle to claim all those claims. Alongside this the government opposition shows in the first major confrontation. Besides colony troops and some royal elements, a Dutch army really didn’t exist. In war time or emergency the conscripts are called into service. However that has yet to happen. Alongside this the opposition is against taking to a standing army. They still firmly believe in armed neutrality, and a conscript army in emergency was the way to achieve that. Arming with new equipment begins slowly. However the foreign officers do begin whipping up a ‘modern’ division of Dutch.




    The Steel Industry falls behind on expected quotas. Instead it was busy being converted into weapons of war for Greece.


    Expulsion of Centrist leaning officers starts. However this is met with firm opposition from the King’s son, and royalist. Instead they opt to leave the army (doing the Greek’s job for them!) and found their own paramilitary clubs.




    Mobilization begins, ringing alarms in Asia. However it was already pretty clear matters were soon to grow worse. Army mobilization will be complete by June.


    Infrastructure had been receiving small in headway in upgrades. With The increased attention it will speed up. Railways and other commodities might be finished by 1916.


    Research begins in better amphibious craft. For now they can only slightly improve current models.


    Destroyers begin construction, slightly outdated in comparison Germany/Britain’s ever growing fleets. They are expected to finish on standard construction time.






    Greece appreciates the help, tying the government closer. But not the Royalty!


    The new guns are implemented into the divisions slowly, as factories make the shift over. For now training is only rudimentary, no one really knowing just how effective machine guns will be.


    The navy designs will be slightly off time. They are planned to be finished by 20 months.


    All three nation’s reject the offer. Romania pronounces it is not eager to make Austria an enemy, while France was so far away.


    Great Britain


    The highest tax recorded! And yet it was passed through a unified government rather smoothly. Great Britain leading up to June, 1914 steps up to the plate, and matches German production for the year.


    The Spanish troops are woefully unready to be trained with such fine weapons. It will take plenty of time for them to adopt to uniform rifles and machine guns.


    Films spread throughout the U.S. However many see them as peculiar, or a amusement, not serious. Most are too busy with internal politics to look across the ocean.





    Though the calls for support of the Duma are realized by the government, few take action. Firstly the Tsar holds the routes into Russia. Secondly the Duma seemed to be a potential Italian enemy, what with growing tensions on between the two global alliances.


    German and Austrian arms flood in as the army mobilizes and arms as planned. However almost every Italian is still using homeland weaponry.


    The Dreadnought plan is better left to nations like Germany or Britain. Instead the Italians lay down plans for 2 dreadnoughts and an armored cruiser.


    Elections are in! And it’s a mixed bag. The socialist gained no power. However now the Liberal and Nationalist ideals are blending, becoming a proto Imperial policy. Italy’s government was leaning towards a stronger monarchy, and everyday Italian rights.






    “A shot heard around the world!” A tacky line stolen from the Americans, German newspapers nevertheless use it. In the past year or so there had been many radical changes. Socialist in Germany were on the rise in government. They were allied with many Democrats and Liberals. The Reichstag was becoming an actual tool of government. Generals were pushing for a war, to take control of the country.


    Amidst all this was the shot that was very loud. King Ludwig of Bavaria had always kept a keen eye on the west. He never trusted the French, and always suspected them. As a result he was not entirely popular with them either. It was this year he was busy touring Alsace-Lorraine. OHL (German High Command) wanted him there to inspect the western army groups. French rhetoric had increasingly been about regaining their lost land. That paired with being allied with Russia, and competing with German industry made them a threat.


    Unfortunately King Ludwig III was also a perceived threat to the French. Though no one knows truly, it was indeed a socialist French group that took actions into their own hands. Working in tandem with German and Russian cells, they plotted the King’s assassination. They had no attachment to French government which Germany finds out, but chooses to ignore. While Ludwig was visiting a famous battlefield of the Franco-Prussian war, a shot rings out. They were in an open field, dominated by the famous mountains of the region. A sniper had concealed himself in the mountain, waiting days for the King to arrive. And the shot was perfect, through the heart.


    However the assassin and his company are caught, after an off duty soldier reported several armed Frenchmen boarding at the inn. They are rounded up, and brutally interrogated. Germany learns they were socialist, and had connections in Paris, Berlin, and Moscow. OHL, eager to press the issue, whisper in the Kaiser’s ears. He is convinced it was an affront to the Empire, and a blatant threat. The King was dead, and Frenchmen were the reason.




    OHl reasoned Britain would not get involved in a war with German navy might growing, and they would call on Austria’s help. They saw war with Russia as inevitable, and opted to move before the Russian’s could rival them. It would also solidify German command and the Kaiser's control in an increasingly democratic Reichstag.  


    French government officials and socialist party leaders are accused of supporting the assassination of King. Germany claims they should of kept a closer watch, and even potentially were the ones who armed them. It was indeed the French government who wanted Alsace-Lorraine returned to its ‘owner’ after all.


    And so France is met with a list of demands/ At 6:00 in the evening on July 23, they state;


    -France offers an apology to Bavaria, and the Empire as a whole.


    -France pays 1 million British pounds for reparations.


    -France allows German troops to cross the border and apprehend/search for more of the Socialist/Radicals.


    -Agreement to end the arms race


    -Leasing of french dockyards for German navy


    -To suppress every publication which shall incite to hatred and contempt of the  German Monarchy, and the general tendency of which shall be directed against the territorial integrity of the latter;


    -To eliminate without delay from public instruction in Serbia, everything, whether connected with the teaching corps or with the methods of teaching, that serves or may serve to nourish the propaganda against Austria-Hungary;


    -To remove from the military and administrative service in general all officers and officials who have been guilty of carrying on the propaganda against Germany, whose names the Imperial and Royal Government reserves the right to make known to the Royal Government when communicating the material evidence now in its possession;

    It should be noted this was not clear cut actions. It was a sloppy mess of confusion, telegraphs, and misinterpreted intentions. Europe was gradually sliding into war over the chaos German OHL was causing from the assassination. It only got worse from there, with all the demands, alliances, and hatreds. Germany and Austria begin partial mobilization, purely to have a “Defensive Army” should war come. Military men across the continent urge mobilization as well, fearing if they don’t to be caught off guard.

  7. Galloway-1308.jpg

    Eiru Commonwealth


    Pop; 2,993

    Ap; 27; 5 Base, 10 (2 Market Stacks), 3 Settlement, 1 Trade, 2 Mines, 3 Gold, 2 Foundry

     FS; 3k; (1 base, 1 Farmland Stack)

    Investments; Foundry (50/50/Mine (40/40)

    Army; 300 Militia, 1 Schooner


    Little happens besides continued development in the Commonwealth. The citizens still live behind their walls, hoarding gold. A growing problem is the soon to be need for more food. Bankers travel out, eager to secure a trade partner for food. The Military will soon be the next to experience the new found wealth. A Barracks will be established to house a proper garrison. Plans begin....


    Starting Barracks; 27 AP

  8. berlin-baghdad-bahn-map2.jpg

    1913 (Later Months)


    Events across the world! The 2nd Balkan war promptly begins and ends. Bulgaria lost territory, and is humiliated!


    In Germany the world’s first Fertilizer Plant is made, and begins production. They are also EXTREMELY busy building a navy, forming the Central Powers, and adding allies to their sphere. Their intention was to make an economic alliance capable of rivaling Great Britain. As a result though their land army is falling behind expected production quotas. 


    Imperial Russian Pilot Pyotr is the first man to successfully fly a plane in a loop. 




    Mexican Government solidifies and begins a conference with Latin America. After the disastrous conference with the U.S, tensions had been high. But they had also reached a consensus. With Brazilian help Carranza pays the U.S the asked for reparations. Pancho Villa is demoted and forced to pay Roosevelt a personal fine. They then start the ATP, an “American Trade Pact”. Within it will be low tariffs, almost free trade. Shipping will be mutually protected and regulated. With it is an explosion of a South American market. Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina stand to build a foundation of a Latin market.

    Mohandas Gandhi is arrested after leading Indian miners in South Africa in a series of strikes.


    Ford mass assembly lines make their debut.


    More socialist and democratic strikes are put down by the Russian Duma. Most don’t even know it happened.


    Austria remains focused inward. Besides their reluctant agreement to a German-Serbian plan, they remain quiet. Franz Ferdinand is fervently touring Bosnia, trying to help the Germans get the Serbians to agree to a proposition. He was an adamant Serbian independence supporter, and a moderate in the Empire. 




    Chaos races through China, after an assassination attempt. Yuan Shikai was shot during an inspection of a military garrison in Beijing. His personal guard and Beiyang Generals rushed him into a hospital. It has become a fortified camp, with no one knowing the President’s status. The assailant had melted into the city, and there was little lead besides the bullet. After a few days the Beiyang Generals issued an official proclamation. Yuan was pronounced alive, and being moved to a more secure faculty. In the meantime a shakedown and hunt for the assassin will begin. The list was long of potential enemies, but the Republic had been doing well. Now the elite Beiyang Army was put into action. They were roaming the Republic, claiming to look for Yuan’s attacker. Crackdowns are commonplace. Many were terrified, unwilling to fight back against the wounded president’s orders. They were targeting former warlords with Qing ties, and the more northerly provinces saw massive garrisons of Republic Troops. It seemed they were tying up loose ends on the Manchurian border. Semi-Autonomous provinces like Mongolia, etc,  are convinced to support the wounded president in the crackdown. With a Japanese refusal to German diplomacy, they had looked to the other Asian power. German arms and advisors arrive at the end of the year in Beijing, to support the Beiyang Warlords, and the still at large President Yuan. 




    The Government run business endeavours went off smoothly. With the surplus of funds (from not trying to rebuild the navy/army) they had their target budget. As a result the mines and foundries will be finished by late 1914. From there Spanish industry will be on a noticeable rise.


    Propaganda helps fuel the growing favor of the Crown and Parliament. There are still the opposition parties and personal men. But by and large Spain was stable.






