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Posts posted by GrimBeard

  1. 4 hours ago, SandergamerNL said:

    Afbeeldingsresultaat voor us 48 star flag

    Discord Name; U got it


    Nation of Choice (and why?); Federal Republic of the United States of America
    I don't know all that much about the US history from before ww1 so I'd like to sharpen my knowledge about the topic through this.


    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers); 
    When the United States rebelled against Britain in their war of independance, the British had seen them not as a nation, but as a 'nation'... Sadly for the Americans, this view stuck with most European powers. Even now, well over a century later, and despite growing stronger in power, fighting the British in 1812, their Mexican neighbours on various occasions and even their southern half in the middle of the last century, the USA wasn't seen as something serious. Most Europeans simply knew it as 'the place where farmland is pretty cheap'. Now though, with the American Manifest Destiny coming to a halt and seeking a new aim, the 'nation' was ready to prove itself to the world. They didn't want to meddle in the rising tensions in Europe, but if they had to, they'd be ready. They'd be ready to take on the world they started to feel. No longer did they wish to be a 'nation'. Their stand was steady, their divisions no more, their nation strengthened and rebuilt. The home of the free was ready to spread it's freedom to the rest of the world.


    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party; Mr. President, William H. Taft from the Republican Party


    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?; not rn


    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me); 153k active personnel
    Navy: 10 Dreadnoughts, 23 Pre-Dreadnoughts, 12 Armored Cruisers, 22 Protected Cruisers, 50 Destroyers, 23 Torpedo Boats, 18 Submarines.


    Did you read all the information?; yes. Montana


    Suggestions or feedback?; -



    1 hour ago, Krefarus said:






    You have it


    Nation of choice:

    German Empire


    Pre 1912 History:

    Pre ww1 Germany was a rising state. Consisting of 26 states and over 65,000,000 people by 1912. It had the third largest colonial empire & the second largest global economy, second to only the United States. It was an industrial, scientific, & technological giant. Its rapidly expanding railways and population fueled the growth of the strongest & most efficient land army in Europe. In less than a decade the German navy had grown to the second largest in the world. After the removal of Otto von bismarck as chancellor in 1980, the empire had embarked on Weltpolitik, an aggressive imperialist foreign policy that aimed to transform Germany into a truly global power.


    Government Type:

    Semi-constitutional monarchy // Wilhelm II


    Special Characters:

    not yet


    Relative army/navy statistics:

    found some pm’d


    22 minutes ago, Dex said:


    Qing China. China is in an interesting position where foreign powers must maintain their influence over China though the dynastic cycle is taking its toll on the Qing dynasty and foreign power in the empire.

    In 1850, the Taiping Rebellion broke out racking up a death-toll of 30 million people. As China was already heavily under foreign influence, the British and French further solidified their power in China by supporting the Qing government. In 1899, the Boxers attempted to seize power in China and remove foreign influence from the country. Many foreign powers fought against this rebellion to retain their influence. In 1912, Yuan Shikai was given power over the country as the emperor's power has waned.

    Officially; Absolute Monarchy Unofficially; Republic (Yuan Shikai)

    Likely a standing army of 200 000 with many soldiers in reserve. The Navy is highly out-dated. Negligible.



    All three of you are accepted! Welcome to the FRP



  2. political_world_map_1914_by_generalhelgh

    Et Novi Orbis Terrarum (1912)


    In Hindsight;




    Characteristic of the pre-1914 decades was what we would now call globalization. Trade may have risen from one thirtieth to one third of world production between 1800 and 1913; between 1855 and 1914 investment flows grew 20 times. Europe accounted for nearly two thirds of global trade and even more of global investment, and from the 1890s Europe’s major currencies were fixed in value in relation to each other under the international gold standard. Hundreds of thousands of foreign-born labourers worked in the heavy industries of French Lorraine and Germany’s Ruhr. The British writer Norman Angell in his 1909 best-seller, Europe’s Optical Illusion, maintained that war between advanced modern economies was now irrational. Yet British naval planners saw economic interdependence as making Germany more vulnerable, and the German General Staff considered war remained a viable option, at least if victory came quickly.




    A second 19th-century characteristic was democratization. By 1914 all the European Powers had elected lower houses of parliament, and a majority of the adult male population was enfranchised. The press was relatively free, and citizens could form parties and pressure groups. Nonetheless, in Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Russia ministers answered to monarchs rather than to a parliamentary majority, and the military chiefs were not subordinate to civilian statesmen. Moreover, as international tension mounted, public opinion polarized, more moderate and progressive tendencies being offset by nationalism and militarism. Europe’s socialist parties opposed wars of conquest and aggression but were willing to endorse a war fought for just cause and in self-defence, which in 1914 all the governments would claim to be fighting.



    Military Revolutions

    The 19th century had also witnessed a succession of military revolutions. At sea, steel had superseded wooden hulls and steam had superseded sail. HMS Dreadnought, launched by Britain in 1906 with turbine engines and 10 12-inch guns, made all existing battleships obsolete. On land, Prussia’s combination of universal liability to conscription, forward strategic planning by a General Staff, and railway-borne mobilization helped win the wars of German unification, and was widely emulated. Breech-loading cannon with rifled steel barrels replaced smooth-bore muzzle-loaders, and infantry rifles replaced muskets. Smokeless high explosive replaced powder in bullets and shells, and the modern field gun fired up to 20 rounds per minute. Yet although on balance these developments favored defenders over attackers, military planners concluded from the 1904-05 Russo-Japanese War that offensive tactics could still prevail, albeit at much higher cost than before.


    A balance of power?

    Peace therefore depended on more traditional devices such as the balance of power and deterrence. In the 1870s and 1880s the newly unified German Second Empire under the Chancellorship of Otto von Bismarck was not only the strongest Continental military power but also spun a web of alliances that left France – resentful of its defeat in 1870 – isolated. The Austro-German alliance of 1879 developed into the Triple Alliance (including Italy) in 1882, and Russia too concluded agreements with the German-led bloc. But after Wilhelm II became Emperor he allowed the connection with Russia to lapse, facilitating the formation in 1891-94 of a Franco-Russian alliance. Even so, for a time the two groupings balanced each other, and Russia and France were in rivalry not only with Germany but also (in Central Asia and in Africa) with Britain. So secure did Germany still feel that from 1898 it too challenged Britain through a major program of North Sea battleship building.


