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Posts posted by GrimBeard

  1. *Walks into the Throne Room a couple of months after his last visit, and kneels to the king*

    "My lord, i have been told of promotion, a ceremony, before i left on my voyage, i have returned, to find no word of either of those two. I would like to know, has the promotion been swept from under my feet, or is it still coming my way? I will continue my long service in the knight hood, but i must know"

    *With that he go's to the side and hopes he is given a reply*

  2. *GrimBeard writes several notes, and gives them to his family, freinds, And superior....It reads*

    I don't have much time to write this, for my ship leaves very soon. I signed up for a voyage into unchartered lands, where i may be able to advance Oren's Intrest, or even just explore with the crew. I will be gone for several months, but i will return, that i promise.

    *Grimbeards seal is on it and he passes it to his squires to hand out to the destined man or women*

    Ooc: (I am going camping in the catskills fore 2 weeks, and i made this post so i don't alarm any one who cares that i am gone)

  3. Name (MC and RP): dirtryhary/Raz

    Race: GOBO!

    Preferred Weapon (If any): Bow/Mi Faeces

    Non-Combat Skills (If any): Mi Gud at Drinkin Ale,Pleasurin oder Gobo's

    Prefered rank: Cheif Pleasurer of the rank and file of the Gobos cuz mi gud at it, and mi Gurl

    Your most valued trait from list below:







    Justice against the metal men YUB Dos Skah'in Blobs

    Are you willing to take an Gobonic oath?: YUB Mi du anytin fer Latz

    Do you have a VA?: Nub

    Additional information: Mi Gobo dat pleasure Brudah Gobo's an dranks ale an sells Sugarrr

  4. *Ser GrimBeard SteelShanks walks into the throne room, and when it's his time he walks to the King and Kneels. he then says*

    "My Lord Godfrey after i kicked that that skeletons face in you said we would talk of My Knightly Rank, well i am here and ready to talk of it if it pleases you."

    *Rises and waits to see what his lord ship has to say*

  5. Iv'e been gone for a while, who is the king and the present canidates? Also hear me out, I have been through almost all of these polls and rebellilons and so forth. Stop bickering like fools and proclaiming who is to be king. There will be only a few ways, Polls, Blood Shed, or Higher up men than even Kings (Admins) Stop bickering and just vote and be done with it.

  6. My fellow companions and freinds, I have recently catched a new disease, named- well forget names! My hand wrting grows worse by the second! well i shall be ill for at least a month or two!


    In Highschool i got a horible report card, it sucks and i'm grounded ImpulseHQ is no knight commander followed up by Redskye and Jroy96

    see you all next semester!

  7. The next person to speak out against our lord enor, be reminded. Wer'e only human we have flaws, This man must have been harmed by the the in some way. Enor does all he can to improve oren, even if that means ruling with a iron fist, even though he does not. The Knight's will not be involved in this petty fued between peasents and others, but be warned. We protect oren and the throne, a threat against enor, and you will have the knights on your door step. and instead of pointing fingers and wiping yer arse, why don't you stop shouting and start helping. sugest a thing or two to enor, advise him, Don't shout threats against him!

  8. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: niv3330

    ( NOTE this is my second account but i'm handling it like im new, this is for when i dont want a huge burden of being a lord miltary leader etc.)

    -How old are you?: 14

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: eastern/ PA (pennsylvania)

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes, english is my first language, while in school i'm taking spanish

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I'm a hard working, chill kid that dosen't rage quit in 2 seconds. I'm a comunity player and Love improving the players game play.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I could probally go from 4-8 from monday to thrusday, maby even longer!

    -How long have you played Minecraft?: about a year now

    -What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?: yes Role playing is where you select a char and act like your'e him. you dont use emoted and such you folow the role of the server and then you on a smaller scale. I know much about rpin, for i play RS, WOW and many console rp games.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect this server to be the best server ever! and that it will be very fun and action packed!

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I play on a variety of raid servers, and one other rp server which is slowly growing

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes i completly agree with the rules and will uphold them.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Orc, dwarf, human, elf /ascended, undead/

    -How did you hear about us?: I heard about you through voting websites, and my first Acc

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Grimbeard


    -Character Name: Andrew_Hawkings

    -What is your Race?: Human, Southeron

    -Biography: Andrew Hawkings was a 5th child in a set of 8 children all told. The Hawkings family was a rural farm family, and they farmed and maintained wheat. The Hawkings lived right next to the noble city of Al'khazar, and traded at the city square. They were A lower middle class, and worked hard at what they had. Andrew Hawkings was big at a young age, but his father bigger. Andrew was constantly beat and tantalized by his siblings and father, for one reason. He was odd, He hated farming, was very socially akward, and never did much. after years of torture, he finally snaped. Instead of being a big oaf, he learned how to fight in the slums of Alk. he was around 14 when he killed his first man......His father. He killed him after his father Steve_Hawkings finally beat him to much. Andrew fled to Alk where he met a orc zorak'Gorkil. after years of theving they finally decided to go some where. They were living it large and still are.......

    -Character Age: Andrew just hit the age of twenty-nine and is still in his prime

    -Character Appearance: Andrew is vey big, almost 6"8! he has slabs of muscle but it very quick, he has a scar from a knife wound going from his left ear to his right eye. He's very hairy, and has oak like legs

    -Character Personality: Andrew is a pure hick and a hot headed one. He has the cunning of a hunter but his head interupts sometimes!

    -Your ambitions: Andrew want's to become a known and feared bandit, and will theive and pillage his way to the top

    -Can your character read or write?: Andrew can't read or write, becuase his Family couldn't affor schooling, and hell all they needed to do was farm!

    -Can your character mine?: Andrew can't mine for his life and is very clostophobic

    -Are you a capable builder?: Andrew can build a steady farm stead or house, but is no Alrasian Builder

    -Can you wield a sword?: Andrew can wield a short sword or knife with a deadly eficentcy, but a claymore or broad sword is not to good for him.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Andrew farmed but hardly did anything. he rather not farm, but he likes farming as a pass time,

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Andrew has one special skill, and that's his stunning abillity at knife play.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/the-lone-ranger/ ( can;t ss im sorry)

    -Other Information: This is my second acc, and im acting like im applying for my first time

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