    The growing wave of industrialization in Serbia will start rather well. Factories will be built by the end of the year. A growing wave of foreign capital was helping. After winning the 1st Balkan War, Serbia proved it’s mettle. The census is a jumbled report, there was no standard system or faculties in place.


    Serbia’s move to fortify the border kicked off just in time. Bulgaria, angered at the farce of a territory allotment wanted more. As Serbian mobilize to the border , they are met with massed waves of a Bulgarian assault. The fighting is brutal, both armies fully modern and trained. Machine guns scythe men down, as some regiments die within minutes. Field artillery rips men to pieces as cavalry sweep around and behind ranks. The fighting is grueling, and piecemeal. Battles are lasting days, with no sign of rotation out of the hell. And no one learns the lesson this war presents.


    The Bulgarian’s also advance into Greece, in a sweeping wave. Initially both Serbia and Greece were pushed back with heavy losses. Artillery dueled as generals mobolized their men and sent them in. The Fighting was continuous, the Bulgarians keen to press the initial advantage. For almost a full month they pushed and pushed. But then a Romanian and Ottoman intervention halted the war in it’s tracks. The Bulgarians were surrounded, and the nation besieged. 


    The Treaty of Bucharest is signed, with Macedonia being divided between Greece, Serbia, and Romania. Adrianople is ceded back to the Ottomans.


    Germany and Austria make a joint offer to the Serbians. Austria, keen on conquering them, had been leashed in by the Kaiser. Germany desperately wanted a link to the middle east. And the Berlin-Baghdad railway was one slender thread. In return for joining the Central Powers, Serbia would be offered German and Austrian capital, as well as German aid for both military and industry. In return Germany wanted access to Serbia to build railways, and transport resources from the Middle East (as well as joining the Triple-Alliance). They hoped to steal Russia’s historic Serb ally, and offer them better terms. As a concession however, Austria wants Serbia to renounce all claims to Austrian held Bosnia and encourage Serbs in Austria to obey Austrian law. 






    Steel Mill growth increases. The initial ones are built as more are planned.


    Mainland Japan Industry sees and explosion in innovate industry. With government help and a colony market to exploit, they could focus on specialized crafts.

    The Korean Brothel Reforms as they are called pay off tremendously. The lessening of discipline paid off. More and more Koreans saw themselves as a more respected part of the Empire. The soldiers grumbled about the Brothel laws. But in truth it made things easier for the common troop. Some officers just kept to private courtesans, but obeyed the laws. The flourishing Korean press is a new source of revenue. They are by and large loyal, though with some inclination to a pro Korea.


    The Landing craft are made, but are rather outdated and inefficient. Regardless training starts. For now they have little headway, but start to learn the rudiments of amphibious fighting.


    The Education reforms start slowly, with the budget invested elsewhere.






    Many French Generals, Staff, and Government agreed with the Alsace-Lorraine rhetoric. The common people as well rallied behind this point, as anti-German sentiment was running rampant.


    The increase to the conscription army pays off very well. The French army will start to slowly grow, a multi province amalgamation of Poilus. The effort to change French uniforms is blocked immediately. The Generals laughed at the notion of trying to hide their armies. When French armies marched, their enemy would know death was coming for them.


    The new rifle will progress slightly, still needing time to enter production. 


    The Indochina company will see slight increase to raw resource extraction. 






    The VOK travels to the Dutch colonies, to find the problems awaiting. The muslim majority population was resentful, and money was tight. With not that much over sight this new independent branch was off to a bad start. They were inefficient, and reliant on the homeland.


    The modernization of the fleet proves to be a massive task. Even with increased revenue from the budget and colony sales. The Dutch did not have the means with which to update their current inventory. Most of the fleet was in their colonies, and busy going to the new ones. For now they would make no headway, simply maintain what they have. Upgrades on armaments and armor will begin but the overall ship is still horrendously outdated.


    The controversial sales are met with some resistance. The Dutch citizens living in the American isles now found themselves on U.S soil. They had lost their identity for money. The deal does however take place.


    Protest ensue across Eritrea at this change of hands. They had been fed up with Italian rule. And to be sold to the Dutch reeked of Imperialism. For now they gather in silence, only the bold raiding incoming Dutch settlers. In all the chaos no one will notice. The Liberal Dutch government for it’s part had plenty of opposition.


    The Indonesian investment falls short. The budget was too split, and the VOC was proving to not be too much of a help. In Summary the minority party leading Netherlands was facing increased opposition from all sides. Many wanted a continued status quo. This colonial mix up and deals were a potential road to ruin. However small gauge railways and outpost will grow over the islands. More military and trade outpost start as well.






    Nationalism and support for the King is on the rise. In the past three years Italy has rapidly expanded. The colony sale to the Dutch is hated, but not opposed. Besides that though Italy is on the rise, and the nationalist rhetoric listened to more. The liberal government was being influenced by this shift, they were more willing to accommodate. Though considered extremely tacky the officer’s Romanic uniforms are a point of honor for them. Nationalist who served in the Ottoman war parade the streets of Rome to cheering crowds. 


    The polls showed a growing support for the current Italian government. Though nationalist rhetoric  was strong, it was blending with the current liberals. They were tapping into that to help gain votes that would otherwise go to extremist.


    As arranged German officials and workers pour into Italy. The royal advisors start to accompany the King of Italy while others monitor telegraphs. The Venice to Berlin rail way is started. It would giver Germany greater access to the Adriatic, a sea firmly in Central Powers control. The promised aid arrives as well. German engineers will help the Italians retrofit their navy. It’ll take years and plenty of funds, but the Germans will pay for the brunt of it.






    The subtle manipulation was a better approach for the Duma. For now however Rasputin was alerted to their hate of him. He too will be whispering in the Czar’s ear, and has far more influence.


    The nationalist rhetoric had little credibility as they were the only party in the Duma. It was a one party system praising itself on being better. But they would not hold open elections, diminishing the effect in people’s minds. It was true however the more fervent Russian nationalist were outstandingly happy. 

    Russians scratch their heads and curse in vexation. A Semi-Auto was too complicated to figure out how to even produce in small numbers.


    Industry growth continues on pace. Russia and France were combined starting to rival German arms production. More and more people move to the cities for work. However life is rather squalid, poor, and cold for your everyday Russian.


    French doctrine dictated massed ranks of assault. Russia had the manpower to do this, as their officers began to learn from the French. The Russian army begins to take a shift towards praising massed offense.




    Ottoman Empire


    The elitist class of Arabs was indeed on pace to grow to even loftier heights. Towns and city districts will gradually begin to be upgraded. More parties are formed, most of them pro-Sultan nationalist. Overall it was a good year to live as an Ottoman elite.


    The agriculture reforms are seeing their first major bumps in the road. An increasingly disenfranchised conglomeration of ethnic minorities were the agriculture backbone. They saw the Arabs getting more and more power and support. And so they did not want to allow the Arabs to so completely lord over them. Tensions are high between ethnicities as is, farming remains at its current production as farmers strike.


    The Railway continues with major German funding, and the new line slowly begins.


    Many simply don’t find oil or don’t have the means too. Instead the Ottomans focus on increasing production on what fields they already have.

    The Ottomans regain Adrianople in the 2nd Balkan war. It is a big victory for the Pasha’s and Sultan. However many look to what the Ottoman territory was before 1912. There’s mixed reviews as too support of the army.  Refugees fleeing from the lost Balkan lands into Adrian/Constantinople are reaching 2.5 million.


    However the Janissaries premiered in the war. With Ottoman training relatively mastered, they had received rudiment German training and support. They even went into the war with some MG-08’s. The officer corp was lack lustre, mainly Arab elites who bought their way in. The common man though had fought and bled to earn the title of Janissary. Even with the best equipment, surprise, and ‘elite’ status, casualties were high. The Balkans were proving to be the most modern killing ground yet to be seen.


    Most shocking in the Empire this year was an attempted coup. The CUP party in Turkey were increasingly dissatisfied with Ottoman results. However reforms and actions in the past year or two had helped lighten this. They launched a surprise strike on government buildings. Nazim Pasha is assassinated, as the fighting erupts. At the last second however Janissary troops repulse the attack, and solidify the Grand Vizier's rule. It was clear the CUP had lost the Pasha triumvirates support, since the Ottomans seemed to be shifting to Germany. They went with the wind, and supported the Freedom and Accord party, hence why the coup fails. However it shows all is not well in the still Sick man of Europe.






    The Filipino people by and large wanted better education, and better infrastructure from the U.S. Many wanted to partake in local government, or help the U.S. Others still wanted education to further their independence.


    Apologies and money will never bring sons back though it slightly helps deflect any backlash.


    Many are reluctant to buy this GASA, though membership increases. The funds from it however and insufficient to help any infrastructure plans.


    The U.S government is still in shutdown and split. The economy at this point is tanking as no one can agree on anything. Controversial issues, actions like the newspaper/cowboy scandal, and a growing rivalry prevent the U.S from making leaps forward. Though Roosevelt was making deals with European powers, many more wanted a firm isolationist policy. And still many more supported the newly formed Central Powers. There were plenty of German, Austrian, Italian, Turkish, Slavic, Hungarian, and other immigrants. Another layer to the already dense American problem.






    None could really argue with punishing someone who disobeys orders. However the King’s son took it as a lesson to learn. In the 2nd Balkan war and it’s aftermath he was starting a personality cult. If the Greek King tried to seem neutral, the son was a vehement Royalist. Plays, parades, and clubs are started by these nationalist men of society.


    Industry will slowly grow, what with all the newly acquired land from the Ottomans/Bulgarians. The Steel industry will grow a little faster, but the market does not grow.


    Ironically, the Royalist praise the Greek government inviting the Italian King. It was known that he was now a staunch Central Powers supporter, something many of them were inclined to like.



  9. 2 hours ago, Otto Hohenzollern said:

        Discord Name;You have it


        Nation of Choice: Kingdom of Greece and why I want to play as them?