    The beginning of the 20th century

    After 1904-07, the line-up became more ominous. Russia was weakened for several years after its defeat by Japan. Germany tried but failed to form a German-Franco-Russian bloc excluding Britain. Instead the British compromised over their extra-European disputes with the French in the ‘Entente cordiale’ of 1904 and over those with the Russians in 1907, and began co-operating diplomatically with their former adversaries. In 1902 Italy had reached a separate understanding with France. Germany’s leaders protested that the Triple Entente ‘encircled’ them, while their one remaining reliable ally, Austria-Hungary, was a multi-national empire that was hobbled by inter-ethnic disputes and menaced by a growing confrontation with its neighbour, Serbia, which with Russian encouragement fomented separatism among Austria-Hungary’s South Slavs. After 1905 Europe experienced a succession of diplomatic crises that heightened antagonism between the two blocs. From 1912 the Anglo-German naval race lost impetus, as a land arms race between the Austro-German and Franco-Russian alliances superseded it. In retrospect it is easy to discern the warning signs. But at the time they were less evident, and as late as spring 1914 tensions seemed to be easing. The French Socialist leader, Jean Jaurès, believed the peaceful resolution of so many crises had bred a dangerous complacency. If you have read all this, congratulations! List a U.S state to answer if you have read all the information in Application area.. Nonetheless, a general war was not inevitable until deliberate decisions created it......




    It is the time before what people will call the War to end all wars. Europe is at the zenith of it’s true power. It’s colonies spread all across the globe. The United States at this time was seen as a child. It had no true impact on European affairs. Up until this year history as we know it has continued uninterrupted. But things are changing more rapidly than anyone knows.


    Leaders and government are becoming more prone to listen to outside elements. And slowly but surely history begins to alter. Things will not play exactly as they once had before. Anything is possible within the realm of realism. Will the Archduke actually be shot? What events will lead up to it. Perhaps the German plan changes, what if they had focused elsewhere? Events were so decisive in history that the world gradually fell into world war. 


    World War is almost certainly inevitable. But many various factors changed or removed could drastically alter how and where it was fought. It will be up to the players leading their nations to try to steer its course. One that may present a massive challenge. The various autocratic and democratic governments are pits of intrigue and politics.




    OOC ((Please Read the entire Thread. very useful information))

    This will be a slightly alternate history Forum thread focusing on the start date 1912. Everything up to this point has been the same as regular history. The governments, leaders, and people all exist and lead in the nations you pick. You can of course introduce your own characters and leaders. But they would have to make their way into power, against any ruling family or government.


    It will be up to you to decide what alliances and deals are forged. You most of course try to stay within the realm of reason. For instance the Germans and Austrians going to war, or British and Ottomans allying would be rather out of line. Of course you may try anything but the responses will be harsh. This FRp focuses on the question of just how a WW1 could be dictated. What if the British stayed out of the war? Or if the Germans did not invade through Belgium? What if France was the one starting the war. There are many questions it will be up to you to ask, and answer.


    Players will have the option to take control of the great powers at the time. Smaller nations and colonies are not open for application. It will be focused on a small ring of players making the choices that will dictate the world.

    Great Powers
    United Kingdom
    German Empire
    French Republic
    Austrian Empire
    United States
    Ottoman Empire


    Lesser Nations Potentially Applicable


    At the end of each post you will have an Actions section. Here you will outline the contents of your post into bite sized chunks I can then become aware of and react to. Detail what your nation has done for the time. Each turn is half a year.

    https://scottmanning.com/content/world-war-i-troop-statistics/ ((To give a view on how large each nation’s army is. It’ll be up to the player to find statistics on their army/navy starting size.))




    Discord Name;


    Nation of Choice (and why?);


    Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers);


    Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party;


    Any special characters you made and want to introduce?;


    Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me);


    Did you read all the information?;


    Suggestions or feedback?;


  3. Galloway-1308.jpg

    Eiru Commonwealth


    Pop; 2,120

    Ap; 19; 5 Base, 10 (2 Market Stacks), 3 Settlement, 1 Trade

    FS; 3k; (1 base, 1 Farmland Stack)

    Investments; Foundry (13/50)

    Army; 300 Militia, 1 Schooner


    Prince Donal and his retinue were easing into their roles of power. The committees were numerous but scattered. The true power was laying in the hands of a select few. An oligarchy if one was to label how their government worked. Donal, the general of the militia, and wealthy nobles/merchants called the shots. The entire population was under their thumb. None could leave or enter the city without their express permission. Money, resources, and land dictated who had a say in the commonwealth.


    With the discovery of other nearby colonies Irish doctrine increased in zealousness. They would completely isolate themselves in their city. No foreigners are allowed in, at all. Instead any wishing to trade or negotiate would have to meet Irish merchants on the beaches of the harbor. There they would see the imposing stone walls, and constant troop patrols. This is not because of any ill will though. The Irish saw past religion and race. Mainly because they were blinded by one thing, wealth. Anyone who would help them would soon earn a great friend. Plans begin for grander economic cooperation.


    Following all this new commotion is the Commonwealth's first expedition. 100 brave militiamen are pulled from the city garrison. It would be their mission to scout the immediate land bordering Dyflin. In teams of 25 they will look for resources and fertile grounds.  They will be the precursor to a soon to be civ settlement. (mod please)



     Recruiting Colonist (4 AP)


    Further work into Dyflin's foundry (15 AP) 28/50

  4. Galloway-1308.jpg

    Eiru Commonwealth


    Pop; 2,0000

    Ap; 18; 5 Base, 10 (2 Market Stacks), 3 Settlement

    FS; 3k; (1 base, 1 Farmland Stack)


    Former Prince of Tyrone Donal Mac Consaidin stood firm on the city ramparts. He looked inward, at the massive expanse of Jungle. His people had fled a starving and oppressed land. It's true he and his immediate kin were free. But they knew the English would come for them. As sure as they knew the sun would rise every morning. And so Donal and many like minded Irish aristocrats gathered what they could. And they departed in no loud manner. No, they fled. Their servants were left behind, to fend for themselves. The nobility and wealthy merchants were the only ones left. It was a nobleman's dream in a sense. But someone still had to clean the latrines.