    I wish to unite ethnically Greek lands under a single state

        Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers);

    In (late) 1913 Greece was currently involved in the 2nd Balkan war, which saw it regain many northern territories. This combined with the first Balkan war had seen Greece almost double in size and population. Though not all was well internally, Prime minister Eleftherios Venizelos and King Constantine I had already been in disagreement during the course of the war. This was only the beginning of a conflict that would plague the country well into the first world war


        Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party;

    Constitutional Monarchy


        Any special characters you made and want to introduce?;

    Not at the moment


        Nation’s relative army/navy statistics

    Standing army of 230,000


    5 Battleships

    3 Cruisers

    14 Destroyers

    20 Miscellaneous


  10. Galloway-1308.jpg

    Eiru Commonwealth


    Pop; 2,824

    Ap; 25; 5 Base, 10 (2 Market Stacks), 3 Settlement, 1 Trade, 2 Mines, 3 Gold

     FS; 3k; (1 base, 1 Farmland Stack)

    Investments; Foundry (50/50/Mine (40/40)

    Army; 300 Militia, 1 Schooner


    The rush of gold was flowing through the city. Thanks to a timely investment they had rushed the construction. And now as far as they knew, Eiru was the richest in the new world. They have so far jealously guarded all knowledge happening in their lands. As far as anyone knew it was just trade and a New World Bank offering investment. The next project begins...


    Paying Marcolo back; 3 AP


    Finishing Foundry; 22 AP


  11. 2 minutes ago, Krefarus said:

    Discord Name; You got it


    Nation of Choice (and why?);

    The Netherlands, I seek to restore dutch colonial glory


    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers);


    The Netherlands a mostly industrialized nation lay in an unique position. As a small nations with large oversees colonial holdings, it had much to lose from any European conflict. Due to this, the Netherlands practiced an independent armed neutrality policy. Because of this it had been home to peace talks of 1899 and 1907. After the proclamation of the German Empire, the Dutch had been well aware of the possibility of a second French-German conflict. Because of this, leading up to world war 1, the netherlands spent almost 25% of their national budget on defense. Modernizing the army, defensive lines, and fortresses. Politically, the dutch practiced a firm policy of 'Friendship with all, alliance with none'



    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party; 

    Constitutional Monarchy- Queen Wilhelmina / Prime Minister Pieter WA Cort Van der Linden


    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?;

    Not atm


    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me);

    Army: Roughly 200,000 men

    Navy: 7 Battle Ships, 4 Cruisers, 8 Destroyers, 35 Raiders, 3 submarines, 35 misc


    Did you read all the information?;



    Suggestions or feedback?;



  12. 300px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_105-DOA3056,_Deu

    1913 (Early Months)



    And the end of a year comes to its conclusion. The start of 1913 promises more blood to come as Mexican-U.S conflict ends.




    In Germany decisive actions are finally made. The Cavalry is rescaled to its original size, many who suggested the idea rounded up and shot. The Kaiser, his generals, and as an afterthought the Reichstag, begins new German ambitions. Von Schlieffen is delegated less and less power. He was focused on European affairs, and his plans revolved around his father’s for France. 


    The Kaiser takes a more personal affair in overall military matters. Colony revitalization continues, German East Africa  the primary focus. The cost was high though, and logistically hard to accomplish. But neighbors to German colonies saw an increase in activity of every kind. Besides military in Africa, as the Congo act prevented war in colonies.


    Germany also finally decides it’s industrial path. They were split between a naval production and arms race between three nations. Instead they will now focus on their navy. The vast amounts of dockyards, factories, and capital will be poured into both the surface and submarine fleets. This year marks when Germany surpasses Britain in Dreadnought production. (Of course the English had scaled down to make better ones). 


    German Foreign interaction is at an all time high. Their navy will soon be able to also patrol the oceans of the world. And german colonies are receiving a better quality of life and industry then their rivals. On land they still of course are producing weapons and partly rivaling France/Russia. But Germany also forms small level border and trade deals with France, asking Russia the same.


    Japan is offered a friendship pact almost word for word copied from the British’s. Kaiser Willy showing he had a bit o’  the English cheek in him too.





    The farm plan goes swimmingly well. It wasn’t controversial, or drastic. In parliament parties debated, not argued. And the law was passed. Farmers will receive more for what they do. They have the time and money to focus on better production. This will be the start to a rise of the Spanish agriculture market.




    Though in Britain the suffragette movement had passed, it was do to government unity. In the U.S a senator could barely be heard over the clashing issues. And sadly this meant many conservatives and others could step in and block this movement. As a result women marches and protest grow. But officially they still have not gained the proposed rights.

    The border simmers down as each force stays to it’s own side. The Cowboys lack lustre career ends in blood and controversy. Many blame their original founder, Mr. Roosevelt. He used them as a political gambit, then left them high and dry in the Mexican country. Not entirely true but sentiment was low for the president.


    In the Philippines the investments will show relatively fast. Already a bustling hub of U.S actions, it finally got the attention it deserved. Small gauge railways, fishing ports, and other faculties will start to become something grander. In a few years the Philippines will start to show the investment back.

    The proposal of a compromise is a clash of mixed opinions. For one it was hard for a singular party such as the progressives to hoard resources. It would be for the entirety of the U.S, and the people actually living there. The parties could of course delegate and pull resources. But to let a party exploit natural resources in return for forming a state that doesn't meet the prerequisite requirements. Not too mention the people of Alaska did not want to be a democratic state, or allow Progressives to exploit the natural resources. The compromise breaks apart in controversy as the U.S government is still split and on lock down.






    Rasputin had a magnetic energy, and was a highly persuasive man. He was a trusted member of the Royal Couple. Just last year he had saved the Tsar’s son through nothing short of a miracle. Though hated on both sides he was a snake and had many friends. The Tsar, fearing the loss of this trusted man, blocks the Duma. It had already shown to be too grasping in it’s power. Now to presume to lock up the Tsar’s wife, and throw his most trusted advisor in a dungeon, it was too much. The Duma is sent reeling back to their offices, tails tucked between their leg. As a result Rasputin gains more influence, and starts whispering in the Royal Couple’s ear about the ever growing Duma’s power.

    Duma reforms on the betterment of citizens quality of life however is fully supported. They have the resources and officials to start the process of modernization. Across the country workers and citizens enjoy more freedoms as they move to cities. However this also means more socialist and democratic groups become more vocal, fearing less of a reprisal. But over all the plan works swimmingly as communes will gradually rot.


    Educational reforms kick off much faster this time. The planning was clear and concise, with a top down presentation. New generations of teachers will form, with the first class graduating next year. Though rushed and of relatively poor educational quality, Russian city schools will grow enough to accompany even the wealthy middle classes.


    Cowed by the Tsar’s actions with Rasputin, the Duma is only too eager to please. They start delegating an office to tour Russia’s industry. They will ensure the Industrialist are aware of, and implementing, the new rights. Worker productivity spikes as a result, and with the other moves Russian cities are becoming their pride. However Socialist and democrats yet again gain more headway as a direct result.


    Railway industry continues on pace. Though slow, that is a relative term considering Russia’s size. By 1919 Russia will rival Germany in railways. 


    With the Tsar modernizing/democratizing workers rights, etc etc, many democrat and socialist parties formally petition the Tsar (or protest). They argue with all this new liberty, they should also have a say in the Duma. To have it only comprised of Tsarist and Nationalist means all they do ultimately only benefits themselves. 


    The Tsar himself was highly conservative and cracked down on any dissent. His unusual actions however was attributed from Duma and Rasputin pressure. However he soon was sliding back to his ways. Allowing troops and Duma members to crack down on protests and revolutionaries. 


    Great Britain


    The Holiday Act’s enforcement goes as planned, showing the unity in Government!

    The new Dreadnought plan will produce far superior (though numerically less) ships of the line. They may even rival German ships in ratings such as engineering skill.


    The plans kick off in government and implementation. The start of industry will remain a firm foundation in the Midlands. Following up this the Black Country bill also passes as planned. 

    Scientist after having spent plenty of government of sterling find a clue! Working further into cinema technology, they are discovering early forms of audio paired with video. For now they only have a lead, but a promising one. The Noodle Snack kicks off less well. Not due to need for research, but a question of implementation. The Government funded the research, but now no one knew who to give it to to sell. The Government couldn’t ship off every noodle packet. Many large companies offered handsome sums for the idea.


    Admirals begin learning from the war games. Sloppy affairs with plenty of injuries and confusion. But it was apparent they could provide actual uses. Rudimentary understanding of the submersibles is learned by the Admiralty. They deduce submarines are only used it for coastal defense and leave it at that.




    Korean investment continues on pace. The foundations of the network are complete. And from each of these nodes and military bases roads stretch out. The reworking of the Korean countryside was brutal (to the land, not the people) and efficient. Admittedly Korean work gangs are conscripted to make it a top notch job. The Mills are started, and will be producing by the middle of the year.


    The Dockyards will also benefit from this new oversight. Japanese ships, supplied from Korean steel, will begin to be built better and faster by 1914.


    Hygiene reforms help as the housing issue is slowly sorted out. The public bathrooms become the only sacred and clean places. Japanese citizens were still too poor to really help themselves besides staying alive with food and shelter.

    The Japanese marines are formed, but for now still practice regular army tactics. They now eat the new staple food packs! Cutting cost. The main problem was a lack of actual vessels to conduct naval assaults.


    Koreans appreciate the slackening of laws, and begin to clamor for more freedoms on the press. But the move is proved right, as many stop casual resistance. Of course underground networks remain at large. But if a Japanese officer earns their respect, they will be happier to oblige. This work though shows a stain. The Imperial Army had a dark underbelly. Many officers and soldiers had personal brothels, and violated the Korean citizenry every right. More respectable and democratic officers were butting heads daily.






    Arabic as a state language will prove to be quite useful. It’s implementation will be pretty fast, though slow in more far flung districts.

    The use of more and more arid land to farm alongside increasing quality in regular land leads to a vast leap. This year marks the start of a surplus in Ottoman agriculture. Many small ethnic groups are fed and pleased in their little areas, as long as they are left alone.


    The Arab investment shows the new status of the Empire. The ethnic elite were improving themselves (School/Education standards proceed as planned), while the minorities contently sat in their communities. However they would always be weary of a growing Elitist class.


    Prone to only letting Arab officers in, the increase of the officer corp doesn't exactly pay off. Many capable officers were left in lower ranks, or ignored. Plenty of wealth and nobles bought their way in. However some men do get put in the right place. But the army as a whole is still a tangled inefficient mess. Janissary training continues, the men training harder and performing better than the average Arab troop.






    The paying off of the nationalist has mixed results. For one, it is successful. A personality cult of notorious nationalist is rising in propaganda and popularity.


    But the rhetoric and violence in bars and streets is brutal. Many feel emboldened by all this rising sentiment. Others horrified or outraged. It was leading to a growing distrust and split in political parties. More democratic government officials grow curious where the funds came from.


    The growing rise of Parliamentarian power over King is a more popular one. Many democrats, nationalist, industrialist, and others wanted in on government policy. This means many parties are calling for a vote to be held. This would mean a potential to a coalition government, instead of one dominated by the Italian elite. 


    The increased discipline and training has some effect, but not much.

    Urban Industry continues.

    Many wealthy men and women from foreign nations start to buy Italian cars.

    Papal meetings proceed, though he doesn't publicly say anything.



  13. On 10/8/2018 at 10:44 AM, DigitalRescue said:



    Image result for kingdom of serbia flag


    Discord Name;



    Nation of Choice (and why?);

    The Kingdom of Serbia.

    Infamously one of the two belligerents that struck the match that exploded the powder-keg of Europe in 1914 with the assassination of Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand. It had an interesting and violent decade of war that nearly led to its complete destruction, but ultimately resulted in victory and the almost doubling of its territory.


    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers);


    The First Balkan War has just ended, with the victory of the Balkan league. However, not all is well and good. Serbia's forces advanced far further south than expected and previously agreed, whilst the Greeks pushed north to capture Thessaloniki before the Bulgarians managed to arrive. The latter are now embittered, feeling cheated by their allies, and are refusing to stick to the pre-war agreement, effectively trying to minimize Serbia's gains, as well as downplaying Serbian involvement in the war effort. As a result, tensions are rising higher than ever before and war between the allies is inevitable. At the same time, the Serbian government is trying its hardest to match Ottoman propaganda within its new territories, highlighting the decisive Serbian victories in the war such as the Siege of Adrianople and in Vardar Macedonia - despite the lack of presence of the 100,000 Bulgarian troops supposed to have been deployed there. 


    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party;

    Constitutional Monarchy

    Peter I of Serbia


    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?;

    Not yet


    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me);

    347,000 soldiers by the beginning of the Second Balkan War.


    Did you read all the information?;




    For the Record France, Austria, Germany, and Brazil are open as well if you want a stronger nation.


    Also need your 4 tag digit at end of your discord name

  14. Galloway-1308.jpg

    Eiru Commonwealth


    Pop; 2,382

    Ap; 21; 5 Base, 10 (2 Market Stacks), 3 Settlement, 1 Trade, 2 Loan from Marcolo's Brigands.

     FS; 3k; (1 base, 1 Farmland Stack)

    Investments; Foundry (28/50/Mine (40/40)

    Army; 300 Militia, 1 Schooner


    With the discovery of golf the first expedition had been made. The Commonwealth had stayed completely within their capital. Besides the scouts who found the gold, many had no idea of the geography. This will change as workers and guards go to the new province. Some families even sprout up, forming an impromptu mining town. From here gold will pour into the Commonwealth's already large coffers. Quality of life is good, with everyone having enough food and shelter. Everyone felt safe behind the thick walls. 


    With all this new economic power, the council decides to scale things up. Their first economic move is to take a loan from the Caribbean pirates. Marcolo could prove to be a fine partner down the road. But Eiro saw large than that. Plenty of colonies dotted the coast, and had their unique financial troubles. Eiru was clearly the richest of them all.


    And so the New World Bank is formed. Comprised of the wealthy and noble Eiru elite, it will be a joint-stock banking company. Any colony wishing to take a loan or have the Bank invest in them can petition to do so. Interest rates will depend on what's being asked. With this institution the Irish would help their neighbors, and be helped in turn. It was their first move to clearly signify Irish neutrality and banking power.


    The Capital as it always will be is closed off to foreigners. All interactions are made on the surrounding beach. Government buildings are sprouting to deal with the influx of merchants. Yet none has seen the inside of Dyflin.......




    Finishing Mine (21 AP)

  15. 1912 (Later Months)

    Crisis in the Americas! Massacres in Mexico lead to a wave of hate to the U.S which is at blame for them. Tensions will rise as trade sinks.


    The Russian Duma cracks down on a student strike, killing 20.


    The 1st Balkan War comes to a conclusion.


    The world is in shock as nations industry grows just to pour out more machines of death. Small scale border conflicts in three continents now have a mounting casualty list.


    With many governments giving power (or trying to) to their people, more colonies begin taking an active part in gathering information. 


    German Industry rockets as it competes in both a land and naval arms race. 


    Austria's borders loosen as trade and revenue comes in. The Emperor and his staff are focused on internal issues. Infrastructure and a reformation of local governments is in progress. It may be the first step to a more unified and linked Empire. 






    Army increase continues on pace


    Officers can’t do much but agree to the decreased pay. However by now a much firmer opposition to the King and Liberal party is growing. Disenfranchised officers, conservatives, and church members make up the majority of the rank. They are forming a power bloc directly opposed to the liberalizing/Royalist policy. For now they stick to fiery rhetoric and propaganda in parliament.


    Sub research fails. The Royal Guard is formed, but almost the entire Officer caste refuses to serve in it. They will not support a King who seeks to declaw them.

    The Railway act is marred in controversy. Even if it was Spanish railway owners, many did not want to sell their land. Farmers, towns, and other areas within planned rail lines do not want it. It may benefit the State more. But most citizens knew what increased government attention entailed. So far it would cost more to buy the land and make the rails then it would earn back to the state.


    The Saharan act also goes poorly. Almost no one wanted to live there. And the ones who did just had their lives made all the harder. The Religious Act ensured they would always fear an uprising. Instead of freeing up resources, more troops were required to occupy the land against a native population now told they must worship a different god without a doubt.


    Army reorganization is discounted by the General Staff. They had no intention of reforming into the King’s desired ways. It was open defiance in regard to all the new controversial acts. 


    The new tax act just adds fuel the fire. Spanish ambitions fall short as government devolves into a shouting match. Liberals and Royalist being vehemently opposed by the Church, Conservatives, and Republicans.




    The elections of 1912 become one of the most controversial in American history. First was Wilson’s alleged folly. Enough voters and constituents had bought it to change the votes just enough. Roosevelt was now the president of the United States. However many even doubt Wilson pulled such a stunt, or care. And Taft and the elite Republicans were still at complete odds with the progressives. 


    And that was before the Mexican massacres. Roosevelt could barely be attributed to having the military authority to organize militia units and deploy them on a very politically delicate front. After Roosevelt left to win the election, it became very apparent. Roosevelt had dug his own grave (in a manner) by making sure everyone knew he was leading in mexico.


    The Mexicans had almost the entire year to arm, scout, and deploy. The U.S forces has been stagnating during the government shutdown. The addition of hundreds of untrained, undisciplined, and most of all unregulated ‘Cowboys’ was the final nail in the coffin. 


    General of the North Pancho Villa launched the raids previously planned for the year. They met a -granted- stiffer U.S resistance than expected. But many were untested troops/officers, and well, civilians with guns. Casualties mounted as what was supposed to be raids turn into all out battles across the border. The Mexican banditos even had some field artillery and machine guns. Fights broke out across the entire border.


    The Mexican raids were called off after two days of bitter fighting. As Roosevelt had ordered, this was met with a zealous counter attack. This was now when things got highly controversial. The banditos practically melted away into the countryside. The cowboys and soldiers were angry, tired, and emboldened by their leaders on the goose chase. Villages were soon the targets of horrible atrocities as cowboys and some U.S regulars passed through looking for the bandits. Generals quickly took control, and pulled the army back to the borders.


    The escapade had lasted for a week, with no borders changed. What was supposed to be a quick raid conducted by Pancho Villa and his army failed. They got bogged down in an actually active and armed U.S contingent. The resulting retreat and massacres were the talk across America, souring the victory. Scores of U.S cowboys who were essentially armed civilians are dead, wounded, or in prison for killing or otherwise defileing mexican citizens. U.S soldiers are also being buried and hospitalized, as the Mexicans vanish into the bush to lick their own wounds.


    Carranza and his administration solidify their party rule of Mexico. A friend of Pancho Villa, he’s nevertheless is irate at Pancho. He orders Pancho back to the capital, to talk. But he also condemns the U.S clumsy counter attack. They were killing Mexico’s people, not their enemies. It is used a a rallying point throughout the government. A delegation is sent to de escalate the matter however.


    The ABC nations (Argentina, Brazil, Chile) ask the U.S and Mexico to come to a conference in Rio De Janeiro to settle the growing matters.

    With all this coming to a head Roosevelt and his Progressive party find themselves in a weak position. Sure they had won the popular vote. But by small margins, only thanks to the blunders of their opponents. But Roosevelt himself had led Mexico’s border into sectarian violence. One would not escape that reputation lightly. The Government is still in shut down as the three different sides entrench and go after one another with rhetoric. Voting is contested or blocked as everyone’s loyalties or outrage at continuing controversy increases. Ironically the Republicans headed by taft now seem to be the best growing party.




    The Steel plan sits well with the Diet and other bodies of government. They will implement it within days. However the actual execution will be slow starting. They first must have the infrastructure to complement this growth plan. No domestic steel surge for now but the building blocks are placed.