    They had banded together, on what seemed the tip of a large continent. They had no idea where they were, but it was certainly not Ireland. Monkeys screamed in the trees, and swung around. At night in the early days settlers had hear strange growls. They didn't investigate. Instead they had a almost manic devotion to where they landed. It was situated in a bay, and free of the all encompassing jungle. They had cleared away the nearest woods, and used it to build. Eventually Dyflin as they came to call it grew. But they never pried further then Dyflin's permitter. They were all scared of the jungles, and had not a pike or musket between them. And so they became heavily entrenched. Great stone walls surrounded the town and it's natural harbor. They were built nearly three times as big as the town itself. They were planning on growth. 


    For now they were content to stay in their walls, and live. The Commonwealth was formed around this time. It was an association of purely aristocrats. The former Earl of Tyrone Donal would lead them. But their would be councils for every aspect of life, to ensure efficient governance. The town was very small, and control was complete. There would be no land grabbing or hoarding of resources. They would grow rich, but together......




    Recruiting 300 Brave militiamen (3 AP)


    Recruiting a Schooner (2 AP)


    Starting a Foundry (13 AP)


    The Commonwealth makes no moves outside it's territory. They remain zealously within their walls.




  5. Colony Name: Eriu Commonwealth


    Nation of Origin: Kingdom of Tyrone, Ireland


    CATHOLIC           ((But will trade with and love all!))


    Colony History: The flight of the Irish geese! English grip was tightening around the Irish provinces. And soon their tendrils would spread into what was left of a free Ireland. The princes of Tyrone and Kildare and many others had no desire to see this become their fate. Across the island the nobility and merchants of Ireland flee to a new life, a new world.




    Initial 200 AP investments: Stone walls around city (40) Building two market stacks (120) Mines (40)


    Unique Military Unit: Field Guns. Superior light canons, able to be strapped to horses and ran around the battlefield.


    Discord: Ugotit


    Suggestions: Have tribal players.

  6. Application:


    Province of choice: 6. Royal Highlands

    Governor (Their name, and a little personal history): Governor Iagani Banachus


    An old and grizzled man who has seen better times. His face is cragged and pock marked with years of different weather beating his face. In his youth he was far more handsome and energetic. He even left the highlands, something most clans tabooed. He traveled far and wide, at first nothing more then a wanderer. But as is prone to happen, the Legions needed more men. Discovering he held no job or position in a city, he was drafted. And for the next 20 years of his life he served the Legion and Empire directly. The common ranks loved him, the strangely named and accented man from the mountains. Many however ridiculed him for his obvious poverty and lineage. But he was a stubborn and prideful man. He got into many fights, sometimes with the wrong people. A Imperial Officer once was on the receiving end of his fist. The officer stood up, and praised him for his punch. And that was the start of his later life. Iagan was a wise man, and used his knowledge of the common ranks to help the officer rise in popularity and power. As well as serve as his bodyguard. As this man soared, Iagan’s health declined as age took its toll. Having more than served his time, he is released with full honors. He returns to the mountain clans, having only periodically been able to visit. With such history and influence on his back, he is elected to represent the council.

    Your Provincial Culture: The Royal Highlands are a place of solitude and stunning vistas. The province itself is quite large. It is filled with large mountains, and craggy valleys. The coast is one of sheer force. Waves hitting the large bluffs, shaping them to their will. One could wander and collect seashells or strange bits of colored glass for hours. Or stare at the stunning array of colors in the mountains. Some say the colors are rich veins of gems. Others that it is the sorcerers in the Academy, a by product.


    Life is simple in the hinterlands. Though covering a large tract of Imperial land and coast, the population is disproportionately small and poor. They stick together in extended families they like to call clans. They usually squabble amongst each other. Sometimes for matters of pride between one or the other happening by the moment. Sometimes for feuds that ran back into the darkest crevices of memory. But it was hardly blood soaked civil war. Most disputes could be settled with a good duel or athletic sport competition. When it did get bloody however, it was merciless. The Imperial Sorcerers and their retinues have had to get involved before- a tiresome distraction from their studies.


    But they were a proud and hospital people. Though they did not take well to outsiders. Even more than the damned clan who keeps stealing their cattle. And many didn’t bother to even come up. It was ironic, such a poor patchwork of families. Families who were living higher than any rich man in the Imperial plains. Families who lived amongst Sorcerers and Gemstones, and other undiscovered wonders.


    A taste of the ruling houses;


    House Banachus

    Over the years Iagani’s family was receiving special attention. They were proud to hear of the exploits of their son. One who was fighting and serving like a true Highlander. All this status and supposed loyalty made Imperial attention catch their eye. They lived in the town supporting the Academy, and were proud of it. They begin to receive Iagani’s excess money, and favors/jobs from the Sorcerers and Imperials. They were soon the Empire’s star family, when Iagani returned to them. Now they were the clan of unity, a blend of Highlander and Imperial ideas and culture. Iagani’s son and heir is a sorcerer in the academy.

    A Unique Military Unit for your Province (You should read the mechanics before you decide): “Mountainwatch” Usually the aristocratic sons of the ruling clans. They prove their courage and skill by joining the Mountainwatch bands. They typically were employed to watch the borders from outsiders, defend the passes, guard the coast, and hunt outlaws. They were large and fearsome men, preferring to use large axes and swords to shatter enemy formations. ((SUBJECT TO CHANGE))

  7. kingdom_of_sweden___coa_grunge_flag__152

    Yngling Dynasty


    King Dag and his retinue hung very close to the braziers in their tent. They have been freezing their balls off for two years now. And still the Norwegians remained hidden in the winter landscape. Many had loudly argued for a brave push. At the start of the year this was even a reality. But the Danes had left the Swedish advance, killing it. And now it was back to.. this. Some ungodly siege without the castles. Well Dag was having none of it. Even now a massive war fleet is assembling to carry the fight to the enemy.


    The war with Norway will continue as a seemingly endless grind. It was *** for tat engagements, with no decisive battle. But the Swedish/Danish alliance was resolute. They would dig their heels in, and keep building up. In other news more and more independent Swede's are exploring. They are setting off into the Baltic on personal missions of glory and wealth. Many stop by the new Longsword Company. They establish a friendly network. Eventually King Dag offers trade and protection of the island with his war fleets.


    Ap; 22


    Recruiting 2k Wolfskins; (12 AP)


    Recruiting transports (10 AP)

  8. vyntraskan_flag_by_ultimaweapon13-d6hni7

    Frontier Kolranate Affiliation


    Tamas sat alone in his small chambers, brooding. He was onboard one of Hephaestus's mass transit ships. A gritty little poster showed the first landing of Hades, with some mementos. How the times have changed so quickly. Tamas mused. Last year he was nothing but a student of the Emperor's psionic university. Sure he had some important lineage, but never gave it much thought. The irony was lost that his grandmother Bianka Klinghoffer had spent most of her life killing Han. And now he and a select few were being herded like cattle from their homes. The community was divided on what to do. The former Prime Minister was urging for peace. He had even convinced to have Tamas give a speech. A speech that was in mere minutes. Tamas was deeply troubled on what to do. If they listened to the Prime Minister they'd all end up some Federation's slave. He mused the Minister only asked him because of his family name. Tamas stood up, and went to the unit's tiny closet. In it were two outfits. One, the Utopian style Jinyiwei agent uniform. The other, the students robes he had worn at the university. He stood there staring for a few minutes, at war with himself.


    In a massive hangar he came to greet a portion of the population. Thousands of others were watching via High-Definition Hephaestus hologram recording. They could see this man in his strange robes walk onto the stage. He was tall and carried himself stiffly upright. Blazing purple eyes that ran through the family met any who stared. Yet he also looked like the young man in student robes he really was. The Prime Minister and his former cabinet applauded Tamas as he took to the podium. He seemed to ponder for a moment, then began;


    "People of Utopie, listen to what I have to say. I thank the Prime Minister for offering me this opportunity to speak. We are facing the hardest times yet to be known. And it will only get worse from here. We have lived quiet and fulfilled lives in our beloved Affiliation. We have contributed to an Empire in hopes of forming a greater bond across the galaxy. And now we are being transported to an unknown fate. By the very people who kicked us off."


    At this the Minister's face drops in surprise. He had thought the young student to be in his pocket. He made to gesture to some Shock Troops to cut if off. But other people from the crowd and Tamas's retinue in Jinyiwei robes intercepted. Many troops got strong psionic queries to remain still. Throughout all this the speech continued unabated.


    "F.E.Z is not the enemy however. We did not fall because of their wanton aggression. We fell because of our own weakness. Our government, our Prime Minister, have conspired to ship our wealth off to foreign powers. Quite literally. We had stake to a massive Imperial Fleet. It is now dust in space, and the Empire is dead. And we find ourselves stripped of all protection. That ended the moment me and my class mates have come home. We have been trained by the Han, and many are Psionic. But we are not like the Minister. We will not allow their meddling to infect our very way of life. And so I call upon you to follow me, and ensure a bright future for Utopie"


    The crowd is roaring their approval as the F.C.A's personal military finds themselves swarmed by the everyday citizens of Utopie. The students use their hard earned skills to subdue the crowd and halt any killing. They roam through the crowds, verbally and psionically calling for peace. After a few minutes the various crowds in their ships and military vessels retain order. The former government has been peacefully overthrown.


    But now the question came as to what to do next. The following months had been very uncertain times. Many had advocated joining the human federation. The humans were most vocal, and Tamas had even attended some meetings in the federation's government. But the Solarin snake and the human's being a minority led to them pulling out. And then one day an aide ran into the command hub of the provisional government. All speech halted as she blurted out "Tamas! You have an incoming hail from The Redon"




    Herr Tamas Klinghoffer surveyed the new world his people were laying claim to. It was massive, the only word able to describe it. Data showed it dwarfed old Earth by quite a margin. It even put Jatorak to shame. But sadly they were not to keep their lovely cities in the mountains. Instead it was a large continental world. It had a variety of biomes, some being very fertile. The settlers had established a makeshift city on a large island (almost a small continent) in the southern seas. The events following the Redon's message were all a blur. 


    Tamas and most of the alien community had responded with joy. They were the first to be offered a place amongst peers. They were not threatened to be forced vassals. It was an enormous honor from the Redon. They would become an official Kolranate in the Imperium. A duke was needed, and for many the obvious choice was Tamas. The Klinghoffer dynasty had always been a prominent family in Utopian politics. He was also a well trained Psionic, and educated. Duke Klinghoffer would be the ones to lead the survivors of Utopie to glory. Their new island city will of course be titled after it's name sake, Utopie.


    One day scans had picked up a massive fleet incoming. But it was not for war. It was a massive Redon logistics fleet. The promised aid to the new Duke to rebuild. It was the groundworks for all plans to come. The place where the Frontier Kolranate's Story truly begins........



    AP; 18 (250 Redon Investment)


    Investing into massive Agriculture growth. The tiered hills of the new island city will be lined with the former bounty of Utopie. (80 AP)


    Investment into business within the city. (75 AP)


    Building a Trade Station in space (10 AP)


    Funding the start of a SL 5 construction (42 AP)


    Brief investment into the cities new industry (25 AP)


    Founding the soon to be Psionic Academy (16 AP)


    Bonus 20 AP and GTC TAROT scans from last turn are used to scan new home world/surrounding systems. 




    Pledging support to the Redon crusade! The Utopian hospital ship will join the Redon war fleets going north. They will provide immediate medical aid to Lords and officers within the army in battles. A regimental band will also accompany the doctors to provide excellent music and morale!


    Sending a little fleet to peruse former Ka'cezh space for "treasure" (5 U-Boats, 1 Small Freighter)


    Making ready for the highly anticipated visit from The Redon.


    Important Surveying the records of the 4k Psionic graduates and roughly 6k draftees from the Imperial academy/Utopie Records for gifted members.





  9. kingdom_of_sweden___coa_grunge_flag__152

    Yngling Dynasty


    For two years now the various retinues of the north have been assembling in Sweden. The fight at Copenhagen had been a stunning success. The Wolfskins had performed admirably in the fight. The Norwegians of course fought with ferocity and valor. But in a last ditch effort they had tried to raze the city. It was in poor taste to King Dag and his lords. Something that troubled him. And then news of the battle of Ruthin had arrived. Dag showed the proper solemnity, but knew it was inconsequential. The Norwegians were just as hurt, and couldn't call banners as fast. So for now he was finally able to turn his attention to the true front. 


    Two years of massing had led to a proper Swedish war host. They had been hoarding wagons, and paying merchants to establish trade routes.The military camp resembled a small town. And a good train of followers accompanied them. A proper army needed it's servants, laundresses, blacksmiths, and a myriad of other non combative rolls. Their allies had arrived at the end of the year, and they were finally ready. The light cavalry and infantry are issued forth. They are to scout ahead and guard the main armies flanks. The proper column will head in a cautiously defensive formation, ready to guard the supply wagons. They will attempt to locate the Norwegian border army and force an engagement. The Swede's will attempt to do this maneuvering in the bottleneck between lake and sea. They will not as easily walk into a ambush, using their light units and cautiously advancing along main roads.