    With little regulation or government oversight the apartments sprout like acne. They sometimes have multiple families to a room, with no windows. The courtyards become filled with refuse, and most families struggle to work enough to pay rent and provide. Not a pretty sight for the Japanese elite.


    The elites and nobles of Japan vehemently oppose the Emperor’s voting plan. They did not want to see the power they carefully handled in government diluted. Many feared with a larger middle class taking party they would lose all relevance. They did not want to end up like a U.K monarch. And many saw it as protecting the Emperor from himself. The notion is blocked in government, leading to increased tension between the wealth and the poor.

    Korean agriculture receives the funds well and is on the process of modernizing. Trying to make a staple ration begins. For now no progress.


    Great Britain


    The Suffragist movement is passed, with full support. Newspapers, public speakers, politicians, and that like find an entire new ocean of voters to deal with. More and more political parties and ideals are taking root. Some suffragist see them getting their vote just a start. Many men and outside influences were inclined to agree. The attempt to crackdown on terrorist fails. Police and investigators led on a wild goose chase. People see the government as a liberalizing entity. A Lion, pulling it’s claws out.


    The Holiday Act for now is hotly contested. If passed it would add to the growing bill. The amount of workers throughout the Empire and mainly in Britain was vast. To account for them all would be a momentous task. For now this bill sits in parliament, likely to be passed over. Conservatives are worried at the way society is shifting, fearing for themselves and the Empire. However the regular Brit is fully supporting these moves. Involvement in government and industry is higher than ever!


    Naval Reform falls short however. The cost is far too high, especially with eight more dreadnoughts on the way. Maintaining what they had and producing more for the naval race was already a massive coffin drain. Jellicoe and his staff instead set to improving what they more easily do. The crews, which they begin drilling relentlessly. It is clear an average British sailor has served for years, and is a true veteran. Many can’t grasp the true tactics of Submarines. Many have never even seen or dealt with one. Plans are threadbare, many seeking to go out and study for a better report.


    Portugal accepts the generous terms, as it’s colonial interest have been increasing. However they have been emboldened by the seemingly liberalizing government. On paper they have accepted every British proposition. But in the field, in more remote areas, Portuguese officers and their african troops continue to extort and raid.


    Video capturing methods are largely improving, but still no tangible progress on audio.




    The government subsidies for now can’t pay for the vast amount of industry needed. Most of Italy’s industrial sectors were in the North. But by and large they were relatively still an agrarian state. For now the government funds are focused on bigger business able to help pay for the cost. This all results to a slow growth across the board, but in big Industrialist hands.


    Though it is unclear how the government means to pacify the masses, it works poorly. The liberal government had many connections and circles within the more ‘socialist’ realm. Alongside that plenty of democrats and middle class citizens liked all the talk of union. Especially when industry was growing while quality of life sank. They will not back down or be intimidated, the government would have to push harder if they wanted results.


    As for the supporting of nationalist, the Irony is not lost on the government. Many were conservative, and viciously opposed to the subsidy plan. They saw government intervention in your everyday Italian’s life increasing. They also pushed for Imperial expansion, a trait that seemed to resonate in the higher circles.

    Research into chemical gasses goes poorly, as the budget is being spent elsewhere.


    Children in the upper middle class and elites are soon attending these schools. The quality of education is somewhat dubious. But for now it will grow on pace, with the first class graduating in 1916.


    The tensions in Ethiopia lessen as the italians pull away. However they do not see it as a true peace. Funds and guns from a foreign power mean the defensive line continues building.


    The corporate tax and foreign workers law being loosened had a few effects. Many italians were watching good jobs and positions being taken by skilled foreign labor. They lacked the education, something the government was still failing to produce on a higher level. Alongside this many vastly rich Italian capitalist seized this ‘tax haven’ bill to grab even more wealth and power. They were grabbing as much as they could, seizing a lot of power.

    No Balakan state replies to Italy. It was clear they were involved in their own wars and politics. No one wanted peace under an italian leadership.


    Ottoman Empire


    The army receives a surge of volunteers with the establishment of the Janissary corps. Many wanted to join their ranks, thousands of muslim peasants. They would have to work their way up. Many rich nobles sons and favorites of the Caliph are granted commissions in the Janissary. This leads to many incompetent or rookie men in the positions of leading. This was a problem rife in the ottoman army. The officer corps was a sham, with only a few men of true talent.The work cut out for Herr Pasha will be quite large. He starts by selecting the best NCO’s and training them for the rest of the year.


    Though scientist fail to improve agriculture, it’s quantity is increasing. More fertile areas of the Empire are growing in population and productivity. However many small ethnic classes like christians, Armenians, etc etc are worried with the new State’s control. They feared their tolerable tendencies were coming to an end. 


    The Arab plan will kick off slowly. Many do not want increased government attention. They new infrastructure could lead to garrisons able to travel all their land. While some resist others love the plan. Growth will go slowly and in fits and starts.

    No response is heard from the Shah




    The Duma’s new liberty legislation was a fine piece. In concordance with the Tsar it is ratified into law. On paper Russian serfs will have more liberties. But as is so common in practice this does not work so well. In many regions nobles and industrialist blatantly ignore it. Quality of life does not really grow. However it gains popularity for the Duma and Tsar.

    Industrialization continues as slowly and painfully in cities.


    Education reforms are still glacially slow. Many Russians simply don’t have the knowledge to teach. The logistical problem of shuffling kids to other towns or districts to learn, thus over burdening those schools, is discounted.


    The blatant propaganda from the Duma on socialist is ignored. They stayed to their palaces and parties. True men roamed village to village, and were in tune with the masses. However the more dull types are convinced and drunken brawls in some cities ensue. Though it turns out they beat up jewish folk, not socialist. Just another Russian night.


    The Tariffs have some impact and increased trade. Though the to nations have little capital or routes invested in each other.

  16. _73736696_10103154._industryship_maryeva

    1912 (Early months)


    With the start of the new year, things become clear. Almost every single nation is trying to update and expand their military forces. Many believed war was to not happen again. But industrialist are pumping weapons out as fast as they can make them. Border disputes become more dark, with each nation able to call in troops within weeks. 1912 will herald the start of nation’s focusing their economies and policy on efficient war, not trade and domestic life. Tension increases as a result.


    The arms race between the Triple alliance and Franco-Russian pact is the talk of the new year. Each army is rapidly trying to out compete the other’s industry. If this continues on pace, it will eclipse the already large naval race between Germany/Britain. This shift could mean the end of Germany trying to contest the waves.


    The Titanic is heralded as the “Dawn of a new age in which peace, technology, and trade rule Man.” It begins it’s voyage with world round celebration at this remark.  It promptly sinks with almost all hands.


    Russian crackdowns on unions encouraged by the new Duma begin. Strikers in Siberian gold mines are killed or wounded, almost 500.

    The International Opium Convention is signed.


    The Balkan War’s conclusion leads to a shrinking Ottoman Empire. In the Balkans themselves territory is worked out. Bulgaria loses in the bargain, and it’s rhetoric indicates more violence to come.


    In the United States things are looking bleak. The practically feuding parties are fracturing at the seams. The goverment shut down leads to nationwide panic. Stocks take a small dip, and foreign trade seizes. As the elections near the U.S finds it may need to act before then. Mexican banditos chiefed by Sancho Panza feel emboldened by this new shift. They increase their raids and skirmishes, drawing further recruits and riches to their cause.






    Republic of China


    And so 2,000 years of Imperial rule are ended. The new Republic will soon see the vast amount of problems cropping up. Problems the Emperor could barely contain.


    Manchuria soon becomes the last bastion of “Qing rule”. Puyi and his family, followers, generals, and all other sorts now reside there. The local warlords are inclined to support them, and are rumored to be leaning towards a Japanese sphere of influence. For now they do not officially break away from the Republic. But Yuan Shikai’s rule effectively ends at the border of Manchuria, not in it. Officials not quick enough to flee there are seized. A Manchurian provisional government formed in response to the aggressive Republic moves demand their return.


    Besides manchuria however the other newly made ‘autonomous regions’ make little fuss as long as life remains as it once was. They don’t appreciate not being as actively involved in the Republic’s politics however. They fear being voted or coerced into supporting the growing amount of generals looking for a base. Instead they actively seek to help stabilize the Republic if allowed more rights and powers. The ruling elite and local generals are the ones with this rhetoric, of course.


    Families grumble about the new draft, but assent in hopes of keeping the Republic stable. However the logistics soon show it may not work. To categorize every family and take a son is a challenge. Alongside then recruiting them from all the Republic’s newly made provinces. And then training them and following up to see if they want to continue service. The program seems to be failing but there is a surge of chinese boys learning the arts of war, from all parts of China. Will this ultimately help or harm?


    The new Republic’s government despite careful monitoring would have their fair share of corruption and scandal. The one party system was all but a joke. Many influential members and government officials lead their own little armies. However it was true they were mostly under a broad coalition, led by president Yuan Shikai and his effective military force.


    For now the Republic is off to a shaky start. There is horrendous mismanagement, bickering, and problems with enforcing new law. But by and large the populace was willing to give it a try. 






    It would provide an almost impossible task to update Spain’s entire current military arms situation. They would have to be content with whatever left over equipment they had. They would need foreign help or a resurgence of internal arms production to even begin trying to retrofit their armies with modern equipment.


    The reduction of officers and generals is passed, though it begins to build resentment to the ruling party. The officers and veterans did not appreciate being reviewed and having their pensions frozen even temporarily. The reduction does lead to increased state revenue and slightly better leadership. There is now 1 officer for every 12 troops, not 10.


    Naval production will continue on pace though the ships are horrendously outdated in comparison to a U.K dreadnought. Trying to update the armies small arms and build ships would prove a slow plan. Spanish General Staff advises focusing on one.


    The Madrid soup kitchens start off well, though take up a good amount of money and aren’t sustainable without proper taxes and committee planning. The citizens appreciate it alongside the King’s apparent concern for their hunger.


    For now the King’s influence does not spread in the way he means though he does certainly try! The people are starting to trust and respect their King. But as of yet no one thinks that’d mean they should solidify his rule. A good start to earn their love though!


    German Empire


    The reforms to improve their colonies standards will begin in German East Africa, and Papua New Guinea. There they will see an increase in German officials, officers, and engineers. Work will slowly begin on binding the colonies together with compact dirt roads, small gauge rails, and telegraph outpost.


     On the homefront German industry is one of the largest in the world. Their growth will continue on pace. One arising problem however is their split production nature. The race to beat England’s navy is costly. The surface and submarine fleet production has been down/split. This was also direct a result from the developing arms race between Russia/France and Germany.


    The formation of the Beleuchtungskorps fails almost as soon as it begins.The ideas simply aren’t there, and the General staff discounts it. Their doctrine is very different, and focused on the world as they know it. Progress like this was too radical to take effect.


    Project Firefly however fairs somewhat better. Great minds gather from around Germany, and Germany debuts in the ever growing arms race between them and the Franco-Russo alliance. German small arms are to be worked upon with an updated model soon to be presented to the army.


    The downscaling of cavalry units sent a ripple through the army. They were skeptical what tactical value it would bring. How could they sweep men off the field in smaller groups? Nevertheless the General Staff humors the Kaiser’s proposition and implements it in the army.


    Though the pickelhaube is scheduled to be removed, it still thrives in the German army. Many units and generals refuse to alter their Prussian headgear. The German industrialist are too busy building ships and weapons and wagons. To implement millions of a new and untested design would be too costly. The Stahlhelm is instead showed in museums and classrooms, to show the growing might of the German scientist’s mind and industrial power.




    Imperial Japan


    The new Emperor rises smoothly to his new position. Many appreciate his taking the speech and issuing a proclamation. His strength and will to change the people are noted. The new PM is lauded as the start of a new Japanese state. Of course Koreans don’t feel the change and are routinely oppressed like any other non ethnic Japanese. A democratising state with shadows!


    Many besides the poor and displaced came to the cities in Japan to work. Granted this indeed means a surge of jobs. But there was little regulation or basic decency. Families with a history of quietly tending their farms are now shoulder to shoulder in hovels. Cities are filling, but planning is poor. In short the factories are booming but quality of life is sinking.


    With the opening of the market to foreign economies and primier Japanese ones, the economy is surging. Nations like France and the U.K are not the sole markets. Japan and Russia are prime examples. The New Emperor will find the national treasury is swelling in the early months of this year. 


    Great Britain


    Redmond and the Fiery Welshmen pulled their bill off without a cinch in the early phases. The support and voted were there in both houses. However conservatives and even some within the party make some protest. They have reviewed the new government's spending plan like everyone else. They fear the penny to pound would not be enough. They argue to attach a rider to the bill. It would dictate the Irish would have to help pay for the Empire’s growing cost. It was not just their own policy. The U.K was massive, and ran a massive tab. In general the conservatives would relish the increased funds even if it was only for five years. Lloyd could choose to go along with the rider or pass the original bill anyway. 


    The Industrial act represents the growing social power within the U.K. It is expected to go ahead as planned, albeit a bit more costly than anticipated. State funded projects are performing well, with the north seeing a surge of jobs. The coal and steel industries would gradually see an incline of productivity and profits in the early parts of this year. However social changes and freer electricity don’t perform as well. The wealthy energy and steel industrialist didn’t want the government stepping into every one of their pies. Automobiles remain a more elitist luxury, and seem destined for that sector. Work into the cinema industry seems very promising but for now yields no results besides improvement of what is already there.


    Reforms to the army training pay off as expected, men are learning better. The increased shells add to the bill. And of course for some men no matter how many bullets they shoot they won’t learn all the nuances. The artillery piece was scorned by some. But the veterans of wars like in Africa pushed for it. They knew what could be out there. Sometimes slower but bigger gus did pay off. The French laugh at this new gun. Saying if there’s ever a war, [the] “British will struggle just to mobilize in time.”


    The review of the RN hitches off a bit worse. Many ships and men are flung across the world, or otherwise engaged. Of course a gradual review takes course. But some reports get confused, or some officers lie (or simply don’t know) how well their ships can preform. A gradual conclusion is Britain still rules the waves. But a good portion of their non 1906 and beyond era ships are decaying. In comparison to the German fleet (The ever growing bill continues in the Anglo-Germanic naval race) the RN is more modern, and have better guns and crews. But the German’s supposed ‘submersible’ fleet and armor/engineering are farther ahead than the RN.






    Imperial Russia


    Elections are in! If that’s what you wanted to call them. Many russian socialist, leftist, democrats, and that sort were clearly alienated or did not participate at all. So in reality it was just Tsar Nicholas flexing his godly powers again. He ushered in what most in his inner circles wanted. A shift towards the growing nationalism and autocracy. The Duma would be dominated by the right, and were even granted powers. 


    This would be a messy start to the 4th Duma. Mainly because though they are meant to represent Russian interest and have power, they are flawed. There is no true opposition in the halls. In reality it seems the case will be the opposition is the Tsar. The Duma’s participants were men of ambition, power, and pride in their nation. This didn’t exactly equate to putting Romanov’s first on their list. So yes they will follow Nicholas in this shift, and support it fully as it helps solidify their own gains. But it was clear this could lead to problems down the road as votes became more focused on the Duma trying to give itself more power.


    Russia’s industry was growing almost monthly. Their oligarchs, French/British investment, and rich foreign donors were a prime contributor. Russian railways were ever growing, something that terrified Germany to it’s very core. Russian arms were also growing. It was clear the Duma and French Government was in a growing arms race with the German Empire. Progress will continue steadily.


    Reform to the army proves too costly and advanced to implement. The Russian army was comprised of millions. It would take time to try to shift their priorities. For now Russian industry is struggling just to equip and transport what it already has. The growing arms race with Germany however means this will soon[ish] change.


    The Schools will start slowly in the main cities. Teachers are found and curriculum made. For now no clear results can be discerned from it’s progress.




    Kingdom of Italy
    The new liberal cabinet/minister’s education reforms seem to be doing well in the cities. It seems however the rich and upper middle class are the only ones benefiting. Your everyday Italian is too poor, or too busy working to pursue their child's education. In the rural areas it has almost no impact. For now a glacial start.

    The move to Ethiopian borders elicits protest from some strong supporters of the government. Though they supported Italian nationalism, it was too much. They had just ended a war with the Ottomans. To continue asking Italians to die in deserts against Africans was too much. They lobby a halt to the operation before it begins. Of course it’s not an absolute. The Italian PM can choose to ignore the warnings and plow on. The Ethiopians for their part are heavily fortified in the mountains and receiving shipments of weapons. It does however take many eyes off the rising social and wealth problems in the mainland.


    The move to update the army doesen’t go as expected. The army was a big, inefficient, and not so well led entity. Italian industry was also in shambles. To equip them would take years, but a painfully slow start begins. Of course their move to seek foreign capital would help. 


    The concept of a ‘fighter plane’ is for now not tangible. Many have yet to figure out how to even conceive what a fighter plane would entail. However a gradual upgrade of Italian air models begin. Much smaller than the army, progress is slightly easier. They will have Europe’s premier reconnaissance planes by 1914.




    Ottoman Empire


    The Empire was on the precipice, clearly. They had just been stripped of several tracts of land. Their apparent response was to push the nation’s industry and budget to the very limit.


    The work into the downsized army begins first. Without any foreign aid it would go painfully slow. Sure men can show off their new uniforms. But basic and up to date equipment, arms, vehicles, and arillery are far off into the future. Especially with a resurgent naval production. The more elite regiments however receive the best treatment. They will at least have all the standard equipment and ammo they need. 


    The Search for petroleum goes well. There’s plenty of reserves to be found. It will of course prove a far more expensive task to extract it. The Empire if woefully incapable of doing it by itself in a large amount. Several foreign investors offer capital in return for high stocks in the project. It would speed things up but ensure they never truly owned the oil, foreign investment did.


    Nationalist Propaganda is rather successful! Denizens of the Empire are terrified of the looming threats on their border. However it is also showing the wide divides in the Ottoman community, polarizing some.


    The naval expansion fails relatively quickly. Currently the Greek navy was able to stop Ottomans from crossing into their Balkan land. This showed how out of date they were. To build drydocks and then pump out a new navy in a few years is discounted. Instead work begins on trying to even make a modern ship building yard in Constantinople. The “Ottoman” dreadnought is too expensive to build with every other budget the Empire has invested into.


    Agriculture works go well however. It is expected in a year the market will be ready for small level exports. It also binds the small, sectarian communities together. They feel more unified when they share each other’s food. Overall a successful venture.




  17. 1 hour ago, mcginty85 said:



    Discord Name; mcginty85


    Nation of Choice (and why?); Italy, because I like learning about eh collapse and fragility of the Liberal State in school, and how it was unable to cope with the pressures of nationalism.


    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers);

    Italy was founded in 1861 after King Emmanuel I of Piedmont united Italy under his family. During this time Italy struggled to be seen as a 'Great Power in Europe due to their failed attempts in colonising Africa due to pressures from France in the 1800s. Pushing the Italians for closer relations to Germany, leading to the signing of the Triple Alliance in 1882, despite Italian hatred towards the Austrians who refused to allow for the full return of Italian speaking lands to them. However despite Italy signing the Triple Alliance they were never a true ally for Germany, often trying to maintain good relations with both the Germans, Britain and France. Trying to use this leverage to let the Great Powers of the world let Italy gain colonies in Africa to boost her prestige as a global power. At the moment the Italian State is fragile with a government never lasting more than 2 years, and coalitions of liberal 'independents' often occurred with Italy having more than 30 Prime Ministers in the period of Britain having 7. The rise in nationalism and the left also affected the scales of power in Italy.


    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party;  A theoretical constitutional monarchy, exec power lay with the Monarch but used ministers to execute these prerogatives. 2 Houses, the upper Senate and the lower chamber of Deputies.