    The grand Reaver fleet will follow the armies progress on the coast. They will seek out the Norwegian navy, and use their numbers. Several Drakkar are tasked to head further out into the ocean. This would be a safe guard against any long ranged Norwegian fleet operations. Other movements are kept concealed, as Sweden rises to it's full military reach.


    Ap; 17


    Building one catapult, one ballistae unit (2 AP)


    Recruiting 1k bowmen (2 AP)


    Recruiting 1k Medium Infantry (4 AP)


    Recruiting 500 Hackapella (5 AP)


    Recruiting 2k Basic Infantry (4 AP)


    Research into Crossbows continues [6/15 RP]


  10. kingdom_of_sweden___coa_grunge_flag__152

    Yngling Dynasty


    King Dag sat in his throne room, enjoying a simple cup of mead. Even now his sons were marching to their potential deaths. Even now Norwegian's were using petty tactics. Burning what they could not have. But it showed how desperate they are. Dag would not ease the pressure. If anything it would now only increase. Across the realm thousands more are recruited. The Swedish coffers are deep. Are the Norwegians?


    Ap; 17


    Recruiting 2k Bowmen (4 AP)


    Recruiting 1k Medium Infantry (4 AP)


    Recruiting 500 Light Cavalry (4 AP)


    Recruiting 1k Light Infantry (3 AP)


    Recruiting 1k Basic Infantry (2 AP)

  11. flag-1.jpg

    Galactic Remnants


    AP; 64


    Constructing (40 AP)

    1 Heavy Cruiser  

    1 Carrier 

    1 Light Cruiser 

    3 Destroyers 

    2 Frigates 

    4 Corvettes 


    Building 500 Fighters (5 AP)


    SL2 on former USSR/Bhutan/Redon Colony Worlds (6 AP)


    SL1 on newest Redon Core world (4 AP)


    Building Colony Ship (4 AP)


    Building defenses on Bhutan (5 AP)


    Research continues into Deflectors (11/30 RP)




  12. Emerging news from House Saud.   JIHAD!!


    After several blistering orations, the near future was secured. Abdulaziz would not allow the Romans to continue their wanton abuse. He watched with hate as they purged Anatolia. But did nothing, thinking they would soon stop. But now it was quite evident they were on the complete offensive. And so Saudi Arabia officially announces a Jihad on any Roman armies invading Syria. They would not let the country fall to a non Middle Eastern nation.


    Immediately the Saudi Arabian Royal forces are mobilized. The 300,000 Romans would hopefully be a ponderous force. One not able of sailing across the dessert. The Saudis however were far better suited for this. The U.K and it's protectorates grant full military access. The Saudi Arabian air force, a few units of sterling U.S made jets and bombers make the first move. They will work in tandem with U.K air forces to harass ground forces and establish aerial superiority. The Saudi Commandos with their jeeps and submachine guns famously "Race from Riyadh." Accompanied by Saudi Arabia's tank company, and any mechanized or camel divisions it could whip up. Their supply lines would rely heavily on the U.K for now, speeding to reach Damascus before the Romans can.


    A Few Saudi Commandos make the daring mission to be parachuted by U.K planes into Anatolia. There they will go to ground, and try to contact rebel groups. They will begin to try and organize resistance, and secure smuggling routes. Of course if they do their job right no one will know. The total estimated force gunning for Damascus is; Saudi Commando Regiment, One Tank Company, three mechanized divisions, two cavalry.


    The rest of the army is mobilized into defensive positions. The reserves are called into active service. With the massive stockpiles of slightly outdated U.K/U.S the army would have more than enough to furnish this expansion.

  13. Saudi Arabia

    [A brief excerpt of affairs this year.]


    With the King sick not much was given over to written account. The Saudi government was very busy elsewhere. But a mandate of edicts roll out;


    The announcement of Saudi Arabia adopting the pan-arabain movement.


    Continuation of modrnization


    beginning to secure investment/market/bank transactions in fear of looming crash


    Urging rich foreign investors to use their influence at home to halt all this unprofitable mobilization.

  14. kingdom_of_sweden___coa_grunge_flag__152

    Yngling Dynasty


    King Dag Skilfingar of Gotland contemplated affairs on the stern of his ship. He was returning home from a long campaign in British isles. Those men were nothing like he and his ilk. Similar looking, maybe. But they were like milk, and fought as well as any cow. But they were rich, you had to give them that. That was why all that while ago the expeditions began anyway. But the time for that was over for now. King Dag had other concerns. Times were changing, just look at The Empire. Already cracks were showing, filling with venom as it rips further.


    The clans of Sweden were in a golden age. For decades they had kept to their small germanic colonies. But they were always distinctly different, being in their own land. More and more now they were reaching outward. Trade and expeditions to far away places were now tangible. Dag himself had contributed to many of the Kingdom's victories. He was renown for his utilization of ground forces. An oversight in some longship captain's minds. But his Wolfskins soon put down any doubts. They were fierce, and sometimes wild. But they fought bravely and were elite warriors. They surround themselves around the different jarls, offering service. And Dag's Hackapella were another force. Recruited from Finnish tribes mainly, they were expert light horse. It was they who raided the English so well.


    Upon returning to the capital, he was met with joy. Citizens lined the streets, and his Jarls and son welcome him home. They went in to the great hall, to make revel. After many tankards of mead, and may stories, the Jarls and King Dag settled down. It was evident he did not come back to Sweden just to party. Already his war-band captains were searching the land for recruits. It would seem things were not as cozy as desired. After fighting for years, Dag knew the quality of his men. They were brave, but the most basic of men. They had little armor, weaponry, or tactics. Something he had come to appreciate more and more. Funds from the English campaign would ensure the quick formation of his new War-Band model.


    Following this would begin the painfully slow expansion of Swedish ports. The merchant class there was relatively small, and not rich. The Jarls did not want to keep themselves sustained off raids. And so the capital's more wealthy lords will band together with the King. They will begin growing the capital's merchant class. One day they hope to make it a place of thriving business. 