    Leader; Giovanni Giolitti, of the Liberal Union


    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?; No


    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me);

    Army 5 Million (1915 figure)


    16 Battleships 

    23 Cruisers 

    39 Destroyers


    Did you read all the information?; Yes 


    Suggestions or feedback?; No

    Accepted! 1st turn post deadline is Sunday. If you can make your post by then feel free to participate in turn 1.


    Applications are still open!

  18. Galloway-1308.jpg

    Eiru Commonwealth


    Pop; 2,247

    Ap; 19; 5 Base, 10 (2 Market Stacks), 3 Settlement, 1 Trade

     FS; 3k; (1 base, 1 Farmland Stack)

    Investments; Foundry (28/50/Mine (19/40)

    Army; 300 Militia, 1 Schooner


    The militia come back with wondrous reports of the world outside their walls. It was the first commonwealth group to officially venture out of the capital. And what they found was a mysteriously wooded land. They found all sorts of new trees, fish, animals, and climates. And they brought back the sampled bits and pieces to the city. What they also brought back was far more important then these trinkets. Gold! The lifeblood of any true nation's economy. And the Commonwealth was certainly one inclined to gold. 


    Knowledge of this is heavily sequestered. Foreign ships and merchants are still barred from entering Dyflin's walls. Interactions with colonist is at a zero. They merely exchange goods and carry on. Work immediately begins on facilitating the new resource. Militia and colonist embark to settle the land around the gold veins. Work will begin to start a mining operation.


    Actions; Starting a mine 19 AP (19/40)

  19. 4 minutes ago, The_Mad_Skylord said:

    The Third French Republic



    Discord Name; The Mad Skylord


    Nation of Choice (and why?); France!

    I had an awful lot of trouble choosing which to pick, especially after all my other pondering ideas were quicked to the post by other players. HOWEVER, I am in love with Napoleonic France, and with France during the later years of the 1800s and the years of WW1, though I don't know nearly enough about them.


    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers);


    1870 would see a great change for France. The Second French Empire, lead by Napoléon III, collapsed and instead the Third French Republic rose for the ashes. 


    The next decades would be a trial for France, with the devious Otto Von Bismarck isolating France diplomatically. This situation would prevail until the removal of Bismarck from power.


    To make matters worse for France, the military was in an exceptionally poor state, with outdated uniforms, ideals and poor officers.


    But France is still the second largest colonial empire in the world, with territories on every continent. Rich,well industrialised and relatively populous, France is not a nation to be underestimated, and any who do underestimate France will surely regret it.


    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party; Republic. 

    Currently, the President of France is Armand Fallíeres


    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?; 


    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me);

    In World War One, France had approximately 8'000'000 men, mostly conscripts raised from universal conscription. The French Army suffered from a serious shortage of NCOs and Officers, and put an enormous weight on the power of "elán". In addition, the French Army was fixated on close order formations, and was not trained to an adequate standard, factors which undoubtedly lead to enormous casualties. In addition, the French Army was obsessed with he spirit of the attack. French forces number around 736'000 in peace time, and initial mobilization raises this immediately to 3'500'000 men.


    The French Navy employs 2 Dreadnaughts, 32 Cruisers, 86 Destroyers, 19 Pre-Dreadnaught Battleships and 34 submarines.





    Did you read all the information?; Yes. Canada.


    Suggestions or feedback?;


  20. army_march.png



    And the countdown begins. 10! The residents of New York City scream. As the countdown continues, the last visage of absolute history as we know it also reaches it's end. 1! they scream and couples kiss and children scream. It is a new year, 1912! The past year had been difficult, and shown a lot of change. The Ottomans have lost their Libyan colony, and a lot of Balkan land. The German and English naval race continues. However it's becoming apparent an arms race on the continent is brewing. Russia and France in their alliance seek to out produce/compete German arms. The balkans are a powder keg, with a furious Bulgaria, and a emboldened Serbia. Russia has it's own personal problems, but is a growing economy. Germany is terrified, by even 1920 Russian rail roads could rival their own. The U.S is a fledgling state, dealing with what seems to be a massive problem. Every year more and more Mexican banditos raid U.S land in Texas. The army is left dumfounded, unable to hunt them down. Japan sees a rising wave of imperialism, they were now a great power. Russia remembers with fear, as they watch China practically collapse.


    History up until the point of 1912 is exactly the same. The same people, alliances, and policy. However this will start to change very slowly. A butterfly beats it's wings, and the ripple spreads. The further we deviate from the modern timeline, the more outlandish nations will act. For now though most act the way they always have. But small changes are slowly seeping through, and 1912 is a perfect year to show that.


    Expectations for post; I expect some pretty flashy post. This is the pre ww1 era after all! Imperialism and Nationalism is at an all time high. People are pioneering new fields, and art/photography enters a whole new stage. Your post don't have to be massive. But I expect at least a few paragraphs and photos to really capture a feel for your nation in this current era. ALWAYS have an 'Actions' tab at the end of your post. This will summarize everything you have done in the Half Year turns. It is there I will respond accordingly. Expect some harsh reprisals and things to not always work out! Things not listed in the actions tab will be ignored and considered moot.




    Taken Nations













    You may still apply for other nations!


  21. 12 hours ago, UnusualBrit said:

    Discord Name;


    Nation of Choice (and why?);


    Osterrreich, because I’m interested in what the Austrian Empire could have been with Franz Ferdinands idea’s for a United States of  Greater Austria. 


    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers);


    During the last century the Austrian Empire severely waned in power. From their defeats by Napoleon and later their subsequent loss of control in Germany they had maintained for more than five hundred years, then with subsequent their alliance with the Germans state that had kicked them out; Prussia.


    The Osterreich seems more like a German puppet state than an actual great power, kept from falling apart to the many ethnic groups inside the empire by a thin thread. The future looks grave, unless Franz can enact his reich reforms and Russian influence over the Balkan’s is ended. 


    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party; Dual Parlimentarially Constituonal Monarchy. 


    Kaiser; Franz Joseph I


    Prime Minister of Austria, Karl von Sturgkh, German National Association 


    Prime Minister of Hungary; Lazlo Lukas, Hungarian National Party of Work


    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?;



    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me);




    Did you read all the information?;



    Suggestions or feedback?;



  22. 1 hour ago, Roberik said:



    Discord Name; You have it


    Nation of Choice (and why?); The empire of Japan and why ? well ... BANZAI !!!

    Just kidding, I chose Japan because I am interested in it's history, it's rapid modernization and it's rise as a world power. On top of that it has an extensive and interesting culture which is deeply entrenched in it's people. Thus I hope to continue Japan's rise as a world power.


    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers);

    Japan, for long it was a country of isolation until in 1853 western ships opened the gates of Japan to the rest of the world. For a time these new trade relations damaged Japan and destroyed the authority of the shogun. This caused loyalists to the emperor to rise up and bring the emperor to power in the bushin wars. During this period Japan had a time of unparalleled westernization which quickly made it a western nation. 


    But whilst Japan was a modern nation it was not yet recognized as a great power. This changed during the first sino-japanese war, in which Korea was liberated of the influence of the Chinese and Japan took it's position as the asian power. This reputation was further cemented during the ruso-Japanese war in which Japan managed to defeat a great western power and managed to cement it's position as a great power on the world stage. It also helped that Korea was officially brought into the empire of the rising sun. Now the emperor Meji has died and the crown prince Yoshito has ascended to the chrysantemum throne and now a new era has started for Japan, for better or for worse.


    Current state:

    As of right now a political crisis in Japan is brewing. The PM Katsura Tora is disliked by the army and navy due to cutting the costs of the large navy and army deployed by the former Meji government. At the same time the public dislikes him due to them believing he is more focused on the military. The crisis is still in it's starting stages but if something is not done it could cause problems.


    For the rest though Japan has a strong Asian economy able to (mostly) build it's own battleships and cruisers whilst also maintaining a strong modern army. It controls Japan, Korea and controls the warlords of the region of Manchuria which whilst officially Chinese is mostly ruled by pro-Japanese warlords. Socialism and a wish for a more democractic government is also on the rise.


    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party;

    Government:  Constitutional Monarchy

    Party: as of right now there is no ruling party though there are supporters of PM Katsura

    Leader: (emperor/Prime Minister): Emperor Yoshito/Katsura Tora


    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?;  Matsumo Azumamaru, he is the [CLASSIFIED] of the [CLASSIFIED] and is going to [CLASSIFIED]


    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me);  I can't find naval statistics for 1912 but from 1905 I have 

     (linked from wikipedia)

    on top of that I have 3 battleships built between the Russo-Japanese war and now with 2 of them being domestically produced.  so 9 battleships. But I presume that a number of others ships were also added so that is to be further discussed. 



    In the early 1900s, the IJA consisted of 12 divisions, the Imperial Guard Division, and numerous other units. These contained the following:

    380,000 active duty and 1st Reserve personnel: former Class A and B(1) conscripts after two-year active tour with 17 and 1/2 year commitment

    50,000 Second line Reserve: Same as above but former Class B(2) conscripts

    220,000 National Army

    1st National Army: 37- to 40-year-old men from end of 1st Reserve to 40 years old.

    2nd National Army: untrained 20-year-olds and over-40-year-old trained reserves.

    4,250,000 men available for service and mobilization.


    ((more wikipedia links, yay))


    Did you read all the information?; yah


    Suggestions or feedback?; Get a good way to measure the growth of military or navies so that we have accurate numbers. and DON'T USE DICE ROLLS IN BATTLE. 


  23. 14 hours ago, j0k3rf99 said:



    Discord Name: j0k3rf1999#5738


    Nation of Choice (and why?): Russia, as I hope to end communism in this FRP before it can ever become a major political ideology and spread to a large number of third world countries, thus preventing the mini-Dark Age they all faced during their time with communism.