    Population; 630,000


    12 Ap
    4 Base
    4 Capital
    3 Cities
    1 Population


    Recruiting 2k Bowmen (4 AP)


    Recruiting 500 Light Cavalry (4 AP)


    Recruiting 1000 Medium Infantry (4 AP)


    Rearranging troops across the Kingdom


    Forming soon to be Trade Pacts with Mercia, Leon, Denmark, and O'Neil


    Beginning to research crossbows (2/15 RP)





  15. flag-1.jpg

    Galactic Remnants


    Lord Artus from the northern marches of Ethos was drained. He and those of his band who survived were few. They rested now in Bhutan's former government buildings. A signal of the changes, and a defensible location. The fleet was faring little better. But they had all died glorious deaths in service to the King. It was never meant to go this far, but battles on paper always change. Now they were another world the be annexed, brought into the fold. And Artus was ready to hold it. Word had already come from King Skotov. He and his band were to remain in the capital. Artus would become Duke of the Thunder Dragon realm, a feudal province within the kingdom. It would be up to him and it's survivors to maintain the peace in the west.


    Back at home things were looking far brighter. The Redon families suffered in dignity, knowing it was not tragedy in vain. Already the bountiful harvest of the similar jungle world were arriving. King Skotov had achieved all his goals. The troublesome and upright Artus was now far away, in charge of some human peasants. Lord Vosof of the southern jungles was in line with the crown. And everyone else followed in behind one of the three. The Council of Lords was of course always a strong institution. But they more and more answered to the King. It was hard to deny his conquest and diplomacy had brought in massive wealth. The Galactic Remnants were now one of the most prosperous. All of this geared towards a more centralized entity.


    The Humans of the former USSR and Bhutan would be incorporated as peacefully as possible. People are allowed to keep their land, and way of life. They just now had to deal with aristocratic Redon settlers. They would form the new ruling caste of every conquered human world. The landed nobility, many having fought to earn the title. All this increase in wealth and centralization led to massive upcoming plans. The fleet would be rebuilt, and the Capital would become a beacon of learning. New fleets will rise every year. They will be flexible patrol fleets, to prowl the numerous Redon sectors.


    Ap 63 (5 more from Edonian loan)


    Constructing (40 AP)

    1 Heavy Cruiser  

    1 Carrier 

    1 Light Cruiser 

    3 Destroyers 

    2 Frigates 

    4 Corvettes 


    Building 100 Fighters (1 AP)


    Building a SL 1 in former USSR/Bhutan Capitals. (8 AP)


    Building Sl 1 in Redon Core World Colony (4 AP)


    Building two Large Freighters (16 AP)


    Another Colony is established in the Core worlds.


    Research continues into Deflectors (7/30 RP)



  16. flag-1.jpg

    Galactic Remnants


    2105 by the human calendar marked a year of celebration. For it marked a grand amount of cooperation. The United Eastern Nation's were equalist. They preached sharing their resources and technology for a common good. And it was already showing it's true value. Even now, a grand fleet was assembling. The Redons war fleet was the jewel of it. Led by Artus, King's Champion, Duelist, Lord of the Northern Plains of Ethos, and commander of the expedition. It would take a few weeks to assemble, but then they would set off.


    They would head west, going as fast as possible. The Redon expedition would make a brief stop at the Sarranid capital. There Artus would officially greet it's despot, and pledge UEN protection. After a feast, the expedition set off again with a few more ships. They were on a strict time table, and driven relentlessly by Artus. After around 10-12 weeks the war fleet would finally arrive in Ronin space prepared.....


    To buy some wonderful mercenaries! The Redons had heard of their prowess even as far as the east. King Skotov himself made it clear Artus must employ some of the men. The deal was made with the government, and some lovely regiments are recruited. Their high tech outfitting made them very appealing in the years to come. Yet again however it was on a dense time table. Ronin ships would be waiting at a meeting point on the UEN path. They would deliver the mercenary force and resupply the fleet, taking payment in return. And then the UEN fleet heads for it's true purpose!


    King Skotov remains at home, to tend to the realm. The Edonians lived up to their promises made some years ago. The former capital and remaining population of the USSR is subjugated under the G.R. It will be an official military sector under Redon rule. A further colony will be furnished by the Edonians, to further the realms reach.


    Ap; 29


    Finishing the Redon's first University (20 AP)


    Hiring Ronin (3 AP)


    Building 1 Colony Ship (4 AP)


    Building 2 Corvettes (2 AP)


    Deflector tech (1 RP) [3/30]


    I will send you all my map updates soon, there's a few!

  17. 750px-Flag_of_Saudi_Arabia_(1938%E2%80%9

    Saudi Arabia


    Abdulaziz was dignified in his anger. He did not rage, did not weep, or turn his ire upon his own. No, he brooded. At his own feast, to honor the new education institute open to all, he was slighted. By radicals never the less, getting into an actual brawl over the Syrian matter. He fully supported his U.K allies, and did not wish to see a Middle East destabilized. And to fight in his own university was to not be forgotten. Belligerent nations like Iran were too arrogant in their independence. In fact Abdulaziz was led to believe it was them who started the whole fight. This would not be taken easily.


     In an act of loyalty, Abdulaziz calls upon the protectorates of the U.K to issue a pledge of unity with him. This would have two meanings. One that House Saud stood firm with the U.K. And two being the Middle East would not accept radicals to pop up nations across their territory. The Saudi aggression towards Iran was a byproduct of the growing distrust between client and free states.


    There was no intention for war however. Business would plow on as usual. To House Saud it was all just politics. The new heir was kept out of sight, quietly being trained and housed. For now Abdulaziz would wait for the bad feeling to pass over. The Oil Export company consumed most of his interest. With the domestic and military sectors on a steady path, they needed less direct control. Now foreign policy was coming more into play. The new Riyadh Export Co. would being it's policy. They would make a standardized measurement system for the amount of oil they were producing. Each barrel will be measured, and it's value assessed.  On the global market Saudi Arabia will finally now offer lucrative deals on barrels of oil. They await to see if any nations take interest.



    Pledge of Middle Eastern Unity.


    Riyadh Export Co. enters the market.


    Minor Actions


    Work continues in deal with U.S to build Jet and Tank units for House Saud. Training men for the vehicles also ramps up. With the amount of oil made available and U.S/U.K mechanics the men can train almost around the clock.


    Highway/Riyadh modernization under full steam.


    The efficient cogs of government turn to  focusing on smaller towns to foster growth and trade within Saudi's own people/business.


    Bank of Riyadh begins giving loans for people to get cars and houses in the capital.


    Recruiting 15k of the best of the reserves to enter regular service. (Totaling to 70k men under arms.)


    Outfitting Saudi Commando Division with jeeps, and trucks to complement their American Thompsons. 



  18. Emergency broadcast from the former Utopie Government.


    "FEZ has opened it's gates and allowed the flood to roll through our once democratic nation. We have no wish to fight, no matter how bold a move it was. Instead we have negotiated what we can. Citizens of the Frontier Colony Affiliation, you are no longer bound to Utopie. It'll be up to your conquers to see what happens. We could not take everyone, so only the people and fleets of Utopie will leave. We know not where we shall go, but have high hopes. Another haven city will be made, far away from this central mess. May you have luck, and farewell. Our final action is to renounce the name of Utopie for our former capital. A true city will be built in distant lands."


    The allowed military/freighter fleets of Utopie and it's citizens migrate west with whatever dignity they can muster. FEZ assist the transport, and they begin to look for a new home. For now Utopie has almost no knowledge of the western reaches. So they stumble rather blindly, looking for a world that'll fit their mountainous way of life. The Kyber Kore graciously lends them a colony ship to get started. They would use any maps granted to chose a proper place.



    Ap; Bonus 20?

    Spent surveying western reaches/buying maps to find the ideal place to resettle [20 AP]

  19. flag-1.jpg

    Galactic Remnants


    The Redons were celebrating and with good reason. They and their allies had celebrated an outstanding victory. They were content to establish a casual dominance of the eastern reaches. Any lurking in the shadows were jealous of such splendid powers. Even now more members were filing in to the sessions of affairs. Most of this was a complex exchange of favors and deals. Several notable Redon lords had taken to championing the unionist cause with humans in a Federation. And it was already paying of....


    The Redon's newest and biggest ambition was underway. Their society was grouped around the dependance of all the Lords and great houses. They in turn depended on their subjects to maintain their desires. The fleet was the all consuming project. The Redon nobility was convinced it would be all the wealth they need. Indeed Skotov had secured several measures in the shadowy rooms of the galaxy. And so they would dedicate themselves to ships capable of fighting and traveling through the stars. The Dreadnought as the human allies like to call it will be built. It shall be the glorious flag ship of the ever growing fleet. From it the elite and nobility will command the entire star fleet.




    Ap; 49

    Building; Dreadnought (14), 2 Carriers (16), 1 Heavy Cruiser (8), 500 Fighters (5 AP), 2 Corvettes (2) [45 AP]

    Retrofitting current fleet with Edonian reactors. (4 AP)

  20. flag-1.jpg

    Galactic Remnants


    The United Eastern Nation's first raid had gone quite well. It was evident as soon as Lord Skotov and his retinue entered USSR space. The full Redon fleet had arrived, and made a spectacular show of it. The USSR had capitulated, somewhat irritably to the Edonians. But Skotov and the other lords were happy regardless. Their over all objective had been complete. They were to return home to Ethos for the remainder of the year. Th Edonians were left to do whatever they wished for the next couple of years in the former USSR.


    Otherwise things had remained rather quiet for the Redon Kingdom. Trade and contact had been established across the galaxy. Artus and his ilk were shocked to hear of the humans tragic tale. It was true they had just raided some. But that was their way of life. To fight and challenge others. These humans had simply entered their own arena. They said it themselves, their old world and galaxy is gone.


    Otherwise things are relatively quiet. The Redons seem to be idle after the brief affair. They had wanted a fight, and the opportunity to plunder. But Skotov was adament. Him and other lords had decided to join the humans in the Eastern faction. They would work with their partners for the best outcome. The navy as always continues production.


    AP; 41


     2 Battleships, 1 Support Carrier, 1 Light Cruiser, 100 Fighters, 1 assault ship (38 AP)


    Recruiting 3 units of Heavy Infantry (3 AP)


    2 RP from Edonians into preliminary deflector tech (2/30) 


    Establishing 2nd colony




  21. 750px-Flag_of_Saudi_Arabia_(1938%E2%80%9

    Saudi Arabia


    Abdulaziz and his court were flooding the palace. Hierarchal reforms had took place over the past year. The Saudi Commandos, an ever increasing Royal force, had kept careful eye on them all. Abdul had made his own observations, and knew what must be done. His immediate heir was revoked from all rights to the throne. He had already shown he was unable to keep up with the break neck Saudi policy. His brother, Faisal Abdulaziz Al Saud, would become the heir apparent. He was a fan of the modernization, and was zealous in it's policy. Enemies of him and Abdul within the family are swiftly stripped of land and rights. In their place more loyal and capable members of the Saud's are promoted.


    Life continues on as always in Saudi Arabia. The economy was booming. The Military was modernizing, and so was the infrastructure. It would keep on this way, the now efficient Saudi administration keeping a close eye on everything. The 400 Tanks are split into two groups. The 100 most modern and capable tanks are formed into an armored division. They will act in units of ten, and be used as separate armored unit. The other 300 will disperse throughout the infantry regiments, to act as support units.


    The Massive U.S investment into ARAMCO half a year ago was greatly desired. They were looking for a oil reserve just like the one currently being used. They would also hire even more Saudi/American workers. By now the industry had received massive investment, and was growing in unprecedented numbers. The Saudis were ready to start building a export company. It would be based in Riyadh, as they look for capable businessmen. 


    Abdulaziz would also take a historic move, and send invitations. He invited the various priest, tribal leaders, and influential people from across the Middle East. They would meet in the still building Riyadh University. It is there Abdulaziz would promise it's halls were open to any eastern country. The purpose was to feats and celebrate Saudi's growing power. They were almost all British protectorates, and were probably a bit jealous and scared. But the point was to show Saudi Arabia did not see sectarian lines. Any true muslim was allowed into their Kingdom, and would be feasted and celebrated.



    Naming New Heir


    Modernization Continues


    Forming Armored Division


    Oil Industry


    Middle East Feast!