    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers): Leading up to 1912, Russia had been in a relative state of prosperity. Following the complete failure that was the Russo-Japanese War, a brief revolution broke out led by the socialists and left-wing supporters. This would set the stage for the formation of the first Duma, the Russian Parliament. In disregard of this, Tsar Nicholas II still maintained the power of the monarchy and the Duma was nothing more than a place to discuss. He was determined to break up the communes and continue to expand and improve the Russian economy through industrial means, with the majority of the country still working in agriculture. Despite this, banks and rural cooperatives led to an impressive economic growth. Russian steel was on the rise, and the future seemed bright for Russians. The massive landmass of Russia presented an outward of an image of mightiness to Europe, and the Tzars ambitions to expand were endless, and a huge supply of manpower helped significantly. With the continued support of Serbia and it's independence and Plan 19 in place, it was clear this era of peace may not last for long, and Russia may need to use its resources and rising power to put an end to the threats in the West.


    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party; Tsar Nicholas II/Constitutional Monarchy


    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?; None as of now


    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me); 

    Standing Army: 

    1.5 million men

    Total Army Capacity: 

    Reached 6 million in 1914, 12 million men total



    10 Battleships (no dreadnoughts)

    11 Cruisers

    103 Destroyers

    23 Torpedo Boats

    35 Submersibles

    30 Gunboats


    Did you read all the information?; Yes, California


    Suggestions or feedback?; If more people join Mexico should be playable, because of the Zimmerman Telegram. Other than that none, but I'm sure I will have some once we begin things, but not yet. 


    12 hours ago, Dtrik said:

    Antiqua terrarum est!


    Discord Name;dtrik#2019


    Nation of Choice (and why?); Spain, feel like Spain was an important minor player in ww1 that was mismanaged becoming an almost 2nd world power, feeling the effects of puppeting by Germany after ww1.


    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers);

    In 1898, Spain suffered a humiliating military defeat at the hands of the United States, losing in the process its last overseas colonies, Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. Its imperial dream collapsed dramatically at the same time that its historic rivals, England and France, were consolidating or expanding their empires. From its once influential position in world affairs, it was relegated to minor player. Loss of influence was under way in the 18th century, but with its overseas empire still intact, Spain could still maintain the illusion of imperial power. That was dismantled during the chaos of the 19th century. In November 1905, some young army officers in Barcelona trashed the offices of the Catalan satirical weekly Cu-Cut and the daily La Veu de Catalunya (The Voice of Catalonia) for having ridiculed military honour and national unity. Emboldened by their success, they forced the resignation of the government, and succeeded, in March 1906, in having a law passed –the Ley de jurisdicciones (“The Law of Jurisdictions”)– that censored anti-military criticism on the grounds that it was unpatriotic. What this meant was that the army was now empowered to try civilians in military tribunals for whatever it considered offensive to its honour! In effect, this was a form of military censorship, as well as breeding ground for contempt for and superiority over civilian society. But there was another reason for this: alarm at France’s expansionist plans along North Africa. Between 1902 and 1912, a series of international conferences and treaties confirmed Spain control over a narrow, inhospitable slice of Northern Morocco, known as the Rif. It was perhaps the best Spain could hope for in the complicated manoeuvres between Britain and France. Britain didn’t want to share the control of the straits of Gibraltar with the French; Spain was far less of a threat. For Spain, however, that strip of land beyond Ceuta became a festering sore with tragic consequences later. But for the time being it left the country with its army busy, its pride intact and, equally important, prevented the French from gobbling up all of Morocco and controlling the far side of the straits of Gibraltar. Having both sides of the straits controlled by their old imperial rivals was enough to turn many Spaniards apoplectic.


    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party;
    Constitutional Monarchy
    Monarch: Alfonso XIII
    Prime Minister: Jose Canalejas y Mendez
    Parido Liberal-Fusionista (Liberal Party)
    -Ideology: Liberalism, Social Liberalism, Territorial Autonomism, Economic Liberalism
    -Position: Center to Center-Left, merger of Constitutional Party and Radical Party


    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?;

    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me);
    80,000 Soldiers, 24,000 Officers with 471 generals
    8 army corps, 16 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 7 cavalry brigades, 3 mountain brigades

    Dreadnought (2): Alfonso XIII(Espana Class), Jaime I
    Battleship (1): Pelayo
    Cruisers (11): Reina Regente, Estramandura. Rio de la Plata, 2 Cataluna class, Emperador Carlos V, Lepanto, Alfonso XIII, 3 Infanta Isabel Class
    Destroyers (11): 3 Bustamante Class, 4 Audaz Class
    Torpedo Boats(9): 7 Type 1 Vickers-Normand, 2 Hazor Class
    Gunboat (4): Recalde Class
    Torpedo Gunboats(8): 5 Temerario Class, 3 Dona Maria de Molina Class
    Large Gun Boats (3): Cartagena, Perla, Base Cortes Class Model


    Did you read all the information?;
    No, I live in California. (Yes I did bb)

    Suggestions or feedback?;
    I am going to flip Spain around from a sick man to the dig bick man.

    Both accepted!


    Nations taken so far;










    Would like more EUROPEANS please! Austria selection is a WIP

  24. 1 hour ago, Alfonso X el Sabio said:



    Discord Name; Fernandez #4727


    Nation of Choice (and why?); The Ottoman Empire, because middle eastern history interests me.


    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers);The Ottoman Empire has been in a gradual series of declination since the beginning of the 19th century. The Empire has lost all of its European Territories, as well as rich and vital lands in Africa through a long period of defeats in wars and rebellions. Severe mismanagement at the administrative level has also been responsible for a very high accumulation of debt, as well as poor tax collection, and a wide variety of ethnic differences has resulted in the Empire being at a poor situation relative to other powers, this is added to the fact that the Empire has not truly industrialized yet, with Agriculture still being one of the main industries of the Empire. Currently, the Empire is in what has been called as the Second Constitutionalist Era, where the Ottoman Constitution and Parliament reigns supreme, which means the power of the Sultan has been greatly reduced to simply being a figurehead, uniting the Empire with the peoples united faith in the Islam The countries military has not been in a particularly good position either, with the nation losing several humiliating wars to what was perceived as a weak Italy, further damaging Ottoman National Pride greatly. With a impoverished nation and a weak ruler, this has given the rise to several men who strive to manipulate Ottoman Politics and policy, which is evidently seen through the gradual rise in power that a small group of powerful individuals are experiencing currently, which later came to be known as the Three Pashas. There are calls for the Sultan, Mehmed, to resume absolute control over its nation, and lead it back to the glory days seen under legendary names and figures such as Suleiman the Magnificent, however, this may not be possible. Whether it is or inst, the eternal Empire must continue through the ages, as it has done for 800 years.


    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party; Parliamentary Monarchy, Mehmet V, CUP Leading Party


    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?; Not yet 


    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me); The effective 'peace' strength was estimated at 700,620 of which 583,200 were infantry 55,300 cavalry 54,720 artillery. There were 174 field and 22 mountain batteries. From that total active army (260,000) contained 320 battalions of infantry, 203 squadrons of cavalry and 248 (6 gun) batteries of artillery. The reserve, (120,000) contained 374 battalions of infantry and 666 supplemental and incomplete battalions and 48 squadrons of cavalry.




    Battleships (pre-Dreadnoughts): 4

    Battlecruisers: 1 

    Cruisers: 2

    Light cruisers: 1

    Destroyers: 8


    Did you read all the information?; Yes, Florida


    Suggestions or feedback?;


  25. 4 hours ago, UnusualBrit said:

    Reserved for the United Kingdom


    5 minutes ago, thesmellypocket said:

    Discord Name: Thesmellypocket no.3901


    Nation of Choice (and why?): United Kingdom. To build a new Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land!


    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers):


    The Liberal Party is in power with the help of the Irish Nationalists, having pushed for a number of Liberal reforms including a basic welfare state, they have now begun to out-pace Germany in the so-called naval arms race, ensuring British naval supremacy for at least the near future. However, Asquith suddenly resigned for undisclosed reasons, although it is speculated that he was caving into pressure from the incredibly popular David Lloyd George, a maverick working class Welshman with an active mind and a reputation as something of a rabble-rouser. The Welsh Wizard also gained credibility for his principled and early opposition to the Second Boer War.


    Now, the Liberal Party stands at a fork in the road. Demands for women's suffrage, the rise of the Labour Party, and the political fall-out from the Budget of 1909 could threaten Liberal dominance. It is therefore Lloyd George's job to steer Britain to stability and prosperity, uniting the country behind a popular set of policies and improving the quality of life in the country.


    Britain's industrial and naval dominance is threatened by emergent Great Powers such as Germany and the USA. Although Lloyd George is no Cecil Rhodes, with no desire to 'paint the map Red' any more than is necessary, he knows that maintaining the Empire and the Royal Navy make up the absolute bedrock of gaining public respect, and so that is what he shall attempt to do. Britain must modernise and keep pace, whilst shrewdly making the right calls at the international level in order to maintain what is her's.


    Britain maintains an highly-trained, well-equipped and professional army as a result of lessons learnt in the Second Boer War. Britain allocates more than double the yearly rounds for live fire training than any other country: 250 to Germany's 100, for example. This ensures a high standard of accuracy and quick fire with the Lee Enfield rifles.


    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party: Constitutional Monarchy under PM David Lloyd George of the Liberals.


    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?:  I would just request that I can start with DLG as Prime Minister of GB. In reality he was the most influential member of the Liberal government anyway. If I can't I will just edit my application to Asquith being PM.


    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me):  https://spartacus-educational.com/FWWnavy.htm This may be useful. https://spartacus-educational.com/FWWnavy.htm 


    By August 1914, Britain had 247,432 regular troops. About 120,000 of these were in the British Expeditionary Army and the rest were stationed abroad. There were soldiers in all Britain's overseas possessions except the white dominions of AustraliaNew Zealand and Canada. They also had available 224,223 reservists and 268,777 Territorials.




    Did you read all the information?: yes


    Suggestions or feedback?:  Nein

    Smelly you are accepted as U.K. Sorry Unusual, but he was the first to make an actual App. Feel free to apply as any other nation!

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