    Minor Actions


    Forming first non-recon Aerial unit. Will be comprised of U.K and U.S modern models


    Saudi Commandos set to increase numbers to brigade strength (4k)


    Continuing to make Riyadh "jewel of the desert"



  22. flag-1.jpg

    Galactic Remnats


    Artus Romulani and his pack stalked through the shadows under the trees. Little sun ever reached this far down. For massive trees and their plumage blocked it out. These trees would put even the Redwoods of California to shame. But the Redons had not even the slightest clue what a Calirofnia Redwood was. They merely called these milky trees. They were treated with respect, many in Ethos even resided in them. For they lived on a massive Jungle world, it's roots going back millions of years. True there was fertile ground, and open plain as well. But by and large, and particularly amongst the equator, the Jungle dominated. And within it were all kinds of strange species. Spindly, multi-legged creatures flitted up and down the trees. Little flies showing various mixtures of light zoomed ahead. Birds of startling size made nest in the trees, tending to their eggs.


    And of course far more dangerous animals resided. Which was the purpose of Artus's hunting party. For a large feline had attacked a near by Redon village. They were under Skotov's protection. But Skotov was more Warlord then tribal chief, and had little care for them. And so it fell to duelist like Artus to uphold Redon honor. He and a few others of the Tribes held such an honored rank. It was part religious, part warrior. Duelist in the culture were expected to uphold their tribes honor. They would assist the elderly, farm, work, alongside dueling. And so with Skotov so unabashed at abandoning them, it was now up to the Duelist. 


    Artus himself was an immensely honorable Redon. His late father the Grand Artun Chief had fallen many years ago. But he had taught his son much, and ensured he was a candidate for the Duelist. They had lived in the more fertile northern grasslands. Their tribe was large, and hosted the massive Ship yards. Long ago before they could travel space, it was still an important region. It had merely grown into the power it has now, thanks to great men like Artun and Artus. He was young, and still a training Duelist. In the meantime his sister Duna acted as chief amongst the Ui Artunis as they called their tribe.


    Him and his weary band emerge at the village, Panther over Artus's back. By rights he will now skin it, and wear it's pelt for strength. He smiled as he remembered his initiation into Redonhood years ago. He was a lad filled with fire, and sought big. He had wrestled with a massive Python in the river, for hours. It had tried everything, be he was dogged. It could not escape or kill, and eventually dies. He now wore it's fangs as a necklace, and had fine snake skin trousers. After hearing such a distinguished Redon was here, Skotov had flown in from his Fortress.


    Where Artus was tall, light tones, and wiry, Skotov was small, dark, and swarthy. He was a violent man, but then again most Redons were. We suppose he was 'particularly' violent amongst the Tribes. And with good reason, as he had singlehandedly built a Redon army. For the various Tribes were more united now then they had ever been. If Skotov cared little for his people, and was brutal, he still answered to the Tribes. They had put him to good use, and now the army was under way. Skotov brought interesting news indeed.


    They had been picking up various communications over the Galaxy. Some were near them, and the Redon scientist were trying to gain contact. This was an underlying problem however. The Redons thought they were alone, and seldom went further then their outlying systems. But this changed everything. Furious council is held, as any incoming human trade deals are accepted.


    AP; 16 (4 Base, 9 Pop Bonus, 1 Industry, 2 Business) 


    Building a Colony Ship (4 AP)


    Building a Large Freighter (8 AP)


    Building 300 Fighters (3 AP)


    Building 1 Corvette (1 AP)




    Conservation Mentality




  23. vyntraskan_flag_by_ultimaweapon13-d6hni7

    Frontier Colony Affiliation


    Machinations were at work within the city of Utopie. Gears turned within gears and every politician had their opinions. But things were becoming more unified over the recent years. Utopie had reached it's true splendor, dominating it's various vassal sectors. The Barons were now a token of their former strength. Now they come to Utopie, and bicker just like the rest. Some great move was in the works, but it was not for Utopie to tell. Their people just knew vast undertakings were happening across the Empire. At home things were almost as always peaceful and good. 


    The city of Utopie was now quite a marvel, for various reasons. It had started in one valley, where the first settlers had originally landed. There Utopie and all it's ideals were born. Over the decades farms, mines, and towns filled the nearby valleys. Most followed Utopie's fashion and grew up instead of across. Space was very limited in the Alpine valleys and plateaus. All around them were massive mountains, riddled with Xylorite. So agriculture and flowers usually lined the outlying regions of any establishment. Then came the acres of farmland and tavern. And eventually a cluster, or in Utopie's case, a city, of massive skyscrapers dominated the valley.


    But Utopie had grown far more than any founder had thought. It had in an organic way merged with the neighboring valleys. Tunnels with transportation linked them, and building even grew into, and over, the mountains. The farmland was gone, but literally the entire rest of the fertile world was tended by scant few farmers and armies of agriculture bots. Now the city was various valleys all linked, with Utopie proper in the middle. Each valley had it's distinct "taste" or look. Some were populated by primarily Skeller, or humans, and so on. Others were melting pots. The Silver valley as it's lovingly called homes the Silver Knight's massive factory. It was the industrial heart of a now blossoming Utopie.


    The Shipyard would also undergo an upgrade. It had been doing it's part, but the time to expand was now. The Imperial Taxes had been agreed upon by votes. But with travel blocked, other factions got their say. A Utopie Home Force would be founded. They had for years paid the Han to do the fighting. But now they would begin to again field their own force within the Empire. The navy would be the priority as the Sl indicated.


    The 1st Fleet of Utopie would be something rather different however. It comprised mainly freighters. It's capital ship was the Hospital Ship. The very ship that had borne the original settlers to Jatorak. They had repurposed it to help heal the galaxy. Now it was ran efficiently by a team of doctors from various races. Many were from the east. They all watched with fear as the events played out around and with the Keerim. Million were dying, or wounded. And they were sick of it all. Many were given the chance to embark with the 1st Fleet. They would head out to eventually reach the Imperial Core of Yuguo. But they would travel through "Alien" lands first, offering their aid and calling others to help them with the massive amounts of dead, dying, sick, and wounded. The fleet will carry primarily doctors, nurses, and any trained workers they could afford to take from Utopie. 




    61 AP


    Upgrading to SL 5 in Utopie (20 AP)


    Work into researching a [T3] Duo-Infusion Xylorite Reactor for the navy (20 AP+10 Bonus AP for Nat. Idea)


    Building 5 U-Boats in Utopie (15 AP)


    Building Six Corvettes with the various Sl 2's across the Affiliation (6 AP)  


    Continuing Psionic Draft


    Crusade of the 1st Fleet (Mod Please)


    Utopie Urbanization, Pretty!